Mulligans Long Journey To Badass

Winter said:
When you workout, your body produces more testosterone naturally, am I right? If that's the case and you're working legs, which is pretty much 50% of your body, your body will produce a large amount of testosterone. Testosterone + Workingout = more muscle mass/strength.

Am I right or am I crazy? :insane2:

just got around to muli's workout log btw nice work muli. your not crazy winter, well maybe u are but not in this case. It's known that more growth hormone is released during heavy training, heavy as opposed to lighter/high reps. Good luck mulli, getting strong i see. I'm hoping to start my log ( workout/and or cycle) in @ 2 wks.

135 X 10
155 X 10
185 X 5
135 X 10

Leg Ext's
70lb X 10
90lb X 6
125lb X 10
150lb X 10

Sitting Calve Raises
50lb X 25
70lb X 20
70lb X 25

Hamstring Curls
125lb X 6
125lb X 6
95lb X 15

Flat Bench
155 X 10
185 X 5
135 X 6
205 X 4
225 X 3
255 X 3
260 X 2
275 X 1 - Failed

Decline Bench
265 X 3
225 X 10

45lb X 10
70lb X 4

Tri Rope Pushdown Tri
150lb X 15
180lb X 6
110lb X 10
70lb X 20

Getting Did'nt Workout Last Week And Got Stronger On Bench
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