My afghanistan cycle

Back and bi`s:
BB rows (8x155)x3
lat pulldowns (8x250)x3
machine rows (220x8)x3
pull ups 10,12,10 b/w

incline DB curls(8x40)x3
seated DB hammers (8x40)x3
concentrated curls (8x40)x3

Pumped like a Motha F****r ,was intense and my focus on my workout is back and feeling solid on my liftings.
Back and bi`s:
BB rows (8x155)x3
lat pulldowns (8x250)x3
machine rows (220x8)x3
pull ups 10,12,10 b/w

incline DB curls(8x40)x3
seated DB hammers (8x40)x3
concentrated curls (8x40)x3

Pumped like a Motha F****r ,was intense and my focus on my workout is back and feeling solid on my liftings.

Looking good keep on bringing the strong workouts man! That will give huge growth!!
No lifting today just a good rest and move from my tent to a hard building YES!!!! now at the end of the tour hahahaha!!! well thats how it goes here. Tomorrow I will hit legs and abs...

Spear no joke I really looks like that when lifting, lol
No lifting today just a good rest and move from my tent to a hard building YES!!!! now at the end of the tour hahahaha!!! well thats how it goes here. Tomorrow I will hit legs and abs...

Spear no joke I really looks like that when lifting, lol

Way to slack off there PIK! LOL
We may need to teach you how to hold your eyeballs in place when you lift LOL
Legs and abs:
squats (10x135)(8x225)(8x275)(6x295)
legs extension(12x70)(8x130)x2(6x130)
calf raises(8x295)x3

weighted legs raises (8x15lbs)(8x20lbs)x2
weighted crunches (8x45)(8x80)8x100)x2
1 mile run

I pin(12) yesterday no other changes so far so good!!!!
Legs and abs:
squats (10x135)(8x225)(8x275)(6x295)
legs extension(12x70)(8x130)x2(6x130)
calf raises(8x295)x3

weighted legs raises (8x15lbs)(8x20lbs)x2
weighted crunches (8x45)(8x80)8x100)x2
1 mile run

I pin(12) yesterday no other changes so far so good!!!!

6 weeks on! Feeling strong?

Keep up the work!
Arnolds press (12x25)(8x50)(8x55)x2
seated side raises (12x20)(8x25)x3
seated rear laterals (12x10)(8x20)(8x25)x2
Over head press (12x45)(6x80)x3 try the 90lbs but shit I was tired after those 3 exercises
military press (FST-7) (10x95)x4(8x95)x3 this shit is insame holy fuck my shoulders hurt!!!! good smoke
BB shrugs (15x135)(8x315)x3
DB shrugs (8x90)x3

this FST-7 is the shit really get your muscles to a huge pump, really love it. I will add it every other week in my workout.