My afghanistan cycle

Chest day
bench press(15x135)(5x225)x5 not easy but I make it all the way
incline (5x185)x2 (5x195)x2 (5x205) really pump my chest up
reverse grip press (10x135)x3 2 seconds count going down one second count going up this shit hurts in a good way LOVE IT!!!
close grip (15x135)x2

Feel very strong even I`m done with d-bol, Tomorrow I`ll hit legs the same way heavy and short sets. eating has being getting easier in the last 2 days. Don`t feel too much bloat on my stomach so I eat with no problem.
By homework I mean gathered the necessary information for properly using anabolics, pct, diet etc.. You seem very informed which is not always the case.

OK thnx, I`ll be honest with you I learn the hard way few things but I got here and start asking stupids questions here and there and meeting people here that help me A LOT!!! I listen and research and when I can`t find something on my own I do ask again sometimes more than once to make sure I`m going in the right direction. I`m an Ology son,lol.
Thank you again it`s nice to heard I`m doing ok.:blue:
nothing better than putting up big boy weight and then when your done, you still feel like picking up a barbell and smacking somebody with that shit . Make those weights your bitch bro
Legs day
smith machine squats(15x135)(5x275)x4(5x305)
legs curl(10x120)x3
legs press (I don`t really know if put this numbres down cause they were way off for me NEVER HAD PASS 600LBS. LETS SAY AMAZING PUSH TODAY!!!!!)
standing calvs(12x295)(10x385)x2
legs extension (10x100)x2(10x110)

Everyday feel that my strenght is going up and my stamina even more. Great expectations to see final results.
nothing better than putting up big boy weight and then when your done, you still feel like picking up a barbell and smacking somebody with that shit . Make those weights your bitch bro

YEAH Bro!!! got to get close to this big guys here you know lol...Thnx man.
Legs day
smith machine squats(15x135)(5x275)x4(5x305)
legs curl(10x120)x3
legs press (I don`t really know if put this numbres down cause they were way off for me NEVER HAD PASS 600LBS. LETS SAY AMAZING PUSH TODAY!!!!!)
standing calvs(12x295)(10x385)x2
legs extension (10x100)x2(10x110)

Everyday feel that my strenght is going up and my stamina even more. Great expectations to see final results.

How was the hobbling the rest of the day?? LOL Be careful with the smith machine squats as you get heavier you start to rely on the vertical bar and your form for real squats can suffer. I tell people if you want to use smith for squats use low weight and go for reps 30-50.
How was the hobbling the rest of the day?? LOL Be careful with the smith machine squats as you get heavier you start to rely on the vertical bar and your form for real squats can suffer. I tell people if you want to use smith for squats use low weight and go for reps 30-50.

Got it G, I did smith but really want it to go to the BB alone but our small gym here get to crowed it sometimes so I use what is available. I will try to stick with that for next time. Thnx for the advice

Today was off day, gave a PT test to my troops, push the guys to the best they can. Lot of food today on my scheduled so it was a good rest day. Tomorrow bi`s and tri`s and looking to smoke my arms.

Pin(10) this morning pin me left delt and holy fuck I`m still sore...hopefully will be ok tomorrow
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Arms day
super set hammers and tris pulldowns(4 sets from 35,40,45 on curls and 6,8,9 plates on machine for pulldowns
DB preacher(10x35,40,45)
standing BB (10x70)(10x90)x2
reverse grip pulldowns(20x2,3,3 plates) super set with seated DB curls(15x25)x2(10x30)

Was very aggresive on the gym and very pissoff with everyone for no freacking reason. An another note CAN`T FUCKING WAIT TO GET BACK HOME!!! missing my Fam too gaddamm much... :(
Arms day
super set hammers and tris pulldowns(4 sets from 35,40,45 on curls and 6,8,9 plates on machine for pulldowns
DB preacher(10x35,40,45)
standing BB (10x70)(10x90)x2
reverse grip pulldowns(20x2,3,3 plates) super set with seated DB curls(15x25)x2(10x30)

Was very aggresive on the gym and very pissoff with everyone for no freacking reason. An another note CAN`T FUCKING WAIT TO GET BACK HOME!!! missing my Fam too gaddamm much... :(

Yeah i bet man. Take that aggression out in the gym. You will be home soon bro. I bet its driving you nuts
Yeah i bet man. Take that aggression out in the gym. You will be home soon bro. I bet its driving you nuts

Bro josh had no idea how fuck up is this shit man. I don`t see my kids in like 2 weeks in the net. I`m hitting the gym hard as I can and don`t think about it but sometimes is just to hard. Thank you brotha
Arms day
super set hammers and tris pulldowns(4 sets from 35,40,45 on curls and 6,8,9 plates on machine for pulldowns
DB preacher(10x35,40,45)
standing BB (10x70)(10x90)x2
reverse grip pulldowns(20x2,3,3 plates) super set with seated DB curls(15x25)x2(10x30)

Was very aggresive on the gym and very pissoff with everyone for no freacking reason. An another note CAN`T FUCKING WAIT TO GET BACK HOME!!! missing my Fam too gaddamm much... :(

Nothing wrong with taking it out on the weights!! Keep up the work!