My First Pics Criticism? 21 yr old. 6'2" 213lbs

Hey all, This is my second account here on ology, but I've only been on here for a few months.
20.5 years old
3 Mile Run 26 Minutes (treadmill)
Max Squat 345lbs (parallel to floor, no spotter)
Max Deadlift 455lbs (hex bar, belt, straps)
Max Bench 260-265lbs (no bouncing, but touching chest)
Bicep 15.9" (cold) 16.75" (pumped)
Top Of Theigh 27.5" (cold)
Calf 16.5" (cold)
From Middle Finger To Middle Finger (wingspan) 77"

Minimal 300g of protein a day, up to 375g.
5-7 small meals with a minimum 30g protein each meal up to 75g protein
Drink 1.5-2.0 gallons of water a day, (yes i count)
I don't drink or smoke at all.

4 Whey Protein shakes (GNC Pro Performance) mixed with water (40g protein each).
500 mg Prolab L-Glutamine
2 Servings Creatine (GNC)

I started training a little less than 2 years ago at 6'2" 155lbs. I have extremely long arms (comparable to someone whose 6'5-6'6") and a short torso which makes love handles more obvious. I'm just getting done bulking from 200lbs in November. My training intensity is the highest of anyone at the small gym I go to. I just started training abs last week for the first time, as I'm sure some of you will point out..I'm pretty sure my right bicep is bigger/better peak then my left....suggestions on that?

Hopefully that's all you need. Constructive criticism/questions only please! Thanks!
I look extra white because these pictures were taken today at like 1pm (outside).I thought I included it, but yeah I start tanning at mid-end of april...thnks
congrats on the gains. 155lb to 213lb is quite a jump and you look like that managed to keep your body fat fairly low. I'm with ya on the long arms thing, I'm 6'2" with 6'5" span as well. Keep at what you're doing and eat, stick to the big three.
Well, it doesn't appear that any body parts are out of proportion. You simply have to continue to add mass to your overall structure. It's a long process, but an enjoyable one. You just have to remain smart and consistent.
Aboot said:
Well, it doesn't appear that any body parts are out of proportion. You simply have to continue to add mass to your overall structure. It's a long process, but an enjoyable one. You just have to remain smart and consistent.

Ditto. I'd say hit a couple bulkers and add as much lean mass as possible.
Thanks for the input fellas. If you were going to give me an age or weight to start considering a cycle, what would that be? (I obviously haven't cycled in the past)
At this point, there is no need for you to jump into using steroids. You can still gain plenty naturally. You need to do so before you think about using AAS. Without a solid base, steroid use will not be worth it.
Aboot said:
At this point, there is no need for you to jump into using steroids. You can still gain plenty naturally. You need to do so before you think about using AAS. Without a solid base, steroid use will not be worth it.

Yeah, I wasn't planning on cycling soon but didn't know if a future prediction could've been made. I suppose when I do start to consider it, I'll ask then. -Thanks
your back shot looks like you have scolio you??

another year of your chemistry will do it for you!! calves are fucking stubborn..don't let it get you down...treat them bitches till they cramp then hit them again and again..god I hate calves :p
Hey, I've never had anything said to me about scoliosis. However, now that you mention it, I do see some curvature of my spine. Did back last night at the gym. I did deadlifts 425 x 9 and my lower back hurt really bad. It always does after deads...:S
keep eating, eat more! and stop eating shitty GNC protien. go with optimum whey, best for the money in my opinion. i would probobly stop running too, just do sprints or drag a weighted tire for cardio.

if you want to hear critiscm, your triceps are very small. mine are too though lol, so i train them 3x a week now, twice to failure and once just to get the blood you train abs?
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I just started training abs about a week ago. (I've trained them twice). I don't do cardio whatsoever. I just did that 3 mile run the other day, just to see how bad of shape I'm in.

I am friends with the manager of GNC and I get GNC producs for about 80% off, which is why I choose them...I also take 2 GNC multivitamins a day.
Lifting_To_Failure1 said:
Hey, I've never had anything said to me about scoliosis. However, now that you mention it, I do see some curvature of my spine. Did back last night at the gym. I did deadlifts 425 x 9 and my lower back hurt really bad. It always does after deads...:S

425 for 9? I'm gonna have to call bs on that one...