My progress since 9/1/10

Man, good progress but,

Should start focusing on bringing up your chest, change your training or something because I 100% guarantee if you fill out your chest your physique won't look weird.

other than that Gj.
That's the worst fucking diet I have ever seen. What the fuck r yogurt granola whatever bars??? To much garbage garbage in there. Eat some burgers and pizza and pancakes and a shit ton of red meat not fuckin ramen noodles and soda. Get that in Check and u will get better gains I promise.
got to agree about the diet dude. having said that - great progress! and i don't think your physique is that wierd - I think it's your posture and the pictures. Def workon the posture and getting some regular strait on photos.

Over all I say good work - I really think you would be AMAZED with your progress if you got a good diet. if you don't know where to turn to do that - look in M&F magazine - they always ahave a few diets. Seriously - I'm 51 and DIET helped me - so for you it would work wonders. It is a pain in the ass tho....

Props dude for your dedication!
Great work man. My advice to you about the diet is this. MEAT, MEAT, MEAT..its high in protein/calories and zero carbs. Its great that your getting the calories but you want to make sure its the RIGHT calories. I would suggest that you stock up on as much lunch meat & cheese as possible. Overall G"work though bro.
that's gotta be one of the worst diets i'v ever seen.

ever trained anything other than your arms?

you havent seen my diet and i just do legs. lol
see avi

Fucking genetics play more of a part than most people give them. its not an excuse, its a fact.

I eat far from perfect and at best, "glance" at my calories and macros.

I just try to get 200g's a protein a day, other than that, i dont care. im 38 and eat what i want.

squats, deads and test. fuck the rest.


Keep doing what your doing, try to clean it up a bit and do more compounds.

have fun!!!
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