National level Superheavyweight answers questions about doses.

What exactly will it do for you if you have just come off cycle? What are the known side effects and potential health issues? How does it work and is it cycled?
Thanks for taking your time to write that and I agree with much of what you said. Here's my question. How many bodybuilders do you know of that have died of insulin overdose?

1 BB'r personally, 2 BB'rs through other sources, 2 non-BB'rs personally, and numerous non-BB'rs through other sources (stories relayed to me from friends in the medical profession). Nationwide, I couldn't say how many people die each year due to insulin overdose, but I am sure the stats are available.

While the percentage of insulin using BB'rs who die due to overdose are low, we are quickly approaching a turning point in the world of BB'ing. In days past (the 90's) insulin was used primarily by either professsional BB'rs or national-level BB'rs...and by a much smaller number of people in general. Most of the guys back then took the time to educate themslves before jumping into the drug...and were well aware of its potential dangers.

However, just within the last few years...we have seen a huge surge in use by beginning and intermediate level BB'rs...many of whom are just kids. They are being taught that the dangers of insulin are severely over-exagerated (in some ways they were)...that you have to be a moron to kill yourself with insulin...that you have to try and kill yourself with insulin in ordee to die...and many other similar sentiments all implying the same thing, which is that insulin is a very safe, benign drug which is very unlikely to kill you no matter what you do. This may sound funny to some, but I assure you this belief system is being propogated all over the boards by ignorant people, who take the comments of the educated out of context, and in the process, encourage potential users to use irresponsibily.

As we see more and more people beginning to use the drug...and with the percentage of irresponsible, ambitious, uneducated, immature users growing by leaps and bounds, we are naturally going to start seeing more pepple running into problems. Even educated, responsible diabetics who have many years of experience with the drug and know how their bodies respond, occasionally die due to overdose. This is because an OD can take place even when the individual does everything right, as circumstances/situations can arise which are outside of the individual's control. If even these people can die in fairly large numbers in the U.S. every year, how much more likely are the uneducated, irresponsible, immature users likely to encounter problems?

The scary thing is that we have just recently starting to witness a rise in the number of users who belong to this demographic....and I bet the number of users who fit this bill will continue increase...perhaps as much as 10-fold between the mid-2000's and 2015. Insulin has lost its taboo...and everyone from 1st time cyclers to long-term competitive BB'rs are using it. So, while insulin is a fairly safe drug for the responsible, educated individual (although risk will always remain), it is not nearly as safe for those people on the other end of the spectrum.
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What exactly will it do for you if you have just come off cycle? What are the known side effects and potential health issues? How does it work and is it cycled?
You would be better of googleing it if you want to know all known side effects. GH can be used effectively without aas, but I'd recommend it be taken with them.
1 BB'r personally, 2 BB'rs through other sources, 2 non-BB'rs personally, and numerous non-BB'rs through other sources (stories relayed to me from friends in the medical profession). Nationwide, I couldn't say how many people die each year due to insulin overdose, but I am sure the stats are available.

While the percentage of insulin using BB'rs who die due to overdose are low, we are quickly approaching a turning point in the world of BB'ing. In days past (the 90's) insulin was used primarily by either professsional BB'rs or national-level BB'rs...and by a much smaller number of people in general. Most of the guys back then took the time to educate themslves before jumping into the drug...and were well aware of its potential dangers.

However, just within the last few years...we have seen a huge surge in use by beginning and intermediate level BB'rs...many of whom are just kids. They are being taught that the dangers of insulin are severely over-exagerated (in some ways they were)...that you have to be a moron to kill yourself with insulin...that you have to try and kill yourself with insulin in ordee to die...and many other similar sentiments all implying the same thing, which is that insulin is a very safe, benign drug which is very unlikely to kill you no matter what you do. This may sound funny to some, but I assure you this belief system is being propogated all over the boards by ignorant people, who take the comments of the educated out of context, and in the process, encourage potential users to use irresponsibily.

As we see more and more people beginning to use the drug...and with the percentage of irresponsible, ambitious, uneducated, immature users growing by leaps and bounds, we are naturally going to start seeing more pepple running into problems. Even educated, responsible diabetics who have many years of experience with the drug and know how their bodies respond, occasionally die due to overdose. This is because an OD can take place even when the individual does everything right, as circumstances/situations can arise which are outside of the individual's control. If even these people can die in fairly large numbers in the U.S. every year, how much more likely are the uneducated, irresponsible, immature users likely to encounter problems?

The scary thing is that we have just recently starting to witness a rise in the number of users who belong to this demographic....and I bet the number of users who fit this bill will continue increase...perhaps as much as 10-fold between the mid-2000's and 2015. Insulin has lost its taboo...and everyone from 1st time cyclers to long-term competitive BB'rs are using it. So, while insulin is a fairly safe drug for the responsible, educated individual (although risk will always remain), it is not nearly as safe for those people on the other end of the spectrum.

More people died from water overdose last year.

I personally would never recommend slin to anyone besides a toplevel competitor.
I am very seriously contemplating making the move to grow and compete at the top levels. What are some of the things you thought about before taking the leap to get where you're at now?
Big thanks for doing this thread PinnHead...almost like a "coaching" thread. very valuable

Question on GH, how many years attributing to AAS would someone need before they switched over and added the GH. Lets say im 245lb 12% and been juicing for 4 years...if you were me..would it be time to throw in some GH?

Also, the GH you get online, the Chinese crap...I have heard its about half as pure as pharm you believe that too?
You would be better of googleing it if you want to know all known side effects. GH can be used effectively without aas, but I'd recommend it be taken with them.

More people died from water overdose last year.

I personally would never recommend slin to anyone besides a toplevel competitor.

LOL...water overdose.

Like I have said many times before, I belive insulin is a fairly safe drug for educated BB'rs (most top-level competitors are), but this was besides the point. Rather, my original point was that there is no single dose of insulin we should define as the "killing point", as MANY poeple can die from far less than 200 IU.
LOL...water overdose.

Like I have said many times before, I belive insulin is a fairly safe drug for educated BB'rs (most top-level competitors are), but this was besides the point. Rather, my original point was that there is no single dose of insulin we should define as the "killing point", as MANY poeple can die from far less than 200 IU.

I agree with you on that one.
I am very seriously contemplating making the move to grow and compete at the top levels. What are some of the things you thought about before taking the leap to get where you're at now?

I never thought I'd compete at the National level. I was ecstatic when I got 2nd in a local contest. Are you competing now?
Big thanks for doing this thread PinnHead...almost like a "coaching" thread. very valuable

Question on GH, how many years attributing to AAS would someone need before they switched over and added the GH. Lets say im 245lb 12% and been juicing for 4 years...if you were me..would it be time to throw in some GH?

Also, the GH you get online, the Chinese crap...I have heard its about half as pure as pharm you believe that too?

GH really helps guys that are 40 and over because they produce very little gh naturally. I started using gh when I was 40 and it's helped me improve my physique without having to use extreme doses. Assuming you are in your 20's, you can make huge improvements and grow for many years to come without the use of gh.

As far as the "Chinese crap" it's what I use. I use blacktops or rips. I know for a fact that one of the top 3 Mr.Olympia contestants use riptropins at 20iu per day. Serum tests don't lie and I've done many on blacktops and rips, and have also done one on Serostim and all three scores were similar. I would never ever trust a plain top generic gh.
I have my first competition this Saturday. I'm hooked. It has been grueling, but well worth it. I love the feeling of accomplishment I've already gotten, and I haven't even stepped on stage yet.
You said you take 50 & 60 gram shakes and 100 gram sugar shake. These shakes made by doubling the amount or something you whip up? Is there a powder or shake that works best after a skin dose. Just curious to know what you take for shake supplements.
Awesome thread Pinn. Just wondering if it would even be worth taking growth when being "off" for someone who doesnt blast and cruise.

For example. After PCT, hop on growth for 3-4 months, then cycle again without gh.