Need suggestions for joint pains!!

as everyone said try some high doses of glucosimine & condroitin. Also try heating and cooling at night. This eases the nerves in the area releasing some tension.
Prana said:
Fyre, where can I get this stuff? GNC in LPMall? Do you know how much it costs? I'm having the same problems as Lil ss except shin splints as well :rolleyes:

I've not seen in in town to be honest with you hun. When I get my next batch of it, do you want me to order you some?
It's a fairly expensive product. It's about $50+ for a months supply. You can make your own stack that is similiar to elasti joint.Buy a
higher dosage glucosamine/chondroitin blend, get some msm and get some gelatin and voila, there you have elastijoint!
But, like I said, if you'd like me to pick you some up the next time I get my hands on it, I will or you can order straight from . A lot of stores don't stock it cuz it's quite an expensive product to stock. ;)
lil'shortstack said:
Oh god girl, I get the shin splints too....but I'm flat footed so it's to be expected.

Hey lil SS,
I have had the same problems for years: shin splints, swelling & tenderness in my knees & left shoulder, and I also have flat feet. About 2.5 yrs ago, I was into running, hardcore. This brought horrible shin splints and swollen knees. Even after icing, heating, and lots of naproxen, I still had pain. Finally came to the conculusion on each (at least for me?)"

Shin splints: flat feet does exacerbate this problem, but it is caused by the calves being stronger than the muscle running along your shin bone.(and I cannot remember the correct medical name for the muscle to save my life! :rolleyes: ) You have to strengthen this muscle: try tapping your toe back and forth for 30-45seconds, alternating feet until exhaustion.

Aching knees: of course, the glucosamine/chondroiton will always help. I had to ease up on the incline treadmill walks, maybe only once a week. I focused on getting cardio from alternate machines that were not so abrasive on the knees and didn't have so much impact IE elliptical trainer, stair master, or recumbant bike. The key was to keep my movements from forcing too much impact on the joints.

Hope this helps! -Mad