New Cycle, First Time Making A Log

I'm definitely like you, I can't wait to get back into the swing of things with dieting, training, and everything else...

On fitday I say that I'm "seated work, some movement", because I'm a full time college student and the majority of my day is spent either in class, studying, or on the computer... but I do spend a significant amount of time walking to and from classes

according to fitday I burn 4929 calories a day, 2455 from basal, 1485 from lifestyle, and 989 from activities (which include 40 minutes on the stationary bike, and an hour in the gym)

I have a hard time believing that I'm going to be running an 1,100 + calorie deficit, but we'll see how it goes... if the pounds start stripping off too fast, I'll make some minor adjustments, but I was maintaining well with 4,500 cals a day and slightly longer workouts, so I figure that cutting the calories, shortening the workouts and starting the cardio should show some significant changes

Gotcha.. I love fitday and recommend it to team members, friends, etc.. but one thing I've noticed is I think the numbers are a little on the high end...IMHO Meaning alot of thier preloaded foods are higher then actual numbers and the metabolic rates are usually higher then actually burned. So you may not be running as big of a deficit as you think. Either way, it's a great tool.. but knowing all your stats, workouts, etc. I'd willing to bet your more at a daily average output of around 4400 cal's... just my opinion though. With that said also remember that your running a good dose of gear which eliminates most of the worries about running to much deficit (loss of lbm). So now would be the time to cut and/or play with a larger deficit. I think 3800 is a great start. I don't think it's too low... you can reasses in a week or two and adjust there.
Gotcha.. I love fitday and recommend it to team members, friends, etc.. but one thing I've noticed is I think the numbers are a little on the high end...IMHO Meaning alot of thier preloaded foods are higher then actual numbers and the metabolic rates are usually higher then actually burned. So you may not be running as big of a deficit as you think. Either way, it's a great tool.. but knowing all your stats, workouts, etc. I'd willing to bet your more at a daily average output of around 4400 cal's... just my opinion though. With that said also remember that your running a good dose of gear which eliminates most of the worries about running to much deficit (loss of lbm). So now would be the time to cut and/or play with a larger deficit. I think 3800 is a great start. I don't think it's too low... you can reasses in a week or two and adjust there.

thanks for the advice... the only thing I'm worried about is losing too quickly... because I know that I can lose weight quickly and I am doing a pretty good amount of cardio right now (40 minutes ed is more than my body is used to for sure) but I think if I keep the protein high, I'll be able to cut down really nice for summer

you said team members??? can you elaborate, if not PM me
Day 77

75mcg Clen

40 minutes on the Stationary Bike on an empty stomach in the morning (12 miles total)


Squats 225/10, 315/10, 335/8, 355/6
Nautilus Leg Press 495 (full stack)/3x15
Leg Curls 190/12, 200/12, 210/10
Leg Extensions 260/12, 12, 10

45 Degree Calf Machine 450/4x20

*could have went heavier on the Squats but I hadn't squatted in over 2 weeks, so I thought it best to work with weight I knew I could move around confidently
*the Nautilus Leg Press while seemingly a chicks machine gave me an awesome pump and is now one of my new favorites

kcals: 3955
fat: 113 grams (27%)
carbs: 249 grams (24%)
protein: 466 grams (49%)
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thanks for the advice... the only thing I'm worried about is losing too quickly... because I know that I can lose weight quickly and I am doing a pretty good amount of cardio right now (40 minutes ed is more than my body is used to for sure) but I think if I keep the protein high, I'll be able to cut down really nice for summer

you said team members??? can you elaborate, if not PM me

You've got your shit together.. just listen to your body bro. You'll do fine. I wouldn't worry too much. Just me, but I prefer to lose it faster and spend the time after solidifying the lose and hardening up, etc.. The best time to experiment and/or branch out is while on gear..

MMA.. I train in Jiu Jitsu/wrestling and Mui Thai w/a regional fight club.
You've got your shit together.. just listen to your body bro. You'll do fine. I wouldn't worry too much. Just me, but I prefer to lose it faster and spend the time after solidifying the lose and hardening up, etc.. The best time to experiment and/or branch out is while on gear..

MMA.. I train in Jiu Jitsu/wrestling and Mui Thai w/a regional fight club.

thanks man... I started the cut at 249.5 (i lost the 3 lbs of water weight from the vacation in about a day) and I'm hoping not to lose more than 3 lbs a week... I figure that any more than that is just way too much

as for the hardening up, I'm going to start to run 50mg Winstrol (winny) ED in about a week, so I think that will take care of itself

as for the MMA thats awesome man, seems like a lot of bros on here are big into it... as for myself, I don't like getting hit... i'm just too pretty lol
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as for the MMA thats awesome man, seems like a lot of bros on here are big into it... as for myself, I don't like getting hit... i'm just too pretty lol

LOLz.. oh, I can relate :) I actually came in from a long time wrestling (collegiate) background and several years of Tae Kwon do (not full contact, more points and style).. I was just making the transition into Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and submission grappling.. I had no intention of getting hit. then a UFC vet opened an MMA center near by and he assured me he could turn me into a striker as well.. I over came the fear but it took time.. first couple times you get tagged by a vet and you start rethinking things "why the fuck am i here again???" :insane: :scratchhe :)'s a great sport though.. love it!!
Day 78

100mcg Clen


40 minutes of cardio on the Stationary Bike at the time of my normal training (12.2 miles)

kcals: 3663
fat: 114 grams (29%)
carbs: 150 grams (16%)
protein: 491 grams (55%)

*no post workout carbs at all, so that cut out a total of 100 grams of carbs today
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Day 79

100mcg Clen

40 minutes of cardio on the Stationary Bike in the morning on an empty stomach

Shoulders, Traps, Abs

DB Press 100's/8,7,7
One Arm Side Raises 45's/2x12, 50's/10
Smith Machine Upright Rows 135/12, 145/10, 145/9
Nautilus Shoulder Press 250/12,10,10
superset with
Nautilus Side Raises 130/3x12

Nautilus Ab Crunch 170/20, 190/20
Decline Ab Crunch bw/2x15

Barbell Shrugs 275/2x12, 315/2x12

300mg Sust injected into right quad... painless

kcals: 3705
fat: 99 grams (25%)
carbs: 212 grams (22%)
protein: 482 grams (53%)
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Day 80

100mcg Clen



Pull Ups 10,8,8
Smith Machine Bent Over Rows 225/15, 275/12, 275/12, 315/8
Lat Pull Down 200/10,9,8
Lying T-Bar Row 115/12,10,8

45 Degree Calf Machine 340/4x20 (very slow reps)

kcals: 3748
fat: 112 grams (27%)
carbs: 233 grams (24%)
protein: 453 grams (49%)

*went out last night and considered it to be my first cheat meal... 6 beers and a vodka collins and a slice of pepperoni pizza... the extra kcals, etc were NOT included in the above nutrient breakdown for the day
*and as a side note, I'm kinda pissed I chose that as my cheat meal cuz it wasn't very satisfying... I should have went with a Big Mac or something
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Day 81

100mcg Clen

40 minutes of Cardio in the morning on the Stationary Bike (12 miles)


Alternating DB Curls 55/10, 60/9, 65/7, 70/5
Preacher Curls 85/8,10,10,8
High Cable Curls 60/2x12

Tricep Pushdown 90/15, 100/12, 110/10, 120/8 (heavy stack)
Smith Machine CGBP 225/12, 245/8, 255/6
Machine Dips 250(full stack)/3x12

Nautilus Ab Crunch 150/3x20

kcals: 3816
fat: 107 grams (26%)
carbs: 215 grams (22%)
protein: 485 grams (52%)
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I wouldnt do such high reps on deads, 4 is the highest id go.

i understand where you're coming from, but I have been recovering well from a back injury working from higher to lower reps so I'm going to stick with it for now

but if I was back to serious power and strength training I don't think I would go any higher than 6
Day 82

100mcg Clen

40 minutes of cardio on the Stationary Bike for 40 minutes (12 miles)

Baseball Practice


300mg Sust injected into left quad

kcals: 3543
fat: 129 grams (33%)
carbs: 150 grams (16%)
protein: 439 grams (51%)

the first week went pretty well for the most part, didn't go off track at all on the diet except for my one cheat meal that I allotted for myself. I have definitely seen some leaning out that I'm really liking.

Next week I'm going to hit the cardio a little longer each morning 45 minutes, 6 days during the week. I'm also going to go further on cutting out the carbs and dropping the calories and the break down for the next week is going to be: 3,600kcals, 475 grams of protein, 200 grams of carbs, 90 grams of fat on training days.... and 3,400kcals, 475 grams of protein, 100-120 grams of carbs, and 100 grams of fat on non-training days. I'm also planning on bumping up the Clen to 125-150mcg/day.

so far so good, its actually kinda nice for once not worrying about PR's with my lifting and working more on getting a great pump and full muscles
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Day 83 - Day 8 of Cutting

weighed in at 248 exactly... 1.5 pounds down in a week

125mcg Clen

45 minutes of Cardio on the Stationary Bike (13.75 miles)


Incline Smith Machine 225/10, 255/8, 275/5, 205/10
Flat Bench 225/12, 245/10, 265/6
Cable Cross Overs 90/15, 90/12, 100/10, 100/9

Decline Crunch 3x20
Nautilus Ab Crunch 180/3x20

kcals: 3555
fat: 101 grams (26%)
carbs: 200 grams (21%)
protein: 466 grams (53%)
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Hey Bud;

Just read your log from start to finish- good progress. i am just finishing 2nd clen cycle (w cyto) trying to get down to 10% from 21% bf - seems to work but hate the shakes. Good luck on the cut - you're one strong mofo!

Hey Bud;

Just read your log from start to finish- good progress. i am just finishing 2nd clen cycle (w cyto) trying to get down to 10% from 21% bf - seems to work but hate the shakes. Good luck on the cut - you're one strong mofo!


thanks man... as far as the clen, i've never had too many problems with it, but yes it can be tough sometimes if you have a bad reaction to it... it feels like the shakes, etc will never go away

i wish the strength would stay up a little more when cutting, but I can already feel it diminishing slightly
thanks man... as far as the clen, i've never had too many problems with it, but yes it can be tough sometimes if you have a bad reaction to it... it feels like the shakes, etc will never go away

i wish the strength would stay up a little more when cutting, but I can already feel it diminishing slightly

Yeah it's a bummer when u feel you're not performing at your peak - try some really energetic music - and think of your avatar - that's quite a motivator! Don't know if I've seen another one that draw my eyes like that! and i've seen it about a hundred times on this site! Stay strong Bro!
Yeah it's a bummer when u feel you're not performing at your peak - try some really energetic music - and think of your avatar - that's quite a motivator! Don't know if I've seen another one that draw my eyes like that! and i've seen it about a hundred times on this site! Stay strong Bro!

the avatar is naomi russell, she has quite the ass

as far as the strength goes, the one rep max is staying strong, but the endurance is shot to shit already... i'm sure its a combination of AM cardio, reduced carbs, and reduced calories... all in the name of aesthetics
Day 84

150mcg Clen

45 minutes of Cardio on the Stationary Bike (~13.5 miles)


Single Leg Leg Press 2plates/12, 2+25/12, 2+35/12, 3/10, 3+25/12
superset w/
Stiff Leg DL 205/12, 225/12, 255/10, 255/10, 255/8

Leg Extension 290/12, 320/2x10
superset w/
Leg Curls 200/12,10,10

Nautilus Calf Press 300/350/400/450 (all to failure)

*hard to get really motivated to do heavy compound when cutting, but I did't do Squats today because I want to do DL's on Friday, and I can't do Squats and DL in the same week (aggravates my back and my muscles just get too sore)

kcals: 3624
fat: 115 grams (29%)
carbs: 186 grams (20%)
protein: 457 grams (51%)
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Day 85

150mcg Clen



300mg Sust injected into left glute... went really well

kcals: 3409
fat: 111 grams (30%)
carbs: 138 grams (16%)
protein: 454 grams (54%)

*no training to, so 60 less grams of carbs = about 200 less calories for the day
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