Pinnacle Labs SALE!!!! Mao Raws.....

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I'm getting my bloodwork done tomorrow with no gear in me. Then wed I start my Pinnacle cycle. Dbol, test c, and deca. I will be getting bloodwork done again in 3 weeks. I will post the results what ever they may be. But i am not worried one bit. I am on many other sites and I read everything that has the word pinn in it. And I cant find one thing outside of a little burn that would make me think anything but good about them. I do have the old batch so I am expecting the burn or pain of injection but not to worried I'm a far cry from a vagina..... the other "lab" as mentioned above burned me with underdosed gear twice. So the last year i have been shut down with no gains. Looking very forward to starting my pinnacle.
I'm getting my bloodwork done tomorrow with no gear in me. Then wed I start my Pinnacle cycle. Dbol, test c, and deca. I will be getting bloodwork done again in 3 weeks. I will post the results what ever they may be. But i am not worried one bit. I am on many other sites and I read everything that has the word pinn in it. And I cant find one thing outside of a little burn that would make me think anything but good about them. I do have the old batch so I am expecting the burn or pain of injection but not to worried I'm a far cry from a vagina..... the other "lab" as mentioned above burned me with underdosed gear twice. So the last year i have been shut down with no gains. Looking very forward to starting my pinnacle.

Test C and Deca, especially the deca, are longer esters!!!! Most people do not see the Test C or E really begin to do it's thing until week 4 and I feel at peak by week 8. If I were you, I would wait a little longer than 3 weeks to get bloods cause your levels will still be increasing at week 4 IMO!!!! This way you can get a TRUE reading!!! But still yet, at week 3 your levels will be up very very high!!!!
Well, Looks like the good times are over. Pacman said that the SALE ends tonight at 12am. However, I'm pretty sure from what I hear, nobody missed out!!!! Enjoy the new product!!!! I am!!!!
Hey Jstarks, I will wait till week 4 for the bloodwork. I want it to read right. If I would have done this with my z gear I would have know to trash it long before 10 weeks. by the way I did my first injection today and no burning or pain what so ever. I did 200mgs deca and 300mgs test and this was the old batch.
Hey Jstarks, I will wait till week 4 for the bloodwork. I want it to read right. If I would have done this with my z gear I would have know to trash it long before 10 weeks. by the way I did my first injection today and no burning or pain what so ever. I did 200mgs deca and 300mgs test and this was the old batch.

Well bro, As I have stated in MANY MANY other threads.... There were about 30-40 bros from what JB told me, that were on that old batch, there were 500 vials in that same batch, and out of 35 or so bros, 2 complaints were made directly to the site is what JB said, those two were from TRUSTED bros so........... IDK, but EVERYONE else said NO PIP and was fine. Even when Pinn pulled the stocks off the shelf and stopped selling the gear, There was one customer of theirs that said "Don't just trash that shit!!! How many do you guys have left over?" JB told him and I think it was something like 160 or something vials (or something, Honestly can't remember) and he bought EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!!!! Said nobody he has given them to has had a problem!!!!! IDK, I think what has happened is, there are different carriers and things etc.... that the chemist can use to suspend or convert these Hormones and I think maybe these two guys have adverse reactions to something used. There were other HE SAID SHE SAID PIP complaints but as far as what I'm being told, there were only 2 complaints to the site itself, which is where your problem gets solved anyway........ Not here on the forum!!!!!

No that this has been said!!!! PIP usually doesn't set in until 24hrs later, so don't count your chickens before the eggs are hatched but honestly, I don't see it being a problem. you might have some pain the next day but hell, when I get a flu vaccine I have PIP the next day a bit!!!!!!!!!
Ha ha ha ha!!!! GP!!!! LOL, that is some funny shit!!!! I used to buy from that FAMOUS place to get GP too!!!! FOR THE LONGEST TIME, I thought I was getting BOMB ass gear!!!!! Holy shit I can't imagine how much money was wasted with that lab!!!!! once you try QUALITY accurately dosed gear........ bro there is not comparison!!!!! The difference in taking 750-1500 a week to get where you need to go and taking 500-750 and blowing what you KNEW out of the park!!!!

sounds pretty fucking good to me dude. i got charged a lot of money for gp shit too.
sounds pretty fucking good to me dude. i got charged a lot of money for gp shit too.

Actually, the GP shit I was getting and where I was getting it from was pretty damn cheap!!! But if you put it mg per mg against the more expensive shit, it's actually MORE expensive. For example, if you pay 1 chicken for a vial of test and it gains you 2 pounds and you want to gain 10 lbs then it ends up costing you 5 chickens in total to gain 10lbs, or you can get ACCURATELY dosed shit that cost you 3 chickens for one vial which seems SOOOOOO much more expensive but off just that one 3 chicken worth vial you gain 11 pounds.............. So mathematically, you will keep more of your chickens and get more gains going with the HIGHER BUT...... cheaper route!!!!!!!!!!

And that aint no CHICKENSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
Alright Im new here so Im not even going to ask for a source yet, but this stuff sounds like what Ill be trying next. Just wondering about the prices on just like a test e deca cycle though? Never got anything online before. Thx
Damn, I had the code yesterday lost it already. Now it's off the site, feelsbadman. Can anyone give me the code, to show i'm not frauding it was a string of numbers started with a 24 i believe? Also, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is sold out :(
Also, was anyone able to find out about shipping to Canada?

get ripped: Just have one of your U.S. based bro's re-pack/ship to you... not too hard.

When coming back from a family home in Mexico I used to frequently pack the shit out of one of the girls cars (usually the smallest nerdiest looking one) and then ship off to some bros all over.
Hell yeah my order showed up today!! So far the fastest email response time and shipping I've had. Ha ha can't wait to get home and molest the bottles for a hour or two,my wife hates it when I get new shit in. Nothing like getting dirty looks from her when I talk dirty to my gear..
Hell yeah my order showed up today!! So far the fastest email response time and shipping I've had. Ha ha can't wait to get home and molest the bottles for a hour or two,my wife hates it when I get new shit in. Nothing like getting dirty looks from her when I talk dirty to my gear..

Aint that some funny shit!!! Ha ha ha, GEAR MOLESTER!!!!!
I just got my order. The guy you email always responds quick. Customer Service is off the charts. Took my 1st pin ever Wednesday.
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