SARMs Recommended Dosing?

whats up psizzle, i was thinking of Pm'ng you but i thought id post here first...
would love to get some info from you on this...
so I'm taking MK-2866/ostarine from sarmsserch also my wife and i r trying to have a baby so would MK-2866 in anyway cause any sort of problem?
we had a miscarriage last year so we r starting again and id hate to let anything get in way or less my chances of getting the wifey pregnant.
thanks in advance.
whats up psizzle, i was thinking of Pm'ng you but i thought id post here first...
would love to get some info from you on this...
so I'm taking MK-2866/ostarine from sarmsserch also my wife and i r trying to have a baby so would MK-2866 in anyway cause any sort of problem?
we had a miscarriage last year so we r starting again and id hate to let anything get in way or less my chances of getting the wifey pregnant.
thanks in advance.

I answered this in the other thread, but here is a great spot for it as well since it is a great question.

MK2688 (aka Osta) is only slightly suppressive and should not give you any problems with having a baby, provided you are otherwise healthy. If you (generic you - aka anyone, not personal you) have sperm issues or have any issues that cause you to be the weak link in baby making, I would stay away from anything that can even touch the HPTA axis at all, which is just about any PED (GW50 and AICAR are 100% non-suppressive, though).

So in short, you can run Osta at the recommended dosing and not have to worry about babymaking.
I answered this in the other thread, but here is a great spot for it as well since it is a great question.

MK2688 (aka Osta) is only slightly suppressive and should not give you any problems with having a baby, provided you are otherwise healthy. If you (generic you - aka anyone, not personal you) have sperm issues or have any issues that cause you to be the weak link in baby making, I would stay away from anything that can even touch the HPTA axis at all, which is just about any PED (GW50 and AICAR are 100% non-suppressive, though).

So in short, you can run Osta at the recommended dosing and not have to worry about babymaking.

Yeah i read that, i really appreciate you helpin me out brother :) thanks again
I ordered LGD and am wondering what I need to stack with it to make sure I stay healthy and what not. Can somebody help me out?

If you do not mind injections, stacking it with testosterone is a GREAT combo. It can certainly be run on its own, just make sure to do a PCT afterwards, just in case.