So YOU want to be a body Builder

The other question I would have is how much variety do you all have in your diet? It seems like with all the cooking and eating you guys do, there wouldn't be a whole lot of time for variation. That's the one thing I struggle with. I feel like I'm eating the same thing over and over and over again. That's one of the reasons I tend to "fall off the wagon" sometimes, so to speak.
I was considering holding out on this last meal I had but what the heck, have to show it all

I had sweet bread (organ meat)

blood sausage

cattle intestines

and beef ribs

all cooked over oak wood by the next door neighbor. he hooked me up with a huge plate and I devoured it!

I made a salad with olive oil, a bowl of pinto beans and about half a pound of peruvian cherries.

I won't eat again till I get home from the gym.

I eat a LOT but I am only 235ish. You guys that weight over 250 sure eat a shitload of food. I need to figure out a way to free up more time. Wife, baby, work, lifting, cooking, sleeping...... IDK how in the hell I could cook more and still have time to eat and shop for it. NICE WORK!!!!

Like I said full time job! I don't find it easy but after 20+ yrs its sort of second nature now! One thing I do that makes thing alot easier. Is I spend a considerable time one day a weeking bulk cooking. This way its always prepaired and as sinple as heating some thing up.

Let me ask you guys this. Whats your last meal of the day and when is it?

I always have a full meal of what ever I have prepaired right before bed! Example 7/8oz Chicken Breast 1 to 1 1/2cups rice and a big heap of what ever Veggis I have on hand! 32oz water or more! I won't sleep on an empty stomach! Not to mention I am not intrested in Fasting for 8 or 10 hours.

I am also a huge snacker! Some thing I've recently been doing. I get a 16oz tub of GREEK yogurt mix up the dried packets of salad dressing into it Ranch french oinion what ever you like! I use this for dipping my raw Baby carrots, Broccoli, Coliflower Bell peppers. What ever you choose makes great snakes and a little more Protien every dipping!
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My last meal is usually 8 oz of steak with either avocado or hummus. Then I usually eat some natural peanut butter and have a glass or two of milk before crashing.
The other question I would have is how much variety do you all have in your diet? It seems like with all the cooking and eating you guys do, there wouldn't be a whole lot of time for variation. That's the one thing I struggle with. I feel like I'm eating the same thing over and over and over again. That's one of the reasons I tend to "fall off the wagon" sometimes, so to speak.

It is rather mundane I will say! The hardest thing is figuring out a new way to cook the same old shit! I grill almost every thing. I also have a big ass Treager smoker! Num NUm Num. I'm always looking for a new idea! I would like to have 1 sigle picture of all the YARD BIRD I have eaten over the years. To be quite honest no matter what I do to it still taste like chicken!
I love how this thread went from wanting to be a bodybuilder to food envy. I think for my 2nd cycle I want to actually train like a bodybuilder for once instead of just moving more weight.

As Zeek Stated.

I wanted our new friends to have a visual as to what it reall takes. First and formost it starts with that picture! We all try to pound that in the new guys heads. I thought this aproach may help people see were not just talking out our asses!
Ahhh man I love my milk! Drink it before bed for the casein...usually do skim or 2% though...not THAT hardcore haha!

Why no milk for you?

Just don't like the taste! I'll use Cottage cheese for the Casein!

I would like to make note to the new guys! Since you all have been posting your last meals! Special note to Weight=Lifes meal as he is using 3J

What is the one common factor in every one of our bed time meals? FAT
Just don't like the taste! I'll use Cottage cheese for the Casein!

I would like to make note to the new guys! Since you all have been posting your last meals! Special note to Weight=Lifes meal as he is using 3J

What is the one common factor in every one of our bed time meals? FAT

Gotcha...yeah definitely love me some cottage cheese too!

Using 3J for my upcoming cycle starting Jan 9...can't wait!
Gotcha...yeah definitely love me some cottage cheese too!

Using 3J for my upcoming cycle starting Jan 9...can't wait!

Cool he works wonders!

Hey amazing transformation by the way keep up the great work!

I was hoping he will pop in here some time and add to the thread!
He's only 4'5" But He's really Broad

LOL I'm a towering 5ft 10

Well The Salad sounds Good LOL

Yeah, it's not for everyone. He makes an awesome kidney dish and occasional cow tongue too!

The thought of Eating Cow Butt holes is doing NOTHING for my appitite! I don't give a damn how big it will make me! I AINT DOING IT


The other question I would have is how much variety do you all have in your diet? It seems like with all the cooking and eating you guys do, there wouldn't be a whole lot of time for variation. That's the one thing I struggle with. I feel like I'm eating the same thing over and over and over again. That's one of the reasons I tend to "fall off the wagon" sometimes, so to speak.

I think I have a lot of variety in mine but I'm the exception.


But, what if I do it all for the ladies?

If you want women stay around 210-220 and ripped, that is the look they drool over.

So I finished the day with two more meals on top of the ones I mentioned.

My post work out meal- 1lb ground turkey mixed with beans into a ghetto chili. 1 large sweet potato. 2 tomatoes sliced with olive oil and pepper. had a protein drink while I was preparing this post work out.

My last meal about midnight was 6 egg white omelet with two yokes tossed in for flavor. A dirty brown rice with onions and peppers. 2 apples and several large spoon fulls of all natural peanut butter with 1/4 cup olive oil.

there were things like 12 g fish oil and vit C and a multi that I took along with this earlier.
I woke up to get the kids off to school a little before 7. By 7:30 I was eating a small NY strip steak with 6 whole eggs and a bowl of oatmeal, 2 oranges which were washed down with 3 glasses of milk.

Now I'm defrosting two pork chops to have for my 11:00 am meal which I'll eat with a big bowl of kidney beans, salad, brown rice and a most of a pineapple.

I'm off cycle atm so not eating as much as when I'm on. The only thing i am on right now is HGH at 4iu per day which I started on the 1st. Holding steady at 260 lbs.
So you think you ready? Have your Diet down! Have a fews year lifting under your belt? Looking to put a few Quality Pounds on this year? So your ready for AAS!!!!!! HERES where we are going to seperate the Men from the Boys!

I've noticed We have alot of new Members this time of year! Welcome to you all! WE all Hope you Stick around some will some won't!

Here's what I would like to share with you all. There are Multiple Equations to becoming a body builder! Food, Mental Capacity, Traing, suppliments and yes the all might AAS! approximately
1% of us will ever make money at this!

Not that thats bad! Cause that give us a goal!

But what I want to point out here to the New guys that we all WELCOME is what got me to 272lbs at age 44! FISH OIL!!!!! LOL just seeing if your paying attention!

Ok Heres The Damn Truth!!!!!!!!!! Anyone says any different the FLAT lying to u!

Are You ready? What's the secret CyCle?

Well I'm Going to tell U! Most people pay thousands for this information. Yes I'm Giving it to you for free!!!!!!!!!! Yes FREE the single most power word in advertising!

Is it what u think?

Here it is!

The Picture below is what it should look like whan you get home from the store!

AAS is only a tool to utilize food along with proper training! Unless your shopping cart look simular odds are your not ready for AAS

This is where Protien should come from NOT shakes!

So guess my point is this when your cart is half of that! You may be on the road to AAS!

I hope this gives you an example of what it takes! Trust me when I say this is the most important part of this game!

Thats only 1 part of the Macros as well but in IMO the most important!

So thats the Starting point!

Next I would recomend readying Every STICKY! They are at the top of every FORUM! You will gaIn a ton of knowledge there!

We All are here to help one an other! Those of us Elders enjoy helping newcomers! As well you can help your selve's buy the above examples!

I'd like to take this time to welcome all the Newbs!

Sorry for the Edit but I forgot to mention! Unless your a 140lb Ping pong Balls smashin stud (StrikerB) please ignore this post

:elephant: yummy. now lots of respect to you bro,thats how we all suppose to eat.
My friend just jumped on test and dbol not to long ago and he is not happy at all. gained 5 lbs in 4 weeks and strenght went up like 10 lbs on every lift.He is eating 2k calories a day if that, but when i ask him if he eat a lot he is tellin me he eats like a horse.I noticed ppl always say oh i eat enough but in reality they dont.he showed me his diet plan and i counted all the calories and he aint even breakin 2k. i was trying to tell him that juice isnt somethin magic but he dont understand. much respect:cum:
:elephant: yummy. now lots of respect to you bro,thats how we all suppose to eat.
My friend just jumped on test and dbol not to long ago and he is not happy at all. gained 5 lbs in 4 weeks and strenght went up like 10 lbs on every lift.He is eating 2k calories a day if that, but when i ask him if he eat a lot he is tellin me he eats like a horse.I noticed ppl always say oh i eat enough but in reality they dont.he showed me his diet plan and i counted all the calories and he aint even breakin 2k. i was trying to tell him that juice isnt somethin magic but he dont understand. much respect:cum:

Yeah man we see it every day here as well! That was the whole thought behind this thread! Its like fueling your car if the tank aint full you not gettin very far
exactly.and when ppl see a big ddue at the gym /every1 is like " juice head" i wonder what he takes, but no1 ever asks what he eats.I hate that.Its always the juice that gets the job done , not diet, ppl have it all twisted.