Spartan labs/GB cycle


Senior Member
I decided to put up a log for my current cycle. All products are Spartan labs and Gold Bull. I have already started and been on for a few weeks so I will really just be getting to the good part.

Test cyp-Gold Bull: 360mg a week
Tren Ace-Gold Bull: 400mg a week
PRIMO E-Spartan: 800mg a week (only one week on this)
After I stop the ace I will add npp or may run them together.

Cycle use for about 9 years.
Cycle length will be as long as I feel necesssary. And doses will change. Once tren is dropped, test will be increased.

Stats starting this cycle:

6 to 6'1(closer to 6'1)
10% BF -This is a guess but a good one.

Training will be high intensity, heavy weight, low reps. Heavy is basically heavy for me. Lol. Bench is my weak point. Training will be based around squats, deadlifts, bench and a couple things added to each of those.

Looking to remain lean, add a little weight, and strength. Yes I could just bulk and hold more weight but for my own reasons I prefer to stay lean at around 235.

I've used this lab multiple times before and everyone of the products have been excellent. This is my first time using their primo but I imagine it will be as good as the rest of the products.

Diet is around 4300 calories but this will increase as needed in aroun 5 meals a day. For the next month I'm also adding ostarine and GW501516. I'll try to update every few days or weekly. At this point I basically already know what to expect in terms of gains, the sarms and primo are new so I'll see what happens with these. Also using 3iu of gh a day (blue tops) and will add igf DES and lr3. I like to make slow steady gains. They are easier to keep and I'm not trying to be 250lbs but if I can gain while remaining lean then I guess we will see. Two times over the past year or two I have dropped some weight just to adjust my program and recomp.

I'll look at adding pictures as I go but most of my time here is on a phone and I'll have to find a way to cover identifying marks(sorry not looking to put identifiable pics on the net)
Can't wait to hear about that Primo! Is it 200mg/ml? That really is a very moderate cycle for a guy with your experience. Primo is the one thing that does need to be run at higher dosages and will still bring very little in the way of sides. Just wanted to point that out to any new guys checking this out.
Good deal user interested in the results your expecting with your current size . Good luck stay uninjured
Yup I'm keeping doses low for a while and this is an experiment to see how I can do with what I consider to be a very light cycle, especially light on the androgens. My last cycles ended with 1200 test, 750 deca, with a long test only run at 1000mg before this.

As a disclaimer, I'm not looking to be an example of proper cycling. At this point I'm looking to try different options to see if and how I respond. This is actually the lowest dosed cycle I've ran ever I'm guessing. But I wanted to keep androgens low for a while but things may change as they go.

I also want to make it clear that I did not pay for these products!!!!!!!!
I have used Spartan brand many times but if there is something I don't like I will be reporting that. These guys were generous enough to provide me with products to try.

ZEEK I thought I received 200mg/ml primo. But they did contact me and let me know it was 100mg/ml and they were waiting on new labels. 100mg/ml is not available to public but they gave me this from private selections so I will be adjusting dosing accordingly. I guess the 200mg product came with quite a bite.

I'll be out of the gym today, due to scheduling(today is typically leg day) so I'm going to either make up for it tomorrow or see if I can get in late tonight.

I think I'm going to move cals to 4500 starting today but I need to clean them up. I'm thinking I will need more cals using smaller doses but I am trying to keep bf low so I may increase for a week to see how I do. I'm not very heavy right now but will likely still need the cals if training heavy. If I start to add bf I will back them down just a little until they need to go up. (keep in mind most guys bulk on 5-7k cals).
I'm very interested in watching this as well! How long are you running the primo? With the primo being 100 mg/ml you are injecting over 13 ML of oil a week correct? Is there any negatives to this? I've just never put that much oil in my body before...

Also what are you expecting from the gw501516? I've been seeing this stuff but no journals or reviews so I don't even know what it exactly does. To me it seems like it just helps maintain muscle during a strong cutter. Well good luck bro can't wait to see how all this goes!!
Usually I take feedback one of two ways. If it is paid for I trust it and when it isn't I don't.

In your case I trust the feedback 110% because that is just the type of guy you are. I hope it is all good stuff because if it isn't I have a feeling we will quickly learn about it! :chainsaw:

I have not yet seen a single negative comment on either of the two labs you are running though so I expect you will love the results.

I'm glad to see you are taking the healthy road with cycling. I think you will still make good gains even if they are not as dramatic.

Did they ever come out with a test suspension? I remember some talk about that a while back
Well user gold bull had a hell of a deal. LOL so from your sig were in the same boat. But I'm using gold tren a and test e. Same difference. LOL I'm really interested how this is gonna go considering I'm going to be starting my cycle soon.
Hard2gain: I started a journal
In peptide section for the GW and the osta. If you need info on their uses I will post it there. Honestly I'm not worried about losing bf with it but ok if it happens, but will only be based on appearance, not tested. I'm hoping to increase HDL as it supposed to be good on lipids. Also I believe all the studies were based on Metabolism and slow twitch muscle fibers/endurance. I'm actually hoping it may help with endurance since this small dose of tren has hindered it which I don't remember being an issue in the past. Concerns I have seen are from people thinking it will increase slow twitch and decrease are hard earned fast twitch, but I don't think that's the case, I hope.

#1scrappa: I'm looking at throwing up a pic but I want to be very careful about pics being up. Many don't mind but I have personal reasons but I know a log doesn't mean much if you don't see a pic. I'm working on it. I post from my phone most of the time, my laptop is sitting next to me but I'm not sure what we have to fix identifiable markings on a pic because it's a really basic set up but I'll work on that. And as a last resort I'll email you a pic just cause you have been around a long time but please don't post that if I did. I'll try to get one up here to make it easy, then another closer to the end.

Honestly I don't feel very big. Long limbs look thinner to me. But enough excuses. I have seen pics of numba1 so he can ask for pics because he is in pretty good shape and a good sized guy.

ZEEK I feel the same as you and to be honest I usually don't read post from people who didn't pay for the products because they can have an agenda. Now I won't get more by saying it's the greatest in the world and I gained 48.22775329 lbs in 4 days. Lol but I will say I was willing to accept the products because I have used them and liked them prior to this(Spartan lab) and had a chance to be on the GB test long enough to know it's legit so I was comfortable with it. It's likely that I will soon be using only Spartan labs because I won't be able to get GB anymore.

ZEEK I appreciate your confidence and I will do my best to be unbiased with results. The thing is, we can't really say one is better than another. All I can say is it working or not and results are comparable to what I've had in the past, except on the primo, I'll be judging from this cycle alone. I have always been one to give credit when it's due. I've had a lot of good products from different labs and bad ones as well. In the past I have had blood work a few times on Spartan test and had good results so I'm expecting the same.

BIGHERM I think you will be very happy with those products. I'm actually disappointed that they will not be available here anymore. I've been on the test and tren long enough to know both are good and it was anotherbrand that's had good reviews but I'm assuming we are using the last of the stock. Looking at it, it's made well and not overly filled with solvent which I like, but is fine either way. I will try to have blood drawn for total test at some point.

ZEEK the suspension was from the labs they dropped but Spartan will be adding suspension soon because it was a big hit.

I appreciate all the feedback and I'm kinda just posting this so I have a record to look at and if it helps anyone else that's great. As a side note I want to mention that I was asked to be a rep by a couple different places, I declined because I didnt have experience with their products and couldn't back something I was unsure of. And I'm not a rep for anyone now just accepted a sponsorship. I'm also testing the SARMS from Osta so they were free as well. I'm putting this out in the open so no one thinks there is some other motive and just to be honest but my only intent is to see how all this works for me and if it's useful. This doesn't mean it will be something for everyone else.
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Sweet deal, thanks for logging :)

Some long posts there bro..take care of those wrists:)
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Ya good stuff bro. I also got some test c from Spartan to see how she is. They had a great sale and minimal order of 150
At this point, primo 400mg, test 210mg, tren 200mg. I think I made a mistake in the first post. I planned on tren being at 300mg a week but I may just stick to the 400 I posted. The point was to keep androgens low so i guess I'll be thinking this over some. (or I need to stop thinking about it and just go with it, lol)

Dosed 25mg of osta last night and just did another 25mg today. Nothing to report on this except it has a really strange taste and when it goes into your rats mouth it's really warm and burns a little, but once swallowed it's fine.

Heading to gym to train chest and possibly tri's.

I haven't checked weight and won't until maybe Sunday. I'm not going to stalk the scale hoping for little changes daily. I'd rather check weekly.
Trained chest and tri's tonight. Had a good night in the gym. Strength is up and right on track already a couple weeks in(3-4).

Not sure that I will update daily and bore everyone with mundane details.

DB incline 3 working sets up to 110.
BB flat. 3 working only up to 315
Dips/ body weight
DB flys

Close grip bench
Skull crushers
DB kickbacks.

Felt good but was in a hurry. Odd thing is I was tired at the end of this. Probably due to less time between sets. Also a little off on diet today so making some food to get some extra cals now.
Trained back and bi's tonight. I want to be on a different schedule of Sunday(legs), Monday(chest/Tri's), wed(Back/bi's) Friday(shoulders) but it hasn't been working out so I will fit in all of my days when I can for now. Training went well tonight. In and out in about 45 minutes. Cals are a little high today (closer to 5K) but energy is up.

Pull up - 3 sets
Rack pulls- 2 warm up 3 working
Tbar- 3 set
Cable rows- 2 sets

BB curls - 3x10
Preacher - 2 sets to failure

Also want to add, I had a ridiculous pump right from the start. Preachers to failure had skin stretched tight and felt like it was ready to tear.
I'll be out of the gym todaybecause of work schedule so I will get there tomorrow.

Today I took 25mg osta, 50 tren(big dose I know), and 200 primo. Appetite is good and can't wait to get in the gym tomorrow. So far I'm feeling pretty good with this, and I was originally nervous that I wouldn't get much off a low dosed cycle but the combination is working well so far. I'm not sure I have many big cycles left in me so I'm hoping to do well with this. With the primo added it puts the dose in the higher range but it's pretty mild.
Looking forward to seeing the results from a vet on here. Always get to read about the first cycles. But not often we get to see a seasoned vet share his experiences. Thanks user.