Starting over from scratch post surgery

don't worry bro, you'll be back in no time to how you were before with all your muscle and mass, Hmm I thought you were black looking at your avi LOL, hey you can write a book about everything you’ve been trough, don't sweat it, I’ve lost all my mass at one point than I got it back thank god,.
33 yrs old
195 lbs
bf: ? 10%ish

I haven't lifted weights since June 2010. Lost 10-15lbs of muscle by the time I had my surgery Aug 3 2010 to rebuild my neck from the ruptured disc C-5/C-6 with cadaver bone and titanium plate. Lost 30lbs in the first 30 days post surgery, all muscle atrophy. My right arm is my dominant arm and it was the pinched nerve so it's even worse off.
My weight stabilized at 195lbs now with no diet or weights, just some cardio here and there.
Anyway, I'm finally able to resume some moderate weight lifting:dance2:, and start slow. I am totally emaciated lol, none of my clothes fit because I was a natural 255-260 back in Jan 2010. I'm not looking to get "big" just add back 20-25lbs of muscle while keeping the body fat in check

On cruise now:
Test Cyp 200mg week
Deca 150mg week

Deciding on my next cycle soon. Hope to add HGH.

You can see in the pics not much muscle left. Pic of my right arm that had the nerve pinched off. Vascularity is still good, that is not pumped.

Come on muscle memory! Can't wait to have some after pics if I can avoid any more injuries.:dunno:

I have been following your injury thread. I am elated at your recovery. Keep us posted I subbed this thread.
Keep it updated. I am a big proponent of your recovery. How long you cruising? May I suggest a cycle with bone and collagen producing benefits? You need them both.
Also have some Ostarine coming my way.

100mcg CJC-1295
100mcg GHRP-2
2.5 IU rHGH

I am looking at SARMS for myself and will run a cycle here shortly so please keep us informed specifically how it helps.

There seems to be some confusion on Ostarine and I cannot tell if it is S-4 or MK-2866. Do you know?

My feeling is that the peptides will give you all the GH you need for the overall body and I personally only use rHGH for site specific use. Not sure if wifey would be into injecting the back of your neck, lol.
Have you hit the gym yet? Are you able to push hard? Only reason I'm asking is because I had an injury a couple of months ago and got a small tear in my rotator cuff. I have been back in the gym for a month now and still can't push too hard and have been putting off the thought of doing a cycle till I'm 100%. Just was wondering if it's worth even starting a cycle if you can't push 110% in the gym? What are your thoughts on this.
I'm cruising indefinitely, and will blast here once I'm able to push myself in the gym. I was on cycle when the injury occurred, and not sure I will even come off because I want to stay on the deca also. BTW, this will be a longer journal than the typical 12-16 week cycle. I don't have the luxury of rushing this.

Please do make suggestions for a cycle! I know you are well researched on recovery. I like to keep my test low, to avoid estro issues which are a problem for me. I also have to use prami because even a modest dose(200-250mg week) of Deca messes with my prolactin levels. I never had that problem with Tren tho.

I've got loads of Test Cyp, Test Prop, Masteron, Primo, Deca, and Epistane on hand. Ordering some Var and 1-Test Cyp soon also. Also have some Ostarine coming my way.

Piling up some cash to get some HGH and eventually run the following protocol along with my blasting and cruising, but open to suggestions on this also (thanks to Shaptown for help on this already)
100mcg CJC-1295
100mcg GHRP-22.5 IU rHGH

100mcg CJC-1295
100mcg GHRP-2
100mcg IGF-1 LR3 (bilaterally)

Wait 5 minutes
400mcg MGF (bilaterally)
Wait 15 minutes
2.5IU rHGH
12IU Humalog
Wait 20 minutes
PWO Shake (90g carbs, 50g protein)

100mcg CJC-1295
100mcg GHRP-2

Why GHRP-2 instead of 6? Looking forward to your recovery. I'm not saying I know anything about this, but I've read threads before in the past I can't find now regarding deca/GH site injection to increase injury recovery
Honestly, I've never ran either GHRP-2 or 6, so I really don't know the difference, do you? From reading it seems GHRP-2 is the newer generation and some guys are saying it's the way to go.
Not exactly, I tried using the search functions and ran into "Dats" enourmous thread about peptides but its thick and hard to navigate, I did learn some from it though....Has taken me forever to find out how the stuff was administered lol. I'm personally interested in it for running it solo accompanied by other anabolic compounds (was thinking tren,prop,GHRP-6) but my searching for the difference between the two has been pretty inconclusive. Both have saturation rates of 100mcg thats about all I know which leads me to believe their pretty similiar.
The site injections was probably Irentat's journal, but he is doing his joints(ankles). I can't exactly inject my neck with all the nerves, veins, arteries etc, lol you know what I mean?
Yeah that name sounds farmiliar, but I see it on the board often. My bad bro I hadn't even considered the neck part lol, I was just eager to share the speculative site injection knowledge I had read about it
GHRP seems like a pretty cheap moderately less effective version of GH which is why I'm interested, and will be following this thread. You get it through a sponsor?
Not exactly, I tried using the search functions and ran into "Dats" enourmous thread about peptides but its thick and hard to navigate, I did learn some from it though....Has taken me forever to find out how the stuff was administered lol. I'm personally interested in it for running it solo accompanied by other anabolic compounds (was thinking tren,prop,GHRP-6) but my searching for the difference between the two has been pretty inconclusive. Both have saturation rates of 100mcg thats about all I know which leads me to believe their pretty similiar.

Yeah that name sounds farmiliar, but I see it on the board often. My bad bro I hadn't even considered the neck part lol, I was just eager to share the speculative site injection knowledge I had read about it
GHRP seems like a pretty cheap moderately less effective version of GH which is why I'm interested, and will be following this thread. You get it through a sponsor?

Agreed Dat's original thread was pretty tough to figure out. In the end, he opened up his own forum and moved over there. From the new forum is where I found out about 3rd generation peptides such as Ipamorelin and Mod GRF(1-29), both of which I use together now.

The injection of GH into the neck was a BAD joke, sorry about that. I would never advise it. Ankles, knees, wrists, fingers, even hips are easy to hit for site injections.
Hey u big Badmofo! Glad to see u are getting back in the gym. i think you are doing it right to keep with the simple isolated movements first. You might also try broom stick twists, good mornings and military press. Seems wimpy with the stick but it's great for getting the mobility and range of motion back. Take it slow and you will do great. BTW - apart from the pasty white tan... your pics look great - you lost some muscle but are hella lean and have great structure so you will come back into it even better 12 months from now.

i'll be really interested to see your peptide cycle, I'm jumping in too with CJC, MGH, GH and ghrp. Big $$$ there but at my age, it's worth a try! LOL You being a young buck should do very well by that!

Props for the great attitude and getting your a$$ into the gym instead of sitting on the sofa and eating bonbons!
But, but,'re not black?


Good luck with the come back! Seems like it's always a long road. The deca is a mixed blessing for recovery, IMO. I use it for knee joint pain relief and it is effective, but it comes with sides that I really don't like long term. Mainly, it kills my cardio and endurance capacity. Not as bad as tren, but still has an impact. I've found my effective dose is 300mg EW. I can't go as low as 200mg -- it just doesn't give me the relief.

I think the peptides are a good choice. I'm going to be running the same two Irentat mentioned after my current cycle is done. They seem to be conducive to weight loss, healing, and growth and I think those would fit the bill nicely for you.
I know you were joking about neck injects. I'm still open to hear your suggestions tho on a cycle and peptide use.

My friend, Just about everyone here is more knowledgeable on AAS than I. However, I will give you my opinion based on my personal experiences and have researched:

GH peptides:
The Ipa/Mod GRF is the way to go since the sides are so minimal (if any at all). I especially like these two specific tides because they act to spike your GH production as is seen naturally. Sub q rHGH will not do this and releases over a period of 8+ hours. peptides spike your natural GH production and is done in less than 3. From my reading, Acromegaly seems to be caused by the continuous persistence of GH in blood serum not GH itself.

I have a bias towards legal stuff so that I know what I get, no UG. That along with not liking orals pretty much limits what I think can be used. Interesting how a lot of research parallels this.

Anyway, the big bone minteral density AAS research articles I see are written on: Oxandrolone, Nandrolone and Test. Anavar is expensive and an oral so I have not tried but looks cool. Thankfully Nandrolone is well researched in bone mineral density and proves useful. I like it because it acts on the DHN receptor so the bone is getting acted on by DHT (from the test we know we all need to take) and DHN.

My personal results: I have a cyst in my Talus the size of a fingernail, that is a BIG cyst. The talus is what your tib/fib sit on in your foot. A cyst is a capsule of liquid and indicates the bone is missing from that area. Anyway, after starting AAS, the MRI's show the bone is growing back in that area very well. Before my use of AAS, I could not confirm this was the case.

One more thing: Vitamin D deficiency is rampant in our society. I personally have been tested over the years and only after getting on 10K IU per day did I start having "normal" blood levels. I advise you look at where your at and take plenty of it.
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lol, I'm black on the inside bro. Good to know about the Deca. It hasn't hurt my cardio, but I am seeing great pumps and vascularity. Irentat has been a great resource/test subject for anabolic recovery etc.

Glad to hear your feeling better !


And don't worry about not being black, as long as your black on the inside you'll be AIIIGHT !! ..Lol

Oh & Pinga says Hi !
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This is my basic training split:
Day 1: Chest, front delts, triceps, outer forearms
Day 2: Back, side/rear delts, biceps, inner forearms
Day 3: Legs

sometimes I mixed up the order or the split, and I add rest days and cardio whenever. I've never really trained abs, but going to put some effort in that department now, adding them in whenever.

I haven't trained legs seriously since I was a teenager because they got too big to wear anything but baggy fit jeans. That is no longer the case, but I won't be squating (which was my bread and butter for them back in the day) anytime soon because the lower back has been tight and showing signs of wear. So, it's only been cardio for the legs. Walking around at 255lb probably helped keep them decent. Quads/hams are by far my best body parts genetically. Calves are mediocre for now.

Today was Day 1 chest etc. First day flat benching since June. Lifting my head slightly off the bench/legs out to avoid arching and straining my neck. Pyramid up to 225 x5 reps. Not great but at least I know my starting point. I was doing 315 for 6-8 reps before surgery, but that was at 230ish lbs. Benching is not my strong point anyway, nor am I a power lifter by any means. Wish I were, but my frame just in not cut out for it.

Oh you poor bastard - legs too big???? hahahaha Good to see you back in the gym - man - you don't waste anytime "easing" into it! 225? That's huge beast! I won't give advice 'cause you know what feels right , but that seems like a fast ramp up after surgery. Anyways - make sure you take some anti inflamatories if you feel sore after (like aleve or advil) - you don't want to piss off the muscles which have been enjoying time on the sofa for the last few weeks.

I assume you have days off between on your split? It looks good, but i'd go for a 4 day split even if it takes 10 days and do arms on their own day. How is your range of motion? Glad to see you are back at it! props dude.
That's cool mofo - sounds like you are doing it "smart" i know you are disappointed at your loss of mass, but damn - what you have looks good and toned - nice separation in the quads even now. and i totally agree about the rest - that is key and the hardest thing for me to do. i have to force myself to take 2 days off a week, cause i always feel better after a workout. but that's not necessarily the best fopr growth & recovery. i'm just addicted to the dopamine! LOL