Test E 12 Weeks 600mg


Started my cycle today.
weight 172
height 5.10
bf 10-15
Before pic 12/07/10

Update Week 6

1-12 600mg GP Test E
8.33mg of Aromasin ED

Week 13 Aromasin 12.5mg ED

Day 1-2 Clomid 200mg
Day 3-7 100mg
Then 100,,50,50
14-18 Nolvadex 40mg If needed.

8.33mg of Aromasin ED will adjust if necessary

Large bowl of whole oats with milk
4 whole eggs and 4 slice of wholegrain bread
Glass of milk

6oz chicken breast Salad Half a Red Onion
Glass of milk

6oz chicken breast 1 cups of brown rice and mixed salad some vegetables
Glass of milk

Pre workout
2 scoop reflex 120g
2 slice whole grain bread 4 slice of turkey some salad
2 Banana***8217;s

Post workout
2 scoop reflex 120g
4 Wheatabix
Bowl of Cornflakes

Last Meal
8oz Of rump steak some carrots and some fruit

calories 4,478
Protein 328.3
Carbs 227.2g
Fats 89
Drink around 3-4ltr of water.

Chest Triceps Monday
Wide Bench 5x6
Close Bench 5x6
Incline 5x5
flys 10x3
Db Press 10x5
French press 10x3
Dips 10x3
Press up 10x10
Triceps Pushdown 10x3

Legs Tuesday
Barbell Squat 5x5
Leg Extensions 10x3
Dumbbell step ups 10x3
Standing Barbell Calf Raise 10x3
DB Calf Raise 10x3
Lying Leg Curls10x3
Romanian Deadlift 10x3

Bicep Forearm Traps Wednesday
Curls 5x6
Preacher Curls 10x5
ez Curls 10x10
Wrist Curl 10x5 [Forarm]
Wrist Curl over Bench 10x5 [Forarm]
Barbell shrug 10x5
Db Shrug 10x5

Back Friday
Pullup 5x5
Chinup 5x5
V-Bar Pulldown 10x3
Reverse Grip Bent-Over Rows 5x5
One-Arm Dumbbell Row 10x3
Barbell Deadlift 3x5
Superman 10x3

Shoulders Abs Saturday
Side Raise 10x3
Barbell Press shoulder 5x3
Upright Barbell Row 10x3
Arnold Press 10x3
Front Raise 10x3

Hanging Crunch 10x3
Gorilla Chin Knees to bar 5x3
Cross body Crunch 10x3
Crunches 10x3
Oblique Crunch 10x3

Cardio 20min Cardio x3
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Week 2 feeling a little difference in workouts, more energy more endurance

Look a little more sculpted.
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Week 3

Energy levels are throw the roof.
Sex drive is up.
Going to be adding a Mass shake to my diet as my abs are become more clear by the day,
Plus i am always hungry.
I'm sorry, but your macros definitely do not add up to anywhere near 4500.

You sure you counting right?
Put everything up on fit day.

Then add 240g of reflex
Nutritional Info (100g/)
Calories 394 x2 =788
Protein 78
Carbohydrates 4
Fats 6.9

what brand gear are you running ?

GP Test E

Anyone know anything i can take to help with the joint pain ?
I have been taking Fish oil which i heard helps joints.
Wrists , knees and fingers feel like the have been fractured.
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Try a joint supplement from the drug store like flex-a-min or whatever with glucosamine chondroitin and has LOTS of vitamins included will help. You're pretty young to be beginning steroids but its too late now, no turning back. Keep that diet on point and if you want to lean out while building mass instead of getting fat, drop your carbohydrates to more like 150g and get the missing calories from extra protein (Lean "whole" source)and raw vegetables! EAT MORE VEGGIES, load up to like 300g carbs (with fruit, the bread and the rice) on ONLY the 4th day to shut off alarms telling your body its not getting sufficient nutrients.
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dont think your counting right bro
3J on the diet forum was happy with it and don't know anything better than fit day to check.
Try a joint supplement from the drug store like flex-a-min or whatever with glucosamine chondroitin and has LOTS of vitamins included will help. You're pretty young to be beginning steroids but its too late now, no turning back. Keep that diet on point and if you want to lean out while building mass instead of getting fat, drop your carbohydrates to more like 150g and get the missing calories from extra protein (Lean "whole" source)and raw vegetables! EAT MORE VEGGIES, load up to like 300g carbs (with fruit, the bread and the rice) on ONLY the 4th day to shut off alarms telling your body its not getting sufficient nutrients.

I was on the diet forum 3J said to drop 100carbs, which i done by taking out one of the cups of rice.
Workout days i will have 2 steaks after dinner.
Off days i will only have one.

Been eating a lot more fruit.
Not really a big fan of veg but been eating a lot of carrots, lettuce ,onions and potato's.

Funny thing is about a week after first shot been thinking i should have waited a few more years.
But just now i ain't working i have a full day to eat sleep train, then its off to the commandos.
Are you measuring your rice pre-cooked or cooked?

1 cup uncooked (becomes ~3.5 cups cooked) would be 684 calories but 1 cup cooked is only ~200

Sorry if that's obvious but just making sure
Hell yeah OP I am in for this. GP is a great product to choose from. You made a great choise....painless IMO
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Are you measuring your rice pre-cooked or cooked?

1 cup uncooked (becomes ~3.5 cups cooked) would be 684 calories but 1 cup cooked is only ~200

Sorry if that's obvious but just making sure
Its 1 tea cup uncooked.
Then what i do is scoop it up into the cup and make 2.5 little towers of rice with it.
Hell yeah OP I am in for this. GP is a great product to choose from. You made a great choise....painless IMO

At first it was pretty painful, but that because virgin muscle.
Now its a little sore nothing to bad tho.
Put everything up on fit day.

Then add 240g of reflex
Nutritional Info (100g/)
Calories 394 x2 =788
Protein 78
Carbohydrates 4
Fats 6.9

GP Test E

Anyone know anything i can take to help with the joint pain ?
I have been taking Fish oil which i heard helps joints.
Wrists , knees and fingers feel like the have been fractured.

I use fit day too - I love it, better then the other ones - its quite annoying at first - but once you enter in some customs foods u eat alot and your generally on a body building diet - its very easy to keep track of your macros,
Done a shot this morning went well.
Afterwards got really sore head body temp throw the roof.
Sweating like crazy.
Don't know if its test flu or just ill, family not been feeling that great either but i have been really bad.

Update starting to feel a little better, not sweating as much head doesn't feel like its going to explode.
Still don't feel right at all.
Also getting a strange feeling on under left pec, hard to say if its the nipple or just under it.
Every time i put my hand on the area to see where the felling is coming form all i can feel is my heart beat.
Going to up my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to 12.5mg see if this helps.
Diet has been non existent today.
Also had to miss workout.

Hopefully tomorrow will be able to get back on track.
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Last night was terrible.
Sweating like crazy.
Temperature was Very high.
Head was killing me.
Bad Fever.

Gf was considering calling me an ambulance i was that bad lol.

Feel a little better this morning.
Head still killing me and still have a fever but manageable.

I hope this is test flu so it will be gone in a few days.
Lookin' at that fitday diet, you're definitely gonna grow brotha! I'd lower the carbs about 100g though.

Try not to get more than 400 a day.

Also, I just got over my Test flu and it sucks! I still have the sniffles a little bit.

Hope everything is ok, man! Keep bustin your ass.
I would suggest not to use the aromasin unless needed, some guys don't need a Aromatase inhibitor (AI), some do. It will cut back on gains, but if you need it use it. At this point it's too early to tell....
Damn blaze! Thanks for the Fit Day post. Never seen that before and it will sure come in handy!
Its great website and its free.
You can also update your measurements,mood,weight gain and keep a journal.

Lookin' at that fitday diet, you're definitely gonna grow brotha! I'd lower the carbs about 100g though.

Try not to get more than 400 a day.

Also, I just got over my Test flu and it sucks! I still have the sniffles a little bit.

Hope everything is ok, man! Keep bustin your ass.
Feel a lot better this morning.
Just got a sore throat:nopity:
I have cut the carbs down to 400g.

I would suggest not to use the aromasin unless needed, some guys don't need a Aromatase inhibitor (AI), some do. It will cut back on gains, but if you need it use it. At this point it's too early to tell....

Well i did a good bit of research weather to take it at start of cycle just to be safe or wait until signs appear.
I already have quite puffy nipples because they are a funny shape, didn't want to risk this getting worse.

Feel a lot better this morning
Managing to eat without wanting to be sick or my head about to explode which is good.
Going to do chest and triceps.
Will update this Friday which is shot day with weight and maybe a pic on Thursday.
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1 Vial down 2 to go !

This is Week 4 nearly finished and got to say i am loving it now.

Everything is up !
Chest is visible bigger and more defined.
Triceps has started to form in the "Horseshoe"
Starting to see more visible abs despite the high calories.
Shoulder look a little bigger.
Legs have got a lot bigger especially on the outer thigh where i inject which is weird.

Still haven't checked my weight.

Only side effect to note is the feeling, day after injection which is getting a lot better.
Nips sometimes get a little hard, but makes my nips look normal.

Diet : Cant stop fucking eating. Which is a good.
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