Uncle Z. Best prices

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soma matters

Hey Fellas

Some issues to clear out:

-we shipped to Australia , NZ and few other difficult countries before with pretty good success rate , but recently it got worse (althouth still SC around 50%) - Can't offer resend policy of course

-Good point about getting our emails ,check all folders (we don't put titles , too busy :smash:)

-we reply to all emails every 24h - if u didn't get any replies , it means your inbox is full , addy incorrecnt or similar

-TA's stated at site are usual , remember that delays and mix ups always happen in this bizz , especially with our scale

-We're in industry for over 5 years and never screwed a single customer , so you're safe with us 100% (you can ask on any board)

Thanks for reading this and hopefully spreading word further

Have a great one
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