uncle z

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please relax we hade litle problem whit this butch, but this is not infection, now we have new one and all is ok

sorry for problem and painful btrothers


please relax we hade litle problem whit this butch, but this is not infection, now we have new one and all is ok

sorry for problem and painful btrothers


care to go into little more detail about the lil problem...we are injecting this into our bodies...i had to switch back to some bootleg ass bd because the pain is so bad i cant even sit or move whatever muscle i shoot into..check out my thread my arm went from hurt and swollen, to red and even bigger, to now a dark purple knot..and other people who bought at same time are having exact same probs...and my ass was injected 5 days ago and about two days after inject my ass is so soar i have to drive on a damn pillow and cant sit worth a fuck...not to mention the rest of my z line that i have for the rest of my cycle that i cant even use due to this?
:wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf:
and to top it off i had to order some damn keflex because i thought ur shit infected the hell out of me and pay out the damn ass to get it overnighted asap...then get it today and start taking it...only to find out its not infection but a fuck up on your end?
I don't know which products were effected, but my recent orders have been fine. Nothing outside of the ordinary. All I can say is I am sure that some people will be upset, I would be too if I was effected, but Z always seems to make things right. Considering the nature of the industry we are talking about here, I challenge people to find better customer service... No, it isn't always great, but try and beat it.
Ive used the test e in the past and never had any problem but i have some from around january that i havent used yet, i guess ill see in a few weeks.
well the batch this month that i got has almost crippled me. Have took a total of 5 shots and the pip is def. to much to almost handle its the (test cypionate 250mg usa z-line thats what i got). I talked to Z though threw email though and i think he is going to send me some replacements . Like ScrawnyLawyer84 said there is no one that has better service than Z! I mean who else would do that ? def. legit and a good guy!

Probem is , propobly old batch test have 600mg in ml :) our litle mistake, and after shot pain is big , but after 2 days all is ok brothers, but now all is ok and new one have 300mg,


Probem is , propobly old batch test have 600mg in ml :) our litle mistake, and after shot pain is big , but after 2 days all is ok brothers, but now all is ok and new one have 300mg,


dam wish I got some of that stuff, thats a good deal! Just cut it with something
dam wish I got some of that stuff, thats a good deal! Just cut it with something

Thats what i had to do, i cut it with dif brand test and it worked great! Smooth with minimal to no pain.

Also, just wanna say thanx to Z on my last order for making good and correcting that little issue.:beertoast
you people really need to keep things in perspective. you are not ordering from kmart or walmart and this isnt cleaning supplies. ive been around for a very long time [ 1st guy with a old man joke gets banned ] and when you find a business man like Z who has been around for a very long time as well , its a rare thing. 99% of the people who get into that business dont last a few months before getting busted or they start scamming. im sure Z will work with anyone who has any trouble and until then be thankfull your not one of the rocket scientist posting that we all see everyday asking about some lab who none of us have ever heard of before lol.
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