uncle z

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Well, I have to admit I probably annoyed Z a bit because of his strange shipping methods. He got my stuff to me, and I don't doubt it's not legit because of the feed back from trusted mods on this site. However, I did post some images of some Sustanon 300 I got which had a spec of foreign material in it. I did use the clean vial and boy, this pain is unreal. Now it could be that I'm a sauce virgin, but my shit has been swollen (not red thank God) for 7 days and I think it'll take at least another 5 days to absorb fully.

That's just my story. Take into consideration this is my first time. But, seeing junk in the vial has me concerned.

This isn't a double MG per ML mistake is it Z?
send him a pm he'll do you right, but sus is usually more painfull then others. Not to mention the higher the mg/ml usually the rougher the gear is. He did me right though!
hello i plan on ordering form uncle z my question is i live in the us do i need to order from the us DOMESTIC Z-LINE
or can i order from the site?????????
Haven't used it but I can tell you deca doesn't start to kick in till about week 6 noticeably and really kicks in 10-12. Hope you're running test with it.
Uncle Z is def legit. My 1st time ordering from him and its been smooth for the most part. Will def do business with my uncle again. Trying his Tren e, winstrol and clen... anyone try his tren e?
Sometimes a bit slow on the communication, but when you have a big business and a lot of customers like Z this tends to happen. +1 to him though, he fixed an issue with some stuff I got back at the end of the year that turned out to be not as potent as it should have been. Sent me some new ZLine and its GTG. Z is a good guy.
I might try Uncle Z just need to find a new gear hook up, I used to use PPP but that was average. Trying Axio again see how this batch does.
Im running his zline test e 300mg/ml

And my whole thigh is inflamed cant walk im on crutches and vicodin lol do you guys think its overdosed?
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