uncle z

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without giving out to much info there was a slight change in the address. Anyone else notice? Kinda weird?
without giving out to much info there was a slight change in the address. Anyone else notice? Kinda weird?

Z posted over on another forum that there is just a slight problem with his hosting, everything else is fine. Use the .org address, thats his backup site he stated.
I've heard a lot of negative on his domestic on other forums...any one had personal use with domestic compared to international that our good ol uncle provides. I know the internationals he offers are good (had a buddy who got some of the same company's locally and had great results, but not personally from the man) I've seen comments that 'domestic's' seemed to be underdosed, cause major irritation and swelling, etc.

These were other forums however...I haven't seen much about them here on our forums...and well reading other posts/topics on other forums I've also come to conclude that theres some real idiots on some of those forums (not going to use any forum names and downgrade them or anything however, I just trust a lot of you all on here a hell of a lot more than those comments/posts)

With that said...g2g or go "big" (interntl)?

BTW...the site loads for me, but I can no longer enter when I agree to t&c's...it kicks me back to google and says link is broken...wonder why his hosting is all jacked up? hmm.
glad i joined ...i have delt with z for a while , broke my arm warming up in aug and went looking for him today. lol why didnt know about the back up ? and people who bash Z ..? well 9-out of 10 was always g2g just slow
Hey Fellas

Website is fine safe and up o date (it's the main website)

You can find it here : Welcome on Unclez.net

All orders and emails are being processed as usual.

Our usual domain name will be back up in about five days.
Z is the man. I have done multiple orders with him and he has always came through in an acceptable amount of time. Great communication and legit effective products. I always go human grade with him though unless I need something that he does not offer that way. For instance right now I'm awaiting some Z line International Test prop so we'll see how it goes, but I never understood why bros pick up UGL gear from a source that has human grade on the same site. When you break it down ML. to ML., at the most you might save 25 cents per ML. That extra quarter isn't worth piece of mind and assurance that you have a clean properly dosed product.
accounts activation

Hey Fellas

Please ignore our current activation link email when u register on our site

Just register and we'll activate all members manually every 2 hours.

Website is fully operational besides that.
Domain name issue will be fixed shortly , meanwhile use our new alternative URL or just click forum banners.

Any questions ? email us at usual info email.

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