uncle z

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i know what you mean. i hear from him on and off because of one of my problems. Im hoping that me just giving him time to do his thang will turn out for the best
Z has been in touch with me about a shipping mistake and says he took care of it. pm him here if he isnt getting back to you.
I've heard alot of people saying that z's stuff hurt like hell, anyone use it without getting pain? and does it worry anyone else that there's talk of doubled strength and too much BA?
does anyone have some results they can share?

It's not that bad, did my first injection (ever) of it a couple days ago in the right glute and it just feels like a bruise, nothing big, I can sit on it and everything, it's fine...
anyone his test prop? just umm had sum an no pain whatsoever? weird i kno test p is known for pain. an all his other tests hurt. anyone ever tried it recently?

i am on my 10th day of his prop. 100mg eod. no pain whatsoever, . is the first time i have run prop, am kickstarting my test e /deca cycle. i feel some strength gains, i feel like i am getting huge pumps already 4 some reason.
Well i have to say i will never order from z again. We cant seem to agree about an issue i had so i will never take my business back to him.

well thats strange cause all I did was ask him a question about my gear, and he went way beyond what was necessary. His customer service was awsome
id have to agree wit surfdog he has always done me really good. but recently he hasnt really beem responsive to his e mails an not only me. if u read this z u may have a problem wit ur mail reciever or summin just sumthin u might wanna chek out im here to help.
also anyone have experience wit his d bol or gp d bol? qualities/potentcy?

i messaged z about him sending dbol over to me the other day however type it in google search and some respected boards are saying he's been giving around some fakes :S put me off my order to be honest unless anyone can comment on it here?
i messaged z about him sending dbol over to me the other day however type it in google search and some respected boards are saying he's been giving around some fakes :S put me off my order to be honest unless anyone can comment on it here?

wow really are they recent posts?
well thats strange cause all I did was ask him a question about my gear, and he went way beyond what was necessary. His customer service was awsome

Ok well to each their own. My experience with him was very shitty and after spending the amount i did i will never use him again. Were allowed to have differing opinions arnt we?
wtf is with Z right now. i have heard from other people that they arent receiving any communication from him and i havent gotten an email back in i dont know how long.
It's prly tough keeping up with emails when he has 20389485483 people bothering him all day long. Put your order in and chill the fuck out! If it's not there in the said amount of time then message him.
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