uncle z

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Hey guys, just chiming in. I've been on z's Zline Sustanon (sust) 300 for 4 weeks. doing 2 injects every day. My first 2 were in the quads and they hurt like a mother fucker. but no swelling. My next 3 were in the glutes and they fucking hurt so bad.. couldn't walk. Swelled up like a mother fucker, giant balls on my ass cheeks basically. I just did one in my quad again and its sore as fuck. My sex drive is up, but I don't know if I should keep shootng this stuff or not. I'm starting to see physical differences in size and BF%, so I'm sure it's working, but the pain and the swelling are almost not worth it. I sent him an email and he did resend me 2 bottles, but they are just as bad, if not worse than the first 2. Too much BA you said huh?
Hey guys, just chiming in. I've been on z's Zline Sustanon (sust) 300 for 4 weeks. doing 2 injects every day. My first 2 were in the quads and they hurt like a mother fucker. but no swelling. My next 3 were in the glutes and they fucking hurt so bad.. couldn't walk. Swelled up like a mother fucker, giant balls on my ass cheeks basically. I just did one in my quad again and its sore as fuck. My sex drive is up, but I don't know if I should keep shootng this stuff or not. I'm starting to see physical differences in size and BF%, so I'm sure it's working, but the pain and the swelling are almost not worth it. I sent him an email and he did resend me 2 bottles, but they are just as bad, if not worse than the first 2. Too much BA you said huh?

you're doing 2 injections every day? how much each? if that's 1cc you're doing 4,200mg a week?? or even half a cc each injection you're doing over 2 grams a week..
Just wondering do some stuff come separate because I got 2 of my 7 items...Does he send everything at once or does it come from different places?

guys please if you need some info about orders or difrent case , just email us


He pretty much means, shut the fuk up about my mailing procedures and ask him directly....
i got my shit no problems...

happy 100 to me!!!
I've heard alot of people saying that z's stuff hurt like hell, anyone use it without getting pain? and does it worry anyone else that there's talk of doubled strength and too much BA?
does anyone have some results they can share?
So far after a glitchy ordering proceedure and still not receving my domestic order after two weeks, Im not happy.

Plus, all the talk of overdosing and high BA is a little concerning. If THIS stuff isnt right, what about sterility and quality of compound???

I'm going to email Z, but this may be my first and last order.
anyone here from uncle lately ive sent him a couple emails about an issue an he hasnt responded? they first one was almost a week ago?
anyone here from uncle lately ive sent him a couple emails about an issue an he hasnt responded? they first one was almost a week ago?

Talked to him today about an issue so hes around,but so far hes having a hard time understanding what the problem is and its actually not hard to understand at all.
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