uncle z

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remember guys this staff realy have 300mg/ml so you must use max 1cc on shot, because shots is very painful

Sounds like it was your first quad injection. Its pretty normal. Remember, you're injecting a new compound into your muscle that your body doesn't recognize....it's not going down without a fight. It gets much better after the first. This is going to be the case with any new muscle you inject.

Vicodin? Really? That sounds pretty crazy....Did you inject properly? Bounce the needle around?

I'm running z's test e right now too and haven't had any problems....
Sounds like it was your first quad injection. Its pretty normal. Remember, you're injecting a new compound into your muscle that your body doesn't recognize....it's not going down without a fight. It gets much better after the first. This is going to be the case with any new muscle you inject.

Vicodin? Really? That sounds pretty crazy....Did you inject properly? Bounce the needle around?

I'm running z's test e right now too and haven't had any problems....
Just spoke with Z he is awesome.
Made a mistake and gave me an overdosed 600mg/ml batch
So he is resending me the right stuff.
Top class right there a class act :beertoast
Hey that's awesome man! Glad you got it all figured out!

Also glad to hear Z is still taking care of his customers :Party:
Z took care of me, customer service is top notch. I didn't even want him to do anything but he did anyway.
And I would find something to cut that stuff with why waste it
Sounds great bro I'm glad that it was figured out lol and deff keep that batch and cut it with something or just shoot half a cc twice a week :p
Plan on placing my first order with UncleZ this week after reading through all the good reviews about the ZLine products. Like the dosages too.

Been a while since I have had someone reliable, so looking forward to it Z.
I just put in an order the other day and it's on the way. He's always answers emails/questions you have. But once its sent leave him be and it'll get there :)!!!!
Im running his zline test e 300mg/ml

And my whole thigh is inflamed cant walk im on crutches and vicodin lol do you guys think its overdosed?

I have his Sustanon 300 and he told me someone put too much BA in it. My glutes were swollen so much I went from a size 33 pants to a 36... no shit. He said he was gonna make it right and resend so I'll see I guess. I can't believe you did a quad shot of that stuff; holy shit that must hurt. I could barely walk from the two glute shots. .
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I just put in an order the other day and it's on the way. He's always answers emails/questions you have. But once its sent leave him be and it'll get there :)!!!!

Thanks for the input, will definitely let him do his thing. Im not one to be an annoyance, not my style. So stoked, it's been a while since I've run anything, gonna place it this weekend.
I just received my order from z, there was only 1 product in there, I ordered like 8. Do they sometimes ship it separately?
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