WEEK 2 and ALREADY seeing gains!!!

i hear ya on that one brotha. I ask my girl all the time and she is like it looks normal but when you are the one with it you notice it more. I am going to just get the surgery and than after that i will be very cautious on what i take cause i wouldnt want to go through that shit again after chunking out some money you know. So i will just stick with test or something to make me look vascular but i prob wont stack a couple things together anymore.
Week 42? or four too.....?

Numba - how's it going these days? strength, size up?

ive been going really light as I severly fucked up my elbos going heavy.. Also JUST from not eating well this weekend I lost fucking like 5 pounds but here are some pics I took tonight for you guys at 194.. I feel im looking the same so its all good. Cycle is not really feeling like a bulker though as Im maintaining just about the same bodyfat as I did from the start :(... I really wanted to just bulk up like a freak this cycle and THEN cut down but I guess I just dont have those coleman/cutler off season genes.

you looking good man. Looks like you have gained some weight around your waist area but other than that you are looking swole. How is the gyno holding up
thanks man, gyno is pretty much exactly the same, sometimes looks TERRIBLE othertimes it looks like its not even there. After the cycle im gonna check the dr out and see whats up.
Heres another one from tonight, for some reason im looking super small but lean in this pic, I feel like im alot bigger then in this pic however ill post anyway cuz im a pic whore!! lol jk... Notice gyno is like NON-existant here
