What's the best on line course to get certified on personal training ??


New member
Any of you guys are personal trainers ?? What would you recommend for the fastest way to get certified ?? Thanks in advance.
Alot of colleges offer personal training classes that are not online but you will learn more through them

Already called few colleges ant there is a 44 week program and you have to go full time 4 days a week and if you wanted to do part time it will be 88 weeks. Unfortunately that don't work for me hence I asked for the on line. Thanks anyways...
Any of you guys are personal trainers ?? What would you recommend for the fastest way to get certified ?? Thanks in advance.


Acquire knowledge over 10 years+ of training/dieting yourself


Get certified by any of the cookie cutter certifications out there


If you choose to bypass step one you'll have as much respect as 99% of trainers out there, which is none
It's quite pathetic, but some ppl who have little to no knowledge in the training department and will take a course to become a "Certified Personal Trainer" and are off to work. Good life and Shapes are FILLED with these trainers... It's sad actually.
Thanks for all the replies but we are going off track here. I didn't ask what everyone Thought of personal trainers :) I asked if anyone has had a first hand experience and actually has completed or got certified to be one.
Thanks for all the replies but we are going off track here. I didn't ask what everyone Thought of personal trainers :) I asked if anyone has had a first hand experience and actually has completed or got certified to be one.

Sorry for derailing your thread, I sometimes get excited is all :)
I attended college for a personal trainer course back in 2009. I completed the entire course and would have obtained credentials for The National Strength and Conditioning Association. I had been training for a long time already which in my opinion didn't make a spit of difference. Through the course you will learn a lot that the average gym goer does not know. You will learn a lot about nutrition for athletes vs regular joes, a ton of anatomy and kinesiology, care and prevention of athletic injuries, designing training programs for elderly people as well as when to start training teens and the types of training that will benefit them for their age etc. At the end it is/was required to do an 80hr internship at a gym, which I did not have time for. Even though I finished the entire course with a 3.0GPA, I was unable to get certified because I did not complete the internship. I had no plans to become a personal trainer. I did the course to gain personal knowledge and because I was using my GI Bill, so I was getting paid for it.

You will learn a lot more in college than you will on line. I think the online courses are more for guys who are already in the know. Although I forgot much of what I learned in that course there are still many things that stick with me that I learned there. I think it was well worth it.

Another thing that seems to slip everyones mind here in this environment on Ology is that most trainers out there aren't training athletes. I don't think you have to be the best trainer in the world to train the average fat american, but if you plan to do strength and conditioning for athletes you better know your shit or your not going to make it very far. Another thing is if you are planning to make money in the field a lot of it has to do with your personality and your ability to network. In my opinion you better be in better shape than your clients as well. Too many times I see fat personal trainers. I think to myself why would anyone want this guy training them when obviously he doesn't have what it takes to get in shape himself. I think if your heart is in it and you like to help others and aren't in it just for the money as you guys see with 3J, I think you can go far and getting paid is just a byproduct that comes with it.

Just my $.02
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I attended college for a personal trainer course back in 2009. I completed the entire course and would have obtained credentials for The National Strength and Conditioning Association. I had been training for a long time already which in my opinion didn't make a spit of difference. Through the course you will learn a lot that the average gym goer does not know. You will learn a lot about nutrition for athletes vs regular joes, a ton of anatomy and kinesiology, care and prevention of athletic injuries, designing training programs for elderly people as well as when to start training teens and the types of training that will benefit them for their age etc. At the end it is/was required to do an 80hr internship at a gym, which I did not have time for. Even though I finished the entire course with a 3.0GPA, I was unable to get certified because I did not complete the internship. I had no plans to become a personal trainer. I did the course to gain personal knowledge and because I was using my GI Bill, so I was getting paid for it.

You will learn a lot more in college than you will on line. I think the online courses are more for guys who are already in the know. Although I forgot much of what I learned in that course there are still many things that stick with me that I learned there. I think it was well worth it.

Another thing that seems to slip everyones mind here in this environment on Ology is that most trainers out there aren't training athletes. I don't think you have to be the best trainer in the world to train the average fat american, but if you plan to do strength and conditioning for athletes you better know your shit or your not going to make it very far. Another thing is if you are planning to make money in the field a lot of it has to do with your personality and your ability to network. In my opinion you better be in better shape than your clients as well. Too many times I see fat personal trainers. I think to myself why would anyone want this guy training them when obviously he doesn't have what it takes to get in shape himself. I think if your heart is in it and you like to help others and aren't in it just for the money as you guys see with 3J, I think you can go far and getting paid is just a byproduct that comes with it.

Just my $.02

This is an excellent post man. Sums things up amazingly. Trainers I see that I wouldnt let train my dog they are so out of shape, the personality aspect, the group you are looking to cater too, and working for your passion not your pension. All spot on.
In Australia you will first need the certivintrainingandassessment.com.au first. All trainers are required to hold the TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.

The next step is a Certificate III Level Qualification. I believe one of the better ones is run by the CIT College in Canberra. They also have a Masters Course which is expensive, but I believe it is one of the better ones in the world at the moment. It qualifies you at Masters Level and can even lead to further university studies.