Winterlong's Log

Winter said:
Thanks. I'm going back to regular squats next leg workout. I'm just afraid that since I've been doing hacksquats for so long, my back can't handle such heavy weights on barbell squats.

my thoughts as well. you lower back is not getting the work it was so it may take a week or two to get all your strength back, you only know when it feels good enough. no rushing it.
July 17th
Chest - Speed work
Speed Bench
165x3x9 **One minute break between sets

DB Flat Press
110x4 **PR

CG Bench
**These are weak, I have to work on these some more, but my tris have gotten bigger and stronger.

DB Front Raises
**I will go much lighter on shoulders from now on since speed work destroys em already.

Good workout today, I felt very strong. Lol, while I was walking out of the gym, I cut my hand on some stupid peice of metal on the weightholders and its kinda deep. I washed it out real well and thank god, I got my tetnis shot recently. I do not think I will be doing deads this upcoming wednesday because of this.
mister69 said:
nice speed work; how is it working out for you?
Its actually doing very well. I do not get stuck on the bottom of my heavy lifts anymore; there is more explosion upwards. A few more weeks of this and then I will work on lockouts.
July 19th
Back - No deadlifts due to the cut on my hand.
Pullups - Hand didn't hurt too bad on these
BW x 12
BW + 25 x 10
BW + 45 x 7**PR

Lat Pulldowns

Chest Supported T-Bar Rows
1plate x 10
2plates x 10
3plates x 10
**Wanted to take it light today, hand started to act up on these.

Reverse Pec Fly

BB Curl

Okay workout today; felt very sluggish/tired. The hand is being a real pain in the ass.
adidamps2 said:
nice back work Winter..wut happened to the hand..i told you about "dry" masterbation and friction build up...
I was walkin out of the gym the other day and I was by the weight holder things and a piece of metal was stickin out and I got my hand cut by it :(