Winterlong's Log

Winter said:
You would be. No one here deadlifts or squats.

This is true. Me you and a few others are the only people that deadlift, and also have a proper squat.

About the bench, Louis and his partner push in the high 400s, but you're right, most people just rep the low 200s and never increase cuz they overtrain like crazy.

Theres a lot of juicers too, but all they really train is chest and arms.
adidamps2 said:
ROID rage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahaha I got so pissed cuzz my friend was gonna hit a PR this past back day, but after what the guy said, he stopped deadlifting for that day.

huskyguy said:
Wow my gym is more hardcore than I thought we have lots of "real lifters" in our gym in fact our gym has contests just for gym members probably every three months or so.
That's cool Husky. I wanted to ask my gym that, actually, but never got around to it. How does your gym set up the competition, by weight & age?

\m/ MANOWAR \m/ said:
This is true. Me you and a few others are the only people that deadlift, and also have a proper squat.

About the bench, Louis and his partner push in the high 400s, but you're right, most people just rep the low 200s and never increase cuz they overtrain like crazy.

Theres a lot of juicers too, but all they really train is chest and arms.
I don't know who Louis is, but if he can put up those numbers, that's cool.
August 19th
**The 365 felt very light.

Leg Ext.

Hip Abductor/Adductor

Calve Raises

That was it, no glute-ham raise; I'm fried.
Winter said:
:druggie: I wanna be the strongest mofo in my gym

Thanks bro. How much weight are you gaining every month?

I'm not really bulking right now. Maybe gaining 1 lb or less. I want to stay at this weight for a while so that my body gets used.
\m/ MANOWAR \m/ said:
How the hell did your squats go up 25 pounds in 1 week
2weeks ago I squatted 355 and that was too easy, I took last week lighter because my right knee was hurting a bit after my 225x8 set.

AngryMuscles said:
you're taking way to much protein...CHEAtin :p
I'm only taking like 150g a day or so, my diet has been very off, but it hasn't really affected my lifting at all.

tman50 said:
high natural test levels, young age :druggie:
:druggie: how was your weekend big guy?
Winter said:
2weeks ago I squatted 355 and that was too easy, I took last week lighter because my right knee was hurting a bit after my 225x8 set.

I'm only taking like 150g a day or so, my diet has been very off, but it hasn't really affected my lifting at all.

:druggie: how was your weekend big guy?

Mine was good Wonder! Kids went back to school today, so we had some prep this weekend to get them ready. Can't believe they are already in the 5th and 4th grade.
August 21th
Chest - Speed Work
Flat Bench - Alternating Grips


CG Bench

DB OH Press
**Haven't done these in months.

DB Front Raises

**A bit more volume than usual, but I didn't mind it too much. Good workout today.