Thanks broAczech said:nice incline dude
Thanks Evans. I threw in the pec deck for fun, really. I don't really like to do fly movements because they give me stretchmarks like no other. I used to do incline DB flies, but now I'm more into pressing movements.evansss said:nice numbers winter...why dont u drop the pic deck and do some DB flys...flat bench or incline.
\m/ MANOWAR \m/ said:Nice workouts man. Heavy pulldowns, but how come you're oging light on the dumbells? I saw you curling 60s or something one day
Winter said:November 11th
Sumo Deads
**Stopped there b/c I felt very out of it.
BW x 15
BW x 15
Seated Row
DB Curls
Straight Bar Curl
**I've been sick for the past 3days. Came down with a fever and I'm still recovering. Feeling a lot better today so I decided to hit the gym and see how I was. Felt okay in the gym today, except I got very tired very quickly, especially after the deads.
JT190 said:Sustanon will normally do that to you
Yeah, I do deads every other week.AngryMuscles said:sweet. so it's deads no deads then deads for you??
Thanks. I go light on DB Curls b/c I don't like going so heavy on DB curls anymore - I think my biceps are proportional to the rest of my body already.\m/ MANOWAR \m/ said:Nice workouts man. Heavy pulldowns, but how come you're oging light on the dumbells? I saw you curling 60s or something one day
pleaseeeeeeee haven't touched gear yet I came down with the sniffles/fever.JT190 said:Sustanon will normally do that to you
Never!tman55 said:Hey JT. Winter is an oral boy. I mean he likes orals aas.
He is FOS!
Winter said:How's it been tmann? I haven't seen yous around here in awhile. How's Mulli doin too? I haven't talked to him in awhile as well.
What does FOS stand for?
Winter said:How come Mulli doesn't post anymore? Is he still lifting?
Hmm, maybe I will throw those in instead of speed work b/c I am getting stuck at the bottom of my lift. Good call 69er.mister69 said:good ol' fashionsed pause bench works well
I think I have a pretty good chest, except I am just doing something wrong. I'm going as heavy as I can every chest day and I think that's the reason for my chest lagging behind, not because I'm not going heavy enough.AngryMuscles said:chest lags because of genetics and not going heavy as much as you should. I know that's my problem too.
That's good to hear. Did he finally hit his goal of 315 on bench?tman55 said:mulli is still lifting. he is getting stronger too.
I think I'm just going heavy too often for bench.AngryMuscles said:doing something wrong, bro? like what?? maybe it's under recovery or something....