Holy shit.... is it July already!?![]()
U look good dude...800 test, 500mg deca
Think i should add in some tren in there maybe low dose of 300mg still deciding
And i dunno my scale at home fucked weighed myself yesterday elsewhere and sitting at 223lbs
nice. What breed dawg?? dog?She s my lifting partner for 4 weeks, 2 to go... u jealous dick. lol
Asked me to train her for bikini.OK Telling her best profile shot.
No false avi b/s for me.
U wanna see my Dawg ?
DAWG my dog s is 50/50 lab/basset mix. Perfrect. Smart as...well most members here lol and chilled as only a Basset can be..I got her as an abused , severly abused lil lady. To this day (5 yrs) I can t bring a broom around her, anything w a power chord either. Even I cannot be in the room when he eat s. Someone was so cruel she d be ambushed EATING. My FREE dog cost close to 700.00 to clear up mange, heart worm s bad ass ear in infections..animal s and kids. Innocent. Quess that y I get along with them so well...kids and big dogs. Small yappers , most men and women who are 6 and 7 but act like 9.9 s-not so much.
Most men my age are dead in the water wanna sit eat sausage drink beer and Sing "Glory daze" ( u remember when we were badasss...in 85 ??) I can t do that for more than 30 ms and I gotta move, , , women over 40 be moaning age and wanting me to pay for everything.
Dating is polite prostitution at my age. Why not let s us fuck . You may OWE me money....then we ll know if this an exercise in futility or not for me. Few find that funny.
At least girls and women 20-35 can appreciate a good pounding for what it is. Married is better too.. I don t want a woman I want to borrow YOUR woman . Like a boat. Owning one s a f n pain..but they ARE fun. A hole to throw money in...my argument s the Perfect Circle in my minds eye.
im afraid if u want bigger arms Matt, gonna have to add the tren on in.
i got some on the way now, new lab(to me), cant wait to try.
Ill race ya, see whos arms get bigger faster![]()
So you have to run Tren for huge arms now?
I've heard it all!
So you have to run Tren for huge arms now?
I've heard it all!
I know its probably been posted many of times but things to do when arms seem to be lagging behind
Mine are sitting at just over 17" at 215lbs cold flexed, but seem to stop growing
Whats some routines to focos on for growth? Or take sometime off doing direct work to arms?
to gain an inch on your arms you have to gain 12-15lbs of lean body mass... no short cuts... so to get to 18" with your physique you'll have to get up to around 230
im afraid if u want bigger arms Matt, gonna have to add the tren on in.
i got some on the way now, new lab(to me), cant wait to try
to gain an inch on your arms you have to gain lean body mass
I've added an inch on my arms in 9 weeks
I'm 8lbs heavier than I was