damn doctor

StoneColdNTO said:
OK guys, now before you go bashing all doctors, please remember that we have at least 3 very knowledgable MDs that post here.

Swale, DRveejay11 & buffdoc

and IMO we are very privileged to have them here. :D

That's a gret point, SC. But were obviously not referring to them. They're the exceptions that prove the rule.
Stang, I realize that nobody was talking about them, it was just more of a reminder that there are good MDs out there, and we even have some here.
Thanks for the boost, SC.
I agree w/ much of what's been said. However, if I wish to not be stereotyped by doctors, I'll not turn around and do the same to them!
It all starts with me, the individual, and my attitude.
Yeah, these yokels are misguided, but they THINK they're doing the right thing and helping your health. And it IS in a physician's job description to offer advice and admonishment for the patient's benefit. (even if they're off target). And some people DO fuck themselves up with AAS, do they not? The doc's just doing his job, for God's sake.
How many times have I heard patients say (after the fact), "that doctor should have TOLD me, why didn't he SAY something, and I wouldn't be in this fix, yada yada, whatever..."
This issue cuts both ways, so don't be too hard on their ignorance. And spare me the schoolyard shit about juicers representing everybody that picked on them in their childhood. Believe it or not, not everyone wants to be big! Plenty of people out there not jealsous of us and just happy as can be w/ the way they are. Let's practice tolerance and understanding. They're virtues, and anyway, having a resentment sucks, it just doesn't feel good (at least to me).
The Truth

You would not be saying this if you had the Dr's I had bro. And yes I can see in the eyes of a few fat nerdy Dr's the jealousy in their eyes not wanting to treat me.

Then I see a 20yr old 100lb girl's come in and get first class (on State Aid I might add because most don't work that I know)

Treatments meds for nothing at all they just say their elbow, back or knees hurt(different excuse every week or so with no proof of pain at all and go to the ER every other week, with tax dollars paying) with no proof and get scripts (or Vic's or Morphine Sulfate, and Demerols as they are addicts) and their records show this for Christ sakes!

I get Celebrex, lol and I'm 250lbs with the MRI's of a slipped disk and partial tear of one of the 4 rotator cuff muscles and have to lift 10hrs a day heavy at work, lol

(Take Tylenol's they say)
I'm sure thats what they would take if they had to live through chronic pain) one of the most liver toxic drugs known.

It's very easy to sit back and analyze when your a Dr. whom you like or dislike.

For the most part the medical field is a joke, at least here in the midwest.

I will forever stand by these words, yes maybe their are some Dr's whom are receptive to my type of therapy I want and know will work better.

I researched subjects on net 1000's of times and tell them.
Most get very insulted that you know more on certain subjects than they do!

They play the hand of god and feel and live w/my pains, but they are no gods in my book.

And easy to say when they got a sheet to write down whatever they want for friends, g/f or wifes making 100's of dollars an hr making some resort to black market for what we need and should be entitled to our choice, long as its reasonable.

I seen it 1000 times before.

The search goes on for a good one!

BTW: I'm mid 30's never been presribed more than 100 narcotics in my life so adiction is not an issue..

I take just for pain not high. To be honest most strong pain meds make me sick and weak and don't wanna abuse them.

Live through my pain, I wish the ones I seen could..
but most have not had to do hard physical labor for 20 yrs along with heavy weight training.
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StoneColdNTO said:
Stang, I realize that nobody was talking about them, it was just more of a reminder that there are good MDs out there, and we even have some here.

Understood, bro:D
Dangerous Grounds,
You sure sound like one angry, unhappy, blaming man to me. Life as a victim has got to be tough, and lonely. Seems that for all your woes there is some group of people that has it better, or deserves it less, than you. Sad. Many others besides you have suffered in ways you can't even imagine.
Perhaps if you change your attitude about the world and the people in it, the world and the people in it will begin (miraculously!) to treat you differently. Amazing what an attitude adjustment, a little less resentment, and a little compassion can do for one's day.
BTW, you sure spend a lot of energy claiming to not have an addiction problem. Don't recall anyone even bringing that up. Maybe, therefore, that's something to look at too. ("Methinks he doth protest too much?")
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just in case anyone forgot the docs mentioned before offer up great invaluable advice that is unmatched to any other board out there.. i can actually think of only one other md who does not post on this board that i truly respecit.. but the 3 here are fantastic and are always there to help out..

thanks again for all your help
You know guys it's the same in any profession. You have some really great people, then you have some people you have to deal with that are assholes! The medical field is no exception we realize that their intention might be good warning us of the risk of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) use, it's just the way they go about it that piss many people off! Anyway, for the guys who are Doc's here, please, no disrespect to you guys! Dr.VJ is a very good bro!
hey bros, i got nothing against doctors but there is a time and place for things and lecturing me about Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) this morning was not the time. i felt like shit [still do] and he showed no compansion towards my situation.

my personal doc is the man. no lectures . does the blood tests needed anually and gives a fuck about me and my health

dg, to bad you were not in NY bro you would like him . good docs are hard to come across. alot of them just dont give a fuck .shit alot them can barely speak fucking english.

as to the docs on the boards you guys already show you give a fuck helping the brothers and sisters of this great community with great knowledge and help.

as for the docs that just dont get it. THEY CAN GO FUCK THEMSELVES
an addict!

My record shows that no narcotics ever given to me except a few 100 vics in 30 something yrs!

I traded a friend 20 of my 30 Vic's I had for a month for a bottle of cyp he quick chewed down almost my whole months script at one time. He begged me to do it, so I felt sorry for him (he said he was in so much pain his shoulder was out of place) and did not know he was taking just to get high right in front of me chewing 7 of em at once!

I once had a bottle of 30 narcos from a friend and lasted me well over a month! help tremendously before or after work deal with pain.

I took 1 a day to loosen up before I had to work, lasted me over a month.

I usually am picked to do heavy jobs as I am the biggest and get all the shit jobs.

Give me scipt something stronger than anti-inflams for a medical reason.

And I never went to a pain management place, maybe soon!

Lonely I'm not! whomever judged me as that I am in pain and Po'd I am.

I can't find a good Dr. out of the 5 Dr's I seen so far in last 6 months.

I am losing patience that there are some good understanding Dr's out there..

My old one from yrs ago was great but he is no longer taking customers as good receptive Dr's are very popular and hard to find.

To all the last 5 Dr's I seen, escspally Dr. Johnson you little phuck

:wallbash: :nerd: :fawk2:

the search continues
:flamingma :wallbash:
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BUFFDAWG10 said:
Dr.VJ is a very good bro!

Atta boy ;)

Way to redeem yourself...........I was about to let everyone know you and I had a measure-off and my bi-s were just A LITTLE BIT THICKER ;)

LOL.........................j/k........................... :afro:
BTW: Dr's what do you honestly take for a just a headache, Tylenol...hypocrites

I would love to look in your personal meds at home and see.

I'm sure Tylenol's would be overflowing the med cabinets

Dr's are well known to be one of the biggest abusers of drugs as they have access to any.
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My MRI results

I talked to the radiologist told me one of the 4 rotator muscles or supraspinatus was like a rope and frayed?

I can't even find an ortho doc to give me a single cortisone shot!

I remember 16 yr old girls getting in high school I'm mid 30's and still have never had 1 shot to elevate swelling and pain to allow healing processes to occur, they all say its to catabolic when I seen guys get one yrs ago and no problems since and others get every 2 months.

Some of my research on my problem..

Actually cortisone does help in round-about sort of way. The specific compounds made by the body that accompany the inflammatory process are catabolic to the tissues that are trying to be rebuilt by the healing process. It's a vicious cycle. Inflammation is geared to the immediate survival of the organism, not necessarily long-term healing of the damaged area.
The cortisone shot rids you of the inflammation, and allows the healing process to occur as it is supposed to.
Additionally, the pressure in the joint resulting from the inflammation can make tissues pinches even more which can lead to friction type breakdown.
In my case, the inflammation around the supraspinatus pushes the supraspinatus in closer to the proximity to the acromion which runs underneath. When I raise my arm to certain positions, it pinches and wears thin the supraspinatus muscle belly.

Perhaps the warning you're trying to give me is about the catabolic properties of cortisone alone itself. Repeated cortisone treatment tends to also be catabolic to the joint, which theoretically leads to decreased cartridge/bone integrity. A one time shot, however, will do way more towards proper healing than it will hurt.

I have done research on my problem..
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Some docs do come off pretty stern about AS, other come off politely about it and bring up the main issues. Either way, they swore an oath to tell you that. Sterotyped or not.

Ex. a lady comes in with track marks. The doc should bring up dissusioin of IV drug use. Say the lady has a cat or soemthing though and it turns out to be scratches. Was the doc wrong for expressing his concern...is that not his job?

I often see that AS are sugar coated on the boards. Fact is, the doses that we use are unnatural and can be very harmful. There are many sides, but we all know this. Im all for an old man using Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), but if I was a doctor, I dont think I would reccomend anyone to use doses of extreme, although I have done my fare share of experimentation, I am always very cautious and monitor key things while on. Look at how many of your friends off the boards or at the gyms use AS and are idiots. Maybe they are doing 200mg Winstrol (winny) ed for 6 months. Never know unless you discuss.

So if I was working in the ER, and someone came in that IMO looked like they used AS, I would bring it up. Tactfully though. Present the facts and dangers. Educate not lecutre.

Ive had 2 major run ins with docs vs AS. One went on about how AS will turn people gay and will only end up tearing tendons and no gains will ever be kept. The other was with a guy in the ER in which we had a nice discussion about the different effects such as liver damage, cholesterol and bp issues and discusses the important things to measure and take precautions of. Obviously IMO one was a good doctor, the other was bad.

PS...I will be in Med school in about a year.
I'll drive there, lol.

I'm not even asking for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) jesus.
I can't even get 1 damn cortisone shot. lol

I never admitted I take Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) to any Dr's they just assume...

:wallbash: my Dr's :nerd:
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