Dbol Only Cycle

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WolverineX1 said:
I already did an oral Winstrol (winny) cycle 3 years ago. It did nuttin. I'm looking to put on size. And why Dbol oral? Cause it is readily available to me with no trouble so I opted for that.

I'm not into getting massive or anything. Been training for over 10 years now and I've been 135-150lbs. Tried all kinds of supps and diet, etc. None has work. So hopefully I'll gain some size and then cut it later.

At any rate, just took last dose. Feel like going to gym. I'm trying 30mg e/d at first, see how my body reacts. I'm not gonna pop 50mg of suttin I never took.

Wow, where to begin. First off, if a 135 pound guy gains nothing off a Winstrol (winny) cycle then something is terribly wrong. Despite being on the mild side, it should have put some noticeable size on a body that small. You either had fake Winstrol (winny) or you need to increase the weight on your bow flex machine. Or perhaps give up the vegan diet. Frankly I don't know. Second, you shouldn't be doing steroids. You may think you have tried "all kinds of supps and diet etc." but I guarantee you haven't if you are 135-150. Unless you are four feet tall. At that size your diet should consist of anything and everything you can get your hands on. Just make sure it is high calorie and the protein intake is up there. And third, dbol only is a crappy cycle. You may put on a few pounds but I am guaranteeing you right now that after a week or two of coming off, you will look the same (or worse) than you do now. Seriously, at your size you don't need steroids. You need to lift weights and eat something. There really is no excuse for a person to be at that weight after ten years of weight training unless: a)they are vertically challenged, b)they base their workouts on John Basedow tapes, c)they have a serious metabolic problem that needs to be addressed by a physician. Sorry if I am coming off a tad harsh, but you need it little fellow. Learn how to train and eat before you take the next step into anabolics.
WolverineX1 said:
Now either support my decision and help me along, or ignore my posts.

Sorry champ, this is an open forum. If someone sees bs then they are free to call it. It seems as if you don't want any advice you just want assurance for the decision you have made. But you won't get that here. Instead everybody is literally laughing at you right now. Don't be a little vagina and get all upset. Just stick around, and try to learn something. You shouldn't be in this forum at all. You need to check out the Diet Forum and Training Forum. It is very clear to us that you have neither of these in check (unless you fall into the categories I listed above). In the long run you will be much happier if you do this properly.
WolverineX1 said:
eating clean, if you're a vet you should know. I'm here learning from you guys. Eating clean means over gallon of water a day, 6 meals with protein spaced out. Eating clean means no junk no nasty fats, no alcohol, no tree bark. Eat clean means like lean cuts of meat, chicken or fish. Like salad with cottage cheese, eggs maybe some turkey cold cuts. Like taking a multamin. But then again, I'm not sure, its only what I've read over my years of research.

Why are you "eating clean" at your size? I'm a little confused here, what exactly are your goals?
Thnks Bleach. I here what u are saying. U I will listen to. No I gained on Winstrol (winny), but not big, but I wasn't eating right during cycle and my dumbass was drinking too. It was like 4-5 years ago. Some dude at my gym gave me some QV Winstrol (winny). I got more cut, but no mass. But it went away......

I am already on the DBOL cycle, 3 days in.

I don't claim to know it all, and I know you all are concern for my health. I just got annoyed at all the banter and its confusing cause everyone has a different opinion. Granted most are young cats trying to get BIGGER.

My goal is to look like that dude on the movie BLADE TRINITY, no more no less. Ryan Reynolds. Cause my body type is similar to his b4 that movie.

So Brad Pitt was all natural when he blewup for TROY?
WolverineX1 said:
So Brad Pitt was all natural when he blewup for TROY?

There's a lot of speculation but it's just that -- speculation. He looked a little heavier than in Fight Club, but still probably 170-180 pounds max. When you are a millionaire movie star who can afford the best trainers and nutritionists in the world, I can see how a person could reach that naturally. We have to keep in mind that he has no other job at this point in time than to prepare for the upcoming movie role. So either way, I could see him reaching that appearance with or without steroids. Now if I see him blow up to 225 with single digit bodyfat, then I would be convinced he used chemical help. But cut 170's don't have me thoroughly convinced.
WolverineX1 you sure are a determined mofo, why not take some before pics and prove us all wrong ? You seem pretty confident and if that's the case upload some pics today and come back a few weeks after post cycle therapy (pct) ....I'll load you up with Karma if you succeed!

The odds are stacked against you though.....
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WolverineX1 said:
My goal is to look like that dude on the movie BLADE TRINITY, no more no less. Ryan Reynolds. Cause my body type is similar to his b4 that movie.

So Brad Pitt was all natural when he blewup for TROY?

LOL a few more weeks of Dbol and you will look like this guaranteed:

rake922 said:
I've never ever seen somebody who was happy with their gains after dbol only cycle. In June you will regret doing a dbol only cycle and will wish you listened to everybody.

You very well could be in worse shape after post cycle therapy (pct) than you were when yuo started.
Dbol will feed your ego faster than any other steriod!
Dbol will drain your ego faster than any other steroid!

Blow up....shrink down. Bad on the hairline too if you are pre-dispositioned.

ok 4th day into cycle. And it was chest day. Worst day thus far. I was weaker than the other days. Eating has been good. I'm at 30mg e/d. I was wondering if I should up the dose or wait until day 7. I felt a little stronger the past couple days, so I was excited today for chest. But my bench did not increase. No sides. Kinda tired at times, but horny as a mofo. My load is smaller though.

I dunno, I'm not feeling anything that I didn't feel on creatine or NOEXPLODE. DBOL sucks. Wheres all the strength people talking about? I'm gonna turn into a horse.
dbol sucks.....hahhahahah

I can't stop laughing bro...i though we already advised at not doing this.

and 30mg is a kickstart dosage. I'd be doing at least 50mg a day if it were all i was gonna do.
WolverineX1 said:
ok 4th day into cycle. And it was chest day. Worst day thus far. I was weaker than the other days. Eating has been good. I'm at 30mg e/d. I was wondering if I should up the dose or wait until day 7. I felt a little stronger the past couple days, so I was excited today for chest. But my bench did not increase. No sides. Kinda tired at times, but horny as a mofo. My load is smaller though.

I dunno, I'm not feeling anything that I didn't feel on creatine or NOEXPLODE. DBOL sucks. Wheres all the strength people talking about? I'm gonna turn into a horse.

Lol u could at least lie and pretend u were right :eyepoke:
WolverineX1 said:
ok 4th day into cycle.
I dunno, I'm not feeling anything that I didn't feel on creatine or NOEXPLODE. DBOL sucks. Wheres all the strength people talking about? I'm gonna turn into a horse.
I'm glad you're willing to give it a chance to work before jumping to conclusions.
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