Hey bro - sorry to hear you're back at the pussy ass gym with the rubber db's after hitting the Rocky Road! LOL Sounds like a great trip to ohio - got you stoked, no doubt. Nice work on the rows- bet your shoulders felt good after that!
BTW - hot avi - u lucky guy!
Thanx MP, lol. Sorry about the late response on the email bigdog. Fridays wind down a little in are company ill hit you up 2morow. They were 45's not 35's BTW

Even the plates at my gym are pussy plates, nah iron is iron. Not the like the 100's at Rocky Road though, lol.
The knees felt up to par for some light squats. Intensity was around 60 maybe 70%. I really didn't want to take any chances just yet. Every week will be getting a little heavier. Squated in the smith also, probably will for a month then back to the rack. I will say this even though it was a light day I feel incredible, im not gonna celebrate this time and fuck it up again, lol.
Smith Box Squats- 135x10, 155x6, 185x5, 225x5, 245x5, 275x5, 295x5, 305x5 a ton of reps left in the tank. I was impressed not squatting in over a month and still felt alright. Practiced pushing the stomach out and used more narrow stance with knee wraps on the last 3 sets. I did like how far out far out I could get my hands on the bar really helps to keep the elbows down like mikea mentioned. Pretty pissed though, since I was no where near full throttle with this I couldn't see the neck flare and veins poppin. I also didn't bother filling the chest cavity with air which helps crank out more reps cause it wasn't needed. In due time I see big numbers on Squats probably their my favorite exercise. Still can't decide if Squat or DL is King.
Lat-pulldowns- I did these to stretch the back really worked well after Squats I see now why Mikea calls for it in the Dlove 3 day program, lol. 4 sets high rep slow strict form, nice stretch. 165lbs, still not strong with these like I used to be but like Jim says FUCK IT ITS ASSISTANCE ,lol
Pull-threws- Tried a coulple different stances toes out toes in and bend of the knees and no bend. Little Bend of the kness makes this exercise feel like Goodmornings.
Hip Abduction-drop seted these felt awesome 2 sets with 3 drop backs in weight
Boatloads of Ab work and called it a day. Something unexplainable happened with abs today. I got this wicked spasm tight feeling threwout the entire core kinda like it seized up. It went away with a nice stretch.
Sorry guys it's been a while since I had a long drawn out post.
I think 500iu of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) might be to much for me on 250 E a week. My nuts hang like a old man. Test is funny at this dose sense of well being is real up and down. Sleep still sucks unless I really exert myself like yesterday. The sex drive and sleep was great week 1-4 somehw I know thats weird the whole 4 week loading phase of long ester but that is what has happened. No strength gains to date I still feel it's better training principles and form. Considering the sustain alpha for shits and giggles.
Military Press 2morow and golf and more hiking for cardio this weekend.