Dloves lifting log


Decided to jump off the d-bol after a week and a half. Not impressed with the Axio orals at all thus far. Their Winstrol (winny) tabs weren't good either.

I got my belt in today. Dude this 13mm powerlifting belt is no joke. Inzer knee wraps look nice to, hopefully I can get back to squats before to long.

Nothing much else to report, ill be hitting some military press incline DB and JM Press here in a little with my friend who's in town for the weekend. He is blowing up nice on Prop/NPP Axio gear small dose shitty diet too.
even though this is a training log it might as well be a "how to "cuz i have learned alot from you and mikea going back and forth ,i read your posts and i get excited to try new things. good work man

Thanks man thats what it's here for. Hope you also see some results from powerlifting principles, lay outs, exercises etc...

Id have to say the best thing about it is how great and strong you always feel just from keeping shit simple. what I mean is instead of doing two and three compounds per bodypart, do 1 lots of sets with accesory work around it.
Saturdays Session

Sorry for the late posting ive been getting a little lazy lately. Took my buddy to my gym for the day and got a decent pump. No noticable gains after 3 weeks enanthate. Headaches completely went away after I dropped the d-bl. My sex drive is up even more but appetite is in the gutter kinda weird. Sex usually equals eating, lol.

My buddy I lifted with loved JM Press but couldn't understand or get the hang of PL style bench. He was nuts in the gym not in a good way, lol. He started out curling then pressdowns then came over and was like think I can bench 315. Im like dude just take it easy your all over the place. He didn't he tried it and slammed the weight n his chest, lol. He is funny as shit. The NPP has his vascularity cming out nice and he doesn't know hw to train or eat so that saying something.

Military Press-125 5 rep max, thats up 10. Would like to know how low you guys bring the bar?

DB incline press-50x12, 60x12,80x8

JM Press-these just keep going up. 105x10 last set

HS side lateral-3 sets 12 reps

20 minutes bike
^^^^ LMFAO It's hard to find the right training partner. half the time they are hot dogs asking for injuries and theother half of the time they are wimps! hahahahaha

Nice lifts - especially the JM presses - you're going to be busting out of your shirts like lil'Abner! I'm dying to try the PL styl;e too but can't quite seem to get it down. Got to do some more reading and watch a few vids. About the Military - i usually do DBs but when I do the barbell I go down to my upper chest (about 3" -4" above nipple line)

Keep it up bro! test will kick your ass in gear soon!
Thanx lean, love the new avitar dude. Babys got back. A lot of juice in that trunk, lol.

How do you photoshop, what program to download?

Monday Afternoon Legs

Leg Press-went kinda light. This used to be a strong exercise for me but with the knees now I dropped back to 3 working sets 70% 6 plates a side 12 reps. Inzer knee wraps wrk great. Didn't think I would like a this gear like straps wraps belt but I do.

HS Leg Extension-no wraps 4 sets 65 a side

Pull-threws- went heavier than usual, felt good. I used wraps for this too. 3 sets 10 reps.

Biked for 15min

Abs- roller wheel 3 sets all out felt real good. I like these a lot.
HS Cruches 2x20

All in all not a bad day. Kinda creepy listening to shit in your knees make noise as you lift but the doc said work it out. I do feel better after working them for a few weeks now so hpefully a few more and more weeks and then try some squats.
Nice workout bud - I'm glad you are liking the wraps. i use them for the last 2-3 sets with legs and it gives me confidence that i'm not going to blow out a knee. and BTW - soon the crick crick of the knees will be like the sound of the leaves rustling inthe wind - you won't notice it at all - Hahahahahaha

and yeah i like photoshop i can apply tatoos anywhere - even on my wife's ass LOL :-) (Yeah i wish - sadly it isn't...but I can still dream)
Shits goin good. Knee caps are way less inflamed and shifted back in center more. Test kicked in last night, I had a crazy protein craving and no today the chills a little and great sens eof well being. So I went to fatboys and got a chicken breast and a double hamburger burger no roll, lol. Bodyweight is ovwer 270 but less fat belive it or not probably inn the 16-18% range gonna get it checked next week. Really feeling good again and my peformance here at work has been amazing. Sex drive is up a appetite is coming back. Im gonna be ramping up protein intake to 400grams daily once my Casien powder gets in. Placing an order today from Blackwings for some Elk patties/Venison Patties and free range birds.

Incresed strength again yesterday on the flat bench.


Warmed-up to a 4 rep max of 265. Gonna hit the 2 board for two weeks and come back and try to hit 275 for 4. Chest is getting really big and hard according to the old lady.

DB shoulder Press-couldn't increse this 50's for 12 3 sets

Cable Flyes slow with 2 secoond hold 3 sets

Overhead Rope extensions for tri's

Biked for 15 then LOTs Of Crunches and leeg raises
Awsome post, dudeski - glad to hear that evrything id going well. It will only get better from here on out! Keep those knees wrapped when you do the heavy work and ice them if they get sore or swollen - you'll do great! And excellent info on elk! I'm going to expand my sources of protein!!! Sweet! Nice that the old lady id noticing you get big and hard.....and that the sex drive is up - smooth sailing til the nuptuals - hahahaha
Weekend went well but didn't train unfortunately keg parties all weekend with the guys. I only got two days in last week. I made it up today however with a nice session. Felt weak going and still full from lunhc but really had a great grip on the bar and decent strength after my warm-ups on Dl's. I liked your sesh the other day milky so I pretty much copied it.

Monday Afternoon

warmed up to 405lbs for 6 reps 1-2 left in the tank got a vid if you guys wanna see the form? I prefer narrow stance narrow grip. Chalk paid off nice today. I tried straps with bent rows last week but still cant seem to get them right. Knee wraps really helped too. I absolutely love these inzer wraps!

135x10, 135x10, 225x6, Cores- 315x5 , 365x5, 405x6 only 4 reps off PR or 3 I forget. Didn't do as many warm-ups but felt good. Warm-ups are still done by feel just stretching and getting the groove no where near fatiquing.

Hammer Hammy Curls one leg only 35 a side. Truthfully these feel sketchier for me than a heavy pull go fiqure. 3 sets all 10 reps.

Leg Press-4 plates a sidex10, 5 platesx12, 6 platesx15. Felt good but I could hear the knees snap crackle and pop. I wore the wraps for all 3 sets.

High Pulls with the rope 2 sets 25 reps
DB hammer curl 1 set 25 reps only with the 30's.
Abs but not many pretty crushed after that, lol.

I probably wouldn't needed those last 3 sets if I could go full throttle with my accesory work but Im pussying out with accesory work around the knees at only 70% max. Look forward to hitting the gym where Im going in Ohio on Wed. It's a chest day and Im taking my boards, lol. The gym is in an old warehouse type barn Dorain Yates dungeun style, with Metal cranking, lol.
Weekend went well but didn't train unfortunately keg parties all weekend with the guys. I only got two days in last week. I made it up today however with a nice session. Felt weak going and still full from lunhc but really had a great grip on the bar and decent strength after my warm-ups on Dl's. I liked your sesh the other day milky so I pretty much copied it.

Monday Afternoon

warmed up to 405lbs for 6 reps 1-2 left in the tank got a vid if you guys wanna see the form? I prefer narrow stance narrow grip. Chalk paid off nice today. I tried straps with bent rows last week but still cant seem to get them right. Knee wraps really helped too. I absolutely love these inzer wraps!

135x10, 135x10, 225x6, Cores- 315x5 , 365x5, 405x6 only 4 reps off PR or 3 I forget. Didn't do as many warm-ups but felt good. Warm-ups are still done by feel just stretching and getting the groove no where near fatiquing.

Hammer Hammy Curls one leg only 35 a side. Truthfully these feel sketchier for me than a heavy pull go fiqure. 3 sets all 10 reps.

Leg Press-4 plates a sidex10, 5 platesx12, 6 platesx15. Felt good but I could hear the knees snap crackle and pop. I wore the wraps for all 3 sets.

High Pulls with the rope 2 sets 25 reps
DB hammer curl 1 set 25 reps only with the 30's.
Abs but not many pretty crushed after that, lol.

I probably wouldn't needed those last 3 sets if I could go full throttle with my accesory work but Im pussying out with accesory work around the knees at only 70% max. Look forward to hitting the gym where Im going in Ohio on Wed. It's a chest day and Im taking my boards, lol. The gym is in an old warehouse type barn Dorain Yates dungeun style, with Metal cranking, lol.

I like the training session ;).

Remember, assistance work is just that. Keep the form strict and hit it hard but don't over-do it. If you can't perform with your max effort on your core lifts because you did too much assistance work the day before, you're going to end up spinning your wheels.
Nice workout, dude - PM me the link for the vid - I have my own "style" for deads but when I do them "proper" always seems awkward and i end up with the bar ripping up my shins.... The knee wraps are great - aren't they? I feel like it gave me a ton more choices for legs without risking injury to the joint!

Cool deal about the dungeon gym - I'm traveling in the next 2 weeks LA and Vegas - so i intend to hit up the local Golds.... maybe i'll get to train arms with Jay C. hahahahaha
Ohio Trip

Got back from visiting the old ladys kid in the panhandle. Had a great time with her familiy. I got a great session at that gym I was speaking of. Gym was extreme old school. They also had atlas stones, chains, boards, incline with flat neck, farmer walk handles, bars I didn't know imagined and a weighted ab room to die for. Keep in mind it's very rugged nothing fancy perfect atmoshere, gym is called Rocky Road former powerlifting haven I will return to.

Great Chest session on thursday and a mild leg workout today no need loggin today still no squats.

CHEST at Rocky Road

Decline Bench-warmed up with 135, 135, 155, 185, 225, 245- two cores 275x6 2 left in the tank, 305x5 forced rep from spotter on the fifth. Felt great holdiong 3+over head real stable little lopside to the left but not bad..

Standing HS plated shrug machine- 4 sets with 3 45's a side 15+ reps.

JM PRess-25's a side 3 sets 12 reps

DB flat flye-40's for 20+reps

Ab work- 3 sets i used a plate loaded machine with two handles over head sitting in a incline postion, basically bringing the hands overhead and pausing lowest point for a complete stretch in the entire core. best ab work to date. Flat crunch machine for 3 sets and called it a day.

Next week I plain on really focusing on the shoulders and quads.

Test has been mild but noticable very comfortable dose as far as sides are concerned. Once I clean up the diet to help test to be kicked in a little, I should see a nice increase in strength. For how bad habits have been seem to get stronger every week.

Ordered the Lesnar fight tonight and made a nice 20ounce delmonico so it's been a good weekend.
Dlove... I love the amount of weight I can put up on decline as opposed to flat and incline as well. It's really nice to get under all that weight and have it feel really easy.

Glad to hear the testosterone is starting to kick in... Keep the diet clean and the training hard and you'll be seeing some nice strength gains in no time.

You got a PM bro.
Late posting again, shits been crazy here at the office and the old lady is taking up some time as well. Yesterdays training seesion was pretty weak but I have a real nice pump today. Reallly targeted what I wanted to Lats and arms. I didn't deadlift so I went with more of a BBer routine. As soon as the knees feel up to havy weight ill be doing the 5/3/1 as planned. Really cofused and scattered with the old 5 sets of this and that lifting. Powerlifting is definitely where it's at for me. It gives me good focus, goals, and a noticable increse in strength as well as big swole body lol. Body weight is pushing 280 again, lol, im going after lesanar in UFC 104, SURE. My forearms and grip is getting wicked from JM Preess and better bench, Back work etcc.. I have never felt this before. I wish my gym had the HS grip master likem the gym in Ohio, shit I wish my gym had half of the shit they had. My pussy ass gym just threw away my chalk little do they know theres 20 more bars where that came from.

Monday Afternoon

DB Rows- 60x10, 70x10, 80 x10, 90x10, 100x10

Smith Rows- 135x15, 225 x10, 225x10- I like doing these slow bar to the pelvis area with a nice squeeze at the top.

Underhand narrow pulldowns- 3 sets 160lbs slow nice full stretch all 15-20 reps

HS Pulldowns-3 sets 10 2 45's a side. Really beefin up the weight in this exercise.

DB Curls-50's for 10 2 sets.

Ab Roller Wheel- 3 sets

Biked for 15 called it a day

Nothing to crazy to report on the test. Lifestyle changes started sunday so hopefully I should be feeling something more noticable. Trying squats in the smith tommorow should be interesting. I might try some goodmornings instead which ever feels easier on the knees.
Missed squats today, decided to leave the office early instead and go for a nice long trail walk at the falls. I wanted to get a feel for how my legs/kness reacted to some stress, they felt good walking up the hills and mild rock crawling so they should be ready for light squats. I got some hilarious pics under the falls where my girl is in the avi. The camera phone takes horrible pics I should have zoomed in on the chica a little better.

More cardio has been the missing link for me. I have been feeling so cooped up lately and needed a burst of energy to get out. Test usually kicks in for me the more cardio I do. I have been hitting low impact cardio after each training session but I never feel shit from cardio in a gym. My best cardio always comes from the outdoors.

Gonna hit legs 2morow and military press friday and more swimming and hiking all weekend.
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Hey bro - sorry to hear you're back at the pussy ass gym with the rubber db's after hitting the Rocky Road! LOL Sounds like a great trip to ohio - got you stoked, no doubt. Nice work on the rows- bet your shoulders felt good after that!

BTW - hot avi - u lucky guy!
Hey bro - sorry to hear you're back at the pussy ass gym with the rubber db's after hitting the Rocky Road! LOL Sounds like a great trip to ohio - got you stoked, no doubt. Nice work on the rows- bet your shoulders felt good after that!

BTW - hot avi - u lucky guy!

Thanx MP, lol. Sorry about the late response on the email bigdog. Fridays wind down a little in are company ill hit you up 2morow. They were 45's not 35's BTW :) Even the plates at my gym are pussy plates, nah iron is iron. Not the like the 100's at Rocky Road though, lol.


The knees felt up to par for some light squats. Intensity was around 60 maybe 70%. I really didn't want to take any chances just yet. Every week will be getting a little heavier. Squated in the smith also, probably will for a month then back to the rack. I will say this even though it was a light day I feel incredible, im not gonna celebrate this time and fuck it up again, lol.

Smith Box Squats- 135x10, 155x6, 185x5, 225x5, 245x5, 275x5, 295x5, 305x5 a ton of reps left in the tank. I was impressed not squatting in over a month and still felt alright. Practiced pushing the stomach out and used more narrow stance with knee wraps on the last 3 sets. I did like how far out far out I could get my hands on the bar really helps to keep the elbows down like mikea mentioned. Pretty pissed though, since I was no where near full throttle with this I couldn't see the neck flare and veins poppin. I also didn't bother filling the chest cavity with air which helps crank out more reps cause it wasn't needed. In due time I see big numbers on Squats probably their my favorite exercise. Still can't decide if Squat or DL is King.

Lat-pulldowns- I did these to stretch the back really worked well after Squats I see now why Mikea calls for it in the Dlove 3 day program, lol. 4 sets high rep slow strict form, nice stretch. 165lbs, still not strong with these like I used to be but like Jim says FUCK IT ITS ASSISTANCE ,lol

Pull-threws- Tried a coulple different stances toes out toes in and bend of the knees and no bend. Little Bend of the kness makes this exercise feel like Goodmornings.

Hip Abduction-drop seted these felt awesome 2 sets with 3 drop backs in weight

Boatloads of Ab work and called it a day. Something unexplainable happened with abs today. I got this wicked spasm tight feeling threwout the entire core kinda like it seized up. It went away with a nice stretch.

Sorry guys it's been a while since I had a long drawn out post.

I think 500iu of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) might be to much for me on 250 E a week. My nuts hang like a old man. Test is funny at this dose sense of well being is real up and down. Sleep still sucks unless I really exert myself like yesterday. The sex drive and sleep was great week 1-4 somehw I know thats weird the whole 4 week loading phase of long ester but that is what has happened. No strength gains to date I still feel it's better training principles and form. Considering the sustain alpha for shits and giggles.

Military Press 2morow and golf and more hiking for cardio this weekend.
Milk, maybe you could check with some of the older vets on here on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) if they experience some of the things Im experiencing on this low dose.

Like Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for someone who started with 160 T-level maybe the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) isn't needed i dunno?

Sense of well being up and down unless lots of cardio is done?

Sleep isn't imprving much I read where it helps when levels come back?

Appetite really hasn't improved much?
Friday Afternonn

Military Press-5 warmups then 3 sets the best was 20lbs more bar to chest instead makes it easier. 3 set 145 for 5.

To much accesory work today. I hit HS Chest Machine and im not a fan.

BB Shrugs-4 sets best being 365lbs for 10 clean

Not rally feeling rhe best for some reason theres a increase in strength but not much well being for

Had a nice increase on the pec-dec
Dlove, just a suggestion. I wonder if maybe the sense of well being not being there is in your head?

Not that your crazy or dont know yourself, but maybe your expecting too much too soon, or maybe your just thinking about it too much and not letting yourself really see the improvements.

Just a thought.

Hope everything gets better and good luck.