do you always aspirate?

do you always aspirate?

  • yes, always

    Votes: 241 68.3%
  • no, never

    Votes: 58 16.4%
  • sometimes, depends where im shooting

    Votes: 54 15.3%

  • Total voters

always. just alittle pulling action(not too much) just enough to see at least one airbubble expand alittle bit.

it's so damn easy too why is it soo fucking hard?

Die$eL~Man said:
i have had many shot by my doctors and not one of them ever aspirated ... ever !
You probably havn't noticed. it takes very little pressure to get blood into the syringe. Plus, think about how many injections THEY do a day! lol
i do..but it kind of freaks me out when i do..when i accidently pull to hard it gives like a vacuum sound or something and that freaks me out alot more than sticking the pin in my asscheek. is it dangerous when that happens?
I finally hit my first bleeder last week; aspirated and pulled blood.

The odd thing is, it was a subQ HCG injection in my gut. So pppppppttttttttt to those of you who say it's not necessary to aspirate subQ injections.
seriously... im going to sound like a jack ass, but i thought to aspirate was to flick the syringe a few times to bring the air bubbles to the top then, push plunger down until a few trickles of gear flow out... so what the hell is to aspirate???
insert needle. pull back with the slightest of pressure and make sure the needle didnt stick a vein, if you pull blood, you've hit a vein, if not, its a-ok to inject. imo, if uhita vein, take it out, restart COMPLTELY.

feelfree to fix my short, uneducated discription
u shouldnt be on Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) if u are.
hammer53 said:
seriously... im going to sound like a jack ass, but i thought to aspirate was to flick the syringe a few times to bring the air bubbles to the top then, push plunger down until a few trickles of gear flow out... so what the hell is to aspirate???
vfr400 said:
what is the aspiration :) i dont know what is that mean

When you pull slightly back on the plunger of the syringe once it is inside your muscle, prior to actually injecting, to make sure you are not in a vein.
Id o but i'ma beginner. I agreeabout he docs. I've never seena nurse or doc take the time to pull back on it.

So wat you guys are saying is if you are in a vein or sometihng and you pull back , even gently it will fill with blood?

Another thing, B12, which i'm using now is red in color to begin with?

BTW, mranak, I hit the left delt and right outer quad by myself. Virginity is gone. Thanks for the help.