Young Dirty Couch Bouncer
Tue 8-8-06
Squat - 315X10X4
Seated Calf Raises - 3plates X15X4
SLDL - 225X10X3
Hack Squat - 2platesX10X3
Leg Extentions - 250X10X3
Seated leg curls - 250X10X1 (felt heavy so...) 200X10X2
My legs are rubber right now...10 days off. I will probably have trouble with stairs tomorrow.
Oh...I am also down a few pounds.
Squat - 315X10X4
Seated Calf Raises - 3plates X15X4
SLDL - 225X10X3
Hack Squat - 2platesX10X3
Leg Extentions - 250X10X3
Seated leg curls - 250X10X1 (felt heavy so...) 200X10X2
My legs are rubber right now...10 days off. I will probably have trouble with stairs tomorrow.
Oh...I am also down a few pounds.