Fender's Log

JT190 said:
As you should when lifting heavy like that, nice work!!
Plus I'm old. Nobody is ever in the room with the power rack which is the room I use to do squats as well as deadlifts....so I usually take a nap in between sets.

Fender said:

After warmups

Deadlifts - 365X5X5

Reverse close grip pulldowns - 250X10X3

Seated close grip rows - 250X10X3

Preacher curls - 110X10X3

Incline DB curls - 35X10X3
strong lifts bro...nice work
Mon 6-26-06


Squats - After some warmup sets - 365X5X5

Seated Calf Raises - 3 plates X25X3

Standing Calf Machine - 500(whole stack) X2X10

SLDL - 225X2X10

Hack Squat Machine - 6 plates X10X2

Hip ad/abductors - 130X20X1 each
Thanks JT....
Gym kind of sucked last night. First off...they refuse to turn the AC on and it's hot and humid as hell here in the northeast. Plus the power rack is in the basement where there are no windows even. Then there was a group of 12-14 year olds running around acting like idiots almost killing themselves cause they don't know how to lift. Little fucker watched me get off the standing leg machine and instead of asking if I was done, drops the weight to like 100lbs and knocks out 4 reps.
I was ready to beat him....probably would have been good cardio.
Fender said:

Squats - After some warmup sets - 365X5X5

Seated Calf Raises - 3 plates X25X3

Standing Calf Machine - 500(whole stack) X2X10

SLDL - 225X2X10

Hack Squat Machine - 6 plates X10X2

Hip ad/abductors - 130X20X1 each

good job fender
Tue 6-27-06


Flat BB bench...after warmups - 235X5X5

Incline Bench - 155X2X10

Cable Flyes - 80X2X10

Tricep pressdowns - W/Rope - 80X10X2, W/45 Degree bar - 80X10X2, W/Straight Bar - 80X10X2

Tomorrow I have a raquetball date :wiggle:
Fender said:

Flat BB bench...after warmups - 235X5X5

Incline Bench - 155X2X10

Cable Flyes - 80X2X10

Tricep pressdowns - W/Rope - 80X10X2, W/45 Degree bar - 80X10X2, W/Straight Bar - 80X10X2

Tomorrow I have a raquetball date :wiggle:

Fender do you smoke?
Winter said:
I think he's askin if you smoke poles or better yet put, if you played the skin flute. :wiggle: :naughty: :bj:
That's what I am trying to figure out. The answer to all 3 is no.