im scared

There is NO WAY that someone 145lbs can bench over 300lbs - physically imposible ...

Incorrect. There were several kids on my high school weightlifting team that benched over 300 at around that size.
All this hooten & hollering.... Bunch of bullshit. The kid was an unstable pubescent teen who had no business on steroids. His parents should've started a foundation on poor parenting... They are to blame
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I get fuckin pissed every time I see that kid's jackass father running his stupid mouth....Probably shouldn't have put so much pressure on him to be a star athlete and he wouldn't have been depressed and killed himself.....wait wait was the STEROIDS
He also was on antidepressiants but no where did it say that..... Not steroids... Media once again has it twisted
Poor kid probably didnt know a damn thing about steroids and possibly dosed way to high without a PCT.

Regardless these kids are going to do what they want.

Which is the main reason i try be modest with these youngsters that come in here asking questions.
The father should man up & prove his wild theory about his son being driven, by steroid, to commit suicide or just shut his trap and stop the witch hunt... It's fucking 2011 guy! I've yet to do any cycle (very soon in the future though) ever, but whenever I see that fuck face in the media, I get a fucking 'roid rage' LOL- and develop this incredible urge to smash his fucking face in. Fucking pumps me up!!

Anyone know what compound, the kid was using?
Never heard...but he was on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds as well...... Isn't suicide a side effect of Anti-Depressants some times?
Never heard...but he was on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds as well...... Isn't suicide a side effect of Anti-Depressants some times?

As any doctors will warn you, and yes, also on the label will say it can dip your mood to rock bottom. "You need to stop the meds immediately and call 911!".... is what I was told by my doctor when I began takin med
for depression, but that was years ago and I'm comfortable talking about it now. You're right about that.
I never have in my life personally heard of Steroids taking someones life...though alcohol has taken many, prescribed medications, chemotherapy, Tylenol, and many more "ok" things slaughter by the thousands....

I know steroids run that risk, but in all reality from my research it usually comes from an underlying condition that was made worse by the steroid. OR the person had no education on it, did not study and did something stupid...OR did a cocktail...You know like the wrestlers cocktail, Steroids, Pain killers, Booze.... Yep, that will work out.
I never have in my life personally heard of Steroids taking someones life...though alcohol has taken many, prescribed medications, chemotherapy, Tylenol, and many more "ok" things slaughter by the thousands....

I know steroids run that risk, but in all reality from my research it usually comes from an underlying condition that was made worse by the steroid. OR the person had no education on it, did not study and did something stupid...OR did a cocktail...You know like the wrestlers cocktail, Steroids, Pain killers, Booze.... Yep, that will work out.

But remember the whole media trying to pin Chris Benoit's death on steroids? BS! :chainsaw: