My evolution for 3 years

160, I would say you look more, looking great. I would love your definition but at a weight of about 220, Im also 6'0
Carlos_E2 said:
4 cycles is a hell of a lot for you only to be 160. You could have done that naturally. Do you make any gains while off or do you only make gains while on?

U do have a good physique though
Bast said:
U do have a good physique though

Yes. 5'6", 200, 28" waist. single digit bf%. I think 4 cycles is way to many for someone to only weight 160. 160 is not that hard to get naturally at our height.
- Weight is not important, only visual is important ...
- I don't do this cycle to win more mass ( except the first ) ... I take steroids mainly for the quality ...
- I don't do BBing to be the most big ( otherwise, i wouldn't take Winstrol ) , i prefer be less big and more cut => i appear more heavy than i am . And continue to please women ...

;) ;)

PS : I have already been at 160 natural, but visual results were completely differents, less hard, less quality, less vascular, and less cut ...
fuckin crazy transformation, your definatly dedicated, and it paid off for ya for sure.... you've got the build i want, only i'm like 6'0 or 6'1 and near 200lbs... i think it's possible though.... keep at it man, truely inspiring.
Stephou said:
I have already been at 160 natural, but visual results were completely differents, less hard, less quality, less vascular, and less cut ...

But vascularity, hardness and muscle quality can be managed through diet and cardio. You make it sound as if you can't get the same results naturally. At such a light weight (160) you can. I have friends who are in the same condition as you and at the same weight naturally.

You don't need juice to look ripped or like a model you just need hard work.

Now if you're trying to achieve the same look at 230 being 5'6". Yes, I can understand doing 4 cycles. But not at 160.
Carlos_E2 said:
But vascularity, hardness and muscle quality can be managed through diet and cardio. You make it sound as if you can't get the same results naturally. At such a light weight (160) you can. I have friends who are in the same condition as you and at the same weight naturally.

You don't need juice to look ripped or like a model you just need hard work.

Now if you're trying to achieve the same look at 230 being 5'6". Yes, I can understand doing 4 cycles. But not at 160.

Sorry guy, i live in Paris, i do Strip-Tease every night, i know BBeur competitor, and i NEVER saw naturals guys with quality of juiced guys ... Post pics of your friends, please.

To finish, the 4 cycles are MY problem, not yours ... important is results, i don't want to be at 200 lbs, women don't like that, they love my body, and that's what i want ...
Meme ici tu te fais remettre en place avec tes cures pour ton poids plume . On a l 'impression que t ' as un complexe à force de tout ramener aux femmes . Allez salut crevette .
PS : Ou on peut te voir faire du strip guignol ? :afro:
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Ignore the guys who say you aren't weighing enough... You look awesome and are attaining your goals... You are awesome.
Carlos_E2 said:
Yes. 5'6", 200, 28" waist. single digit bf%. I think 4 cycles is way to many for someone to only weight 160. 160 is not that hard to get naturally at our height.

where your pics at?? Im sure you dont look that good.
Man, after reading your cycle history, it looks like you've done a pretty impressive job, my friend. It also looks like you've got some pretty good genetics, heh.

I wish I could hit the sauce, but I'm in the military, and I don't want to lose my status =(
Stephou said:
Tu peux me voir faire du strip dans l'anus de ta chienne de mère :)
T ' es né avec un corps de merde et toute ta vie , t ' auras beau le nier , t ' auras un corps de merde . Regarde toi bouffon , y ' a que les mecs qui ressemblent à rien que tu impressionnes . Guignolo . Mouarfff .
Ah et au fait , que je ne te reconnaisse pas dans une boite ou autre mon ami , parce que sinon on va te tomber dessus mon ami la grande gueule sur internet .
Oui je pense que tu vas finir dans un caniveau avec ton etoile du sherif dilaté stripteaser pour adolescente . A+ tocard . :)
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