need controled delivery help, asap

At the request of a couple people, we have cut out a bunch of bullshit that was on the original thread and re-opened this one for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY!!!!

If any mention is made about Laundry Supplies and sourcing/recieving/whatever, you will be banned on the spot.

The topic at hand is controlled deliveries and how to avoid being caught in one if you think you are the target of one.
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A couple of points. Someone stated in an earlier post that customs notifies local authorities whenever a package is seized. I do not believe this as there are just too many seizures and if this were the case there would be a lot more arrests, a lot of small town PD's have nothing better to do. I've had several seizures over the years, they once sent the empty boxes. Another point is that it was advised to use a fake name, again a bad idea, if you were to get busted they could then add conspiracy to the list of charges and the penalities would be much worse, ask any lawyer.
mike57 said:
A couple of points. Someone stated in an earlier post that customs notifies local authorities whenever a package is seized. I do not believe this as there are just too many seizures and if this were the case there would be a lot more arrests, a lot of small town PD's have nothing better to do. I've had several seizures over the years, they once sent the empty boxes. Another point is that it was advised to use a fake name, again a bad idea, if you were to get busted they could then add conspiracy to the list of charges and the penalities would be much worse, ask any lawyer.

think what you want but believe me I know from the horse's mouth as I know a guy that works in US Customs in NY plus a local cop who sees this too. If someone continues to order large qties to the same name and addy and builds up seizures they will come for you with a controlled delivery..continual seizures will lead to a warrant being issued to open your mail because they know some packs get through..other wise they will not bother with a seizure notice for a couple hundred dball or amps....they don't have the evidence so they can't act...
it's better to be safe than sorry...;)
Good post biggie, but on the other hand. This board is all about persoanl experience, we need to be able to trust one another.
The good points that Biggie made should be taken out and made sticky for those who think they are getting a controlled delivery.....this eased my mind. I just don't want to end up in jail. Thanks again SC for pointing this thread out to me!