
dbolme, nomore liquidex at the moment due to some heat. There is a post about it on here with the subject "just for the record..."

Jack, so the greatest results you've gotten was when you stacked the p-gh? that's interesting... maybe I need to give this stuff a shot... or two.. =X
Results I've gotten in 5 weeks are drugged results. Everyone who sees me says I'm leaner everyday. VEINS, VEINS, AND MORE VEINS! I'm jacking, hehe, with 1-methyl test, 200mg a day, and 2cc's sustanon250 a week. I've never gotten results like this. I did 2 HGH Humatrope kits with Winstrol (winny) and sust 2 years ago, and I did'nt even get close to the results I've gotten by stacking the PGH to it. I'm going to keep trying it with other gear. One thing I have noticed is that I seemed to build a tolerance to HGH, with this stuff I dont. I deffinately think anyone who is as serious as I am about bodybuilding should add it to their current stack. I SWEAR I DID NOT THINK IT WAS GOING TO WORK WHEN I STARTED IT..... awesome stuff.

Nice feedback. The question in my head is, whether i should add this into my current cycle which is 500mg test e/week, and i will be running IGF post cycle. OR, if i should maybe just save it, and run it over the summer to keep me lean (hopefully if it does work like said). What would you guys suggest? Thanks in advance.

Damn, I really tempted to order some. But, I think I will wait to see what kinf of results you guys have with it. Keep the posts coming....
Yeah, I'm taking it sq.... or in the stomach....whatever you prefer to say....I'm using a low dose insulin syringe, 1/2cc at a 50 count. YES! I deffinately have never been able to get this hard before. Like I said before, the one thing I noticed is that no tolerance seems to build up. The only people I have seen say it was bull shit are those who have not tried it...mostly guys from eliteshitness.... figures. I noticed a lot of people like to make statements on these boards just to make them I think. Every person I have soken to that has done it says nothing bad about it and are amazed. Most of the people I contacted before taking it were mods that had used it. So I gave it a try and I'm very satisfied.

Stack it!! I cant wait to really do a good cycle with it. Keep posting your results. I'm curious to see.
Deadlift said:
The ingredient giving the effects is GABA.

Here is a link to get 200g of the stuff for $25. This shit is a rip-off.

What link?
Can't be a ripoff, since i got it for free. :D
Jack, I appreciate the feedback bro. I hear you about these people who knock things down before they even give it a shot. I'll be sure to post my results if I ever decide to use the stuff I got.
Just to add, I'm not knocking this product. I am justshowing how cheap these materials are.

nyc- yes, it is sterile, but how hard is it to get a kit and make these sterile and still be much cheaper.
Deadlift said:
Just to add, I'm not knocking this product. I am justshowing how cheap these materials are.

nyc- yes, it is sterile, but how hard is it to get a kit and make these sterile and still be much cheaper.

I see what youre saying. But, i got mine free, i think im going to give it a shot alone over the summer after my cycle to see if it does anything, i will post once i complete using it.
Isn't GABA an analog of GHB ???? Similar to GBL??? Correct me if Im wrong...

EDIT..... I do believe I am wrong...after reading about what bayoumike had to say ...
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DEADLIFT, I am not the manufacturer of the product so I can't explain exactly why it works as well as it does and although I would love to know the manufacturer is not telling me. I can say that the ingredients are as follows: Amino acid growth hormone peptide bonds; 4-aminobutyric acid (GABA), 7-amino-8-hydroxbutyric acid (GABOB), acetylglutamine. With GABA being the main ingredient. You calling the product a "RIP-OFF" doesn’t offend me personally because it is just one of the many products I carry. I do think your a little late in the game with the bashing seeing how there hasn't been ONE complaint or dissatisfied user of the product. So suggesting everyone go and buy 200gm of GABA instead of the P-GH product can't be good advice because if straight GABA is just as good why isn't everyone raving about it? Why aren't people getting the same results? No offense bro but if you attack my products, you hurt my reputation and potential income. Remember I don't invent products I just carry them. Most of our products are made for us and have our name on the label, so for us to put it there they have to work as well as we say they do, so if you call them a “RIP-OFF” you’re calling me a rip-off and that isn’t the way it is. I didn’t get in on this post until Drveejay was good enough to pull me in and I’m sorry for that but I’m real busy and miss a lot of stuff like this. Also if some of the stuff I say sounds salesish…….. That would be because I sell products for a living on my web site, www.universalkitsplus.com maybe you’ve heard of it? We’re a sponsor here and pay a lot to be one. I can appreciate negative feedback but you haven’t even tried the product so please before you go ripping on someone you don’t know or have done business with consider the damage irresponsible, ignorant comments can do. If you want to try the product come to the site spend some money and we’ll throw you a 30 day supply for FREE…….. Then post your educated and entitled opinion just shoot me an email to let me know it’s you. BTW please don’t take offense to anything I have said I don’t know you either and am not intending to attack you personally, I would just expect someone who says they’re a pro bodybuilder to act professional.