Results I've gotten in 5 weeks are drugged results. Everyone who sees me says I'm leaner everyday. VEINS, VEINS, AND MORE VEINS! I'm jacking, hehe, with 1-methyl test, 200mg a day, and 2cc's sustanon250 a week. I've never gotten results like this. I did 2 HGH Humatrope kits with Winstrol (winny) and sust 2 years ago, and I did'nt even get close to the results I've gotten by stacking the PGH to it. I'm going to keep trying it with other gear. One thing I have noticed is that I seemed to build a tolerance to HGH, with this stuff I dont. I deffinately think anyone who is as serious as I am about bodybuilding should add it to their current stack. I SWEAR I DID NOT THINK IT WAS GOING TO WORK WHEN I STARTED IT..... awesome stuff.