RDS's first cycle - Test and Var

I think you're stressing out! Calm down. You've only been on for a couple of weeks now, test hasn't even had a chance to kick in yet!
I'm not stressing out mate, I WAS, but I'm not now. I've been quite lucky with sides, if all my cycles go as smoothly as this I'll be a happy man

And this is my 7th week, pretty sure my test must've kicked in if my performance in the gym is any indicator!
today is my last day of the anavar. I loved it, and will miss it when it's gone.

Definitely going to use var again in my future.
hit a vein today pinning my hcg. Scary stuff! Just whipped that fucker out and pinned it in my quads. I'll be limping around for the next few days but I'll train legs tonight and it shouldn't interfere too much.

Made a bit of an arse out of the test injection too, quite a lot of oil leaked out. I'm sure it's not worth worrying about but it's still frustrating.

It's weird, my Monday injections always go smooth but my Thursday pins are always a nightmare.

Ah well, like I say, I'm sure it's not a big deal. I'm currently resisting the temptation to weigh myself again til the end of the month

Are you pinning your HCG IM? Usually pinned Into your stomach. Pinch an inch of skin on lower abs and pin it. Use a 29g insulin pin. Try separating your sites as well with your test. Try a 25g 1inch in your delt to give your glute a much needed rest.
hi smalsh, yeah I am just pinning it IM, usually into my quads. I found that injecting test into my quads hurts like hell but hCG doesn't hurt at all. I think it is probably because the test is oil based and the hCG is in water.

I appreciate the advice but I really don't like the idea of pinning my delts. I don't know why, but delts, chest and lats all freak me out! Haha.

I'm only pinning 2 test injections and 2 hCG injections a week so I don't think I need to worry too much about rotating sites.

Thanks for reading my log though man, much appreciated
I hear ya about pinning chest. I could never bring myself to do it that's for sure. Keep up the log tho, train hard and getter done. I'll probably start a log in april when I start my test E and EQ cycle.
my flatmate is REALLY good at pinning. She's better than me I'd say! Seems to quite enjoy it too.

In a weird way it's kinda cool. My flatmate and I don't really know each other all that well so it's quite cool how we have this intimate little secret we share. She's never had a flatmate like me before, which is something we both laugh about.

Anyway as to the cycle, there's not much else to report. I have to say, this whole thing you hear about feeling "on" seems like BS to me. I feel no different. People say you have a feeling of well-being, and a high sex drive. I had those two already! I think if taking t makes you feel better then you probably have low t in the first place...

The only difference is in the gym. It turns you into a total fucking animal. From the minute you walk in the door you feel strong enough to lift a double decker bus. Then when you leave, it switches off again, lying dormant until it's time to go smash it in the gym again. The regulars at my gym (all of which now I'm on) laugh, saying I swagger round the place like I think I'm the biggest badass on earth. It's pretty funny.
are u takin any pre workout

na, never have really. I work in a supplement shop and I can tell you that most pre workouts are overpriced garbage (fat burners too, what a con). If I feel I need it I just make myself a really strong coffee.

Also, I tend to train quite late in the evening, and don't really like the idea of loading up on stims so late in the day. I have trouble sleeping as it is.
Anavar really does give some impressive strength gains as well as it's hardening effect and good dry quality gains make it worth using IMO.
Zeek my man! Thanks for stopping by.

I am glad I ran the anavar, and am reasonably certain it was responsible for my initial strength and weight gains. I think the next time I cycle (september time probably) I'll bump the var up to 100mg a day and run it for 4 weeks instead of 6.

A lot of my cycle success is due to the advice you gave me Zeek, if you're ever in Glasgow I'm buying you a steak!
not much to report, the cycle has become fairly routine. Just keep hitting PRs every workout with no sign of it slowing down anytime soon.

It's very easy to see how this could become addictive, and also why nobody ever does just one cycle. I already know what I'm going to do next! 2nd cycle will be:

twelve week cycle
600mg test E a week
100mg Var weeks 1 - 4
0.5mg adex weeks 2 - 14
250 hCG 2x a week starting week 2
nolva/clomid PCT

the only thing I'm not sure of is whether or not I'll get some finasteride next time. I see hair loss as kind of like Russian Roulette. This time I seem to be ok, but eventually it'll happen...

but I'm getting ahead of myself now, still got a month left of this cycle to do!

God I love steroids.
jada - I eat 4 meals a day with a few snacks and a weight gainer shake for breakfast. I don't really count calories, but I do count protein. I eat between 200 - 250 grams a day. The other day just for a laugh I plugged my daily food intake into one of those websites that calculates the calories you've eaten and it come out a 4500! And that was without the 600 calorie shake I drink for breakfast! I actually think that thing measured it a little high, I doubt I was that far over 4000 but it reassured me that I was eating enough.

I find I do better on 4 huge meals than 6 or 7 small ones.

I eat a shitload of red meat, and snack on nuts pretty much constantly. I can easily eat 1000 calories of nuts a day.

I generally eat pretty clean, but allow myself 2 cheat days a week.

As for the second cycle, it's all part of my master plan. 2 cycles this year to get the size, then do a cut in spring next year to get me super lean, then just maintain that from then on.
haven't updated this in a while, to be honest there's not a whole lot more to report.

Still getting stronger and stronger, it's not even such a big deal anymore. I just sort of expect to smash a PR every time I'm in the gym. I am noticeably stronger every workout, every week on every exercise. It's going to suck going back to making gains at a normal rate!

No sides to report either.

Life is good.