Re: trazadone
DADAWG said:
ambien and sonata didnt do shit for me i would sleep great for 3-4 hours then be wide awake then my doc put me on trazadone , it is an old drug that used to be perscribed for something else but they quit using it because it had side effect [ sleeping ]
Trazadone is an anti-depressant that makes you sleepy...
If the Ambien is so effective for you both (JUICE & DADAWG) as well as everyone else I have ever heard discuss it. Have you ever considered and/or tried increasing it's dosage?
As for sleep aids that are not controlled substances... never used one that worked. On the other hand, proper dosing of GHB is the end all be all in putting you to sleep. It is controlled by the FDA as Xyrem, , but street versions are obviously available. Operation WEBSLINGER did make a dent in it's availablity though. Thing is with the G, you need to be in touch with your body. A small dose will knock you out clean. A moderate dose, and you'll have the best high in the world. A large dose will have you feeling REEEAAALY high for about 20-30 minutes until you pass out as well, but with this dose you'll be awake 2-3 hours later like clockwork! Then there is the overdose... not pretty! Ever seen someone flopping around on the floor like a fish, squirming, making funny faces, drooling, moaning, etc.? With all doses though you wake up feeling like a million bucks. The chemical promotes dopamine production in a big way, and when you wake up you feel it! HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY... oh and did I mention HORNY

? You wanna fuck like a stallion, and you will given the opportunity. Well, I guess you wanna fuck like a stallion everytime you wake up, but with this it's exaggerated. I say you have to be in touch with your body b/c every street batch is different. I mean they are pretty close, but sometimes they are watered down more then other times. You have to be able to figure out how many millilters equates to these dosages relative to you & the batch. Usually one screw-on plastic bottle cap is a "small dosage". Too little to get you high, but enough to get you really tired quick. As for addiction, I don't care what anyone says... with G it's psychological & not physiological. I've read countless reports, spoke with countless people and experienced it myself. The concensus is split. If you have an addictive personality you may become addicted to the feeling, but it's not physiological. On the other hand, I will admit that I have heard that after 2 months of heavy usage the body seems to hold a lot of fluid, organs as well. I have seen friends who have abused it (meaning every two hours for two months straight) start to feel sick when they stopped usage. Personally I attribute this to the ABUSE. Do anything that much, and you are going to feel sick. That's a lot of stress on the body, and a shock when it's discontinued.
My $.02