Sleeping aids

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Juice Authority

I'm going to be taking a fairly heavy dose of Test starting this week along with Tren ED. I know from past experience that sleep is going to be hard to come by. I've taken all the natural herbs: melatonin, kava kava, valerian root, 5 HTP, Tryptophane and Gaba. None of this stuff helped.

I've also taken Tylenol PM, Simply Sleep, Ambien, benedryl, halcyon, tranquilizers, SomaSleep, Serzone, xanax, valium - all of which made me feel extremely groggy the next day and are very addictive.

What's the solution to insomnia caused by Test and AAS? I need something that will help me get a good night sleep that doesn't make me feel groggy the next day.

I hear Theanine is the best but I don't know much about it or whether or not it's a controlled substance. Any feedback??
Melatonin is the bomb... and its very cheap... I will take 2 tabs of that and be asleep within 30 minutes.. How did you like ambien????
thefantom1 said:
Melatonin is the bomb... and its very cheap... I will take 2 tabs of that and be asleep within 30 minutes.. How did you like ambien????

I'm jealous! Melatonin doesn't do shit for me! Ambien puts me to sleep but it wears off 3 hours later and I'm up again pacing around the fucking house. It sucks! I need something that will knock me out and keep me out for at least 7 hours. The catch is that I don’t want to feel like shit the next day. Nyquil is not an option since I'm a recovering alcoholic and Nyquil is the equivalent of taking a shot of booze.
maximus said:
Check out my post below bro add some dbol naps to your cycle and all you'll want to do is

Dbol naps have some fucked up side effects. I'll pass.
Shit I have some great ones, if I only new the name, they are small blue ones, perscription pills, twenty 20mind ltr out like a light for 7 -9 hrs, and wake up totally refressed. I will find out the name for you.

Also you may want to look into Pseven, you can get it at anabolic fitness i am currently gathering info/feedback on it to make the descion if to buy some or not.
Darko said:
Shit I have some great ones, if I only new the name, they are small blue ones, perscription pills, twenty 20mind ltr out like a light for 7 -9 hrs, and wake up totally refressed. I will find out the name for you.

Also you may want to look into Pseven, you can get it at anabolic fitness i am currently gathering info/feedback on it to make the descion if to buy some or not.

Small blue pills? Were they Kolonopin? Those will definitely knock you out but it has the same next-day drowsy after-effects.

Try Trazadone...another prescription sleeping aid.

Speaking of sleep; it's 3:45AM..I should try and get some...
thefantom1 said:
Melatonin is the bomb... and its very cheap... I will take 2 tabs of that and be asleep within 30 minutes.. How did you like ambien????

I can't take Melatonin anymore; after a while, I started getting the most awful nightmares off of that stuff....too much Nightmare on Elm Street...
Darko said:
Also you may want to look into Pseven, you can get it at anabolic fitness i am currently gathering info/feedback on it to make the descion if to buy some or not.

I couldn't find anything over at Anabolic Fitness about Pseven. Please send link. Thanks.

ambien and sonata didnt do shit for me i would sleep great for 3-4 hours then be wide awake then my doc put me on trazadone , it is an old drug that used to be perscribed for something else but they quit using it because it had side effect [ sleeping ] if you try to get up in a couple of hours you will feel like shit but after 7 or 8 hours of sleep ther is no hangover at least for me 150 mg at bedtime works for me but your doc will probably start you at 50 mg or so , ive had a lot of problems with sleep and tried a lot of shit and this is what worked for me , i hope this helps bros

thefantom1 said:
Melatonin is the bomb... and its very cheap... I will take 2 tabs of that and be asleep within 30 minutes.. How did you like ambien????
fantom there is some new melatonin out that is sublingul , source naturals is the brand im familiar with , sublingul goes straight to the blood stream and bipasses the digestion process , if im having trouble going to sleep this helps me but i mostly have trouble staying asleep
Re: trazadone

DADAWG said:
ambien and sonata didnt do shit for me i would sleep great for 3-4 hours then be wide awake then my doc put me on trazadone , it is an old drug that used to be perscribed for something else but they quit using it because it had side effect [ sleeping ]

Trazadone is an anti-depressant that makes you sleepy...

If the Ambien is so effective for you both (JUICE & DADAWG) as well as everyone else I have ever heard discuss it. Have you ever considered and/or tried increasing it's dosage?

As for sleep aids that are not controlled substances... never used one that worked. On the other hand, proper dosing of GHB is the end all be all in putting you to sleep. It is controlled by the FDA as Xyrem, , but street versions are obviously available. Operation WEBSLINGER did make a dent in it's availablity though. Thing is with the G, you need to be in touch with your body. A small dose will knock you out clean. A moderate dose, and you'll have the best high in the world. A large dose will have you feeling REEEAAALY high for about 20-30 minutes until you pass out as well, but with this dose you'll be awake 2-3 hours later like clockwork! Then there is the overdose... not pretty! Ever seen someone flopping around on the floor like a fish, squirming, making funny faces, drooling, moaning, etc.? With all doses though you wake up feeling like a million bucks. The chemical promotes dopamine production in a big way, and when you wake up you feel it! HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY... oh and did I mention HORNY:horny: ? You wanna fuck like a stallion, and you will given the opportunity. Well, I guess you wanna fuck like a stallion everytime you wake up, but with this it's exaggerated. I say you have to be in touch with your body b/c every street batch is different. I mean they are pretty close, but sometimes they are watered down more then other times. You have to be able to figure out how many millilters equates to these dosages relative to you & the batch. Usually one screw-on plastic bottle cap is a "small dosage". Too little to get you high, but enough to get you really tired quick. As for addiction, I don't care what anyone says... with G it's psychological & not physiological. I've read countless reports, spoke with countless people and experienced it myself. The concensus is split. If you have an addictive personality you may become addicted to the feeling, but it's not physiological. On the other hand, I will admit that I have heard that after 2 months of heavy usage the body seems to hold a lot of fluid, organs as well. I have seen friends who have abused it (meaning every two hours for two months straight) start to feel sick when they stopped usage. Personally I attribute this to the ABUSE. Do anything that much, and you are going to feel sick. That's a lot of stress on the body, and a shock when it's discontinued.

My $.02