So What Is Your Pet's Name?

Miss Muscle

New member
For those of you that have pets, what is your pet and what is your pets name.

I have a fish named Fernando. He's awesome. You might not think a fish could be awesome but he gives off this vibe of awesomeness.
good thread mis muscle , my dog chihuahua's name is coco his a toy, my african parot is nino ''kid'' and I have mud dog female 10 weeks old her name is cookie and she's tough like all women r lol,...
My GF's cat (I consider him mine too, sorta) is "Catten"

I admire his toughness. He's been electricuted (chewing on a computer wire), and hit by a car (bad enough to see tire impressions on his head), poor kitty. He's a good cat!!!

Am I the only dude here who loves cats?
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My GF's cat (I consider him mine too, sorta) is "Catten"

I admire his toughness. He's been electricuted (chewing on a computer wire), and hit by a car (bad enough to see tire impressions on his head), poor kitty. He's a good cat!!!

Am I the only dude here who loves cats?

I love Thundercats if that counts. Funny story Me an dmy female had this cat "Tiger" and one day Im washing my work boots in the washing machine there steel toes. It wa slike a last ditch effort to clean them before I tossed them. Anyways I informed my Female not to worry about the thumping nioise in the washing machine it was just my boots tumbling around. After about a half hour she noticed tiger wasnta around. Needless to say she opened up teh dryer (It was on teh oppisite side of the washing machine) and teh cat climbed in during transfering of cloths, I guess because it was warm. Anyways.... Long story short I had to go to the Kitty ER Pushing the mustang the full 400 HP engine to the max. Cat lived but he HATED ME!!!! He would jump on the counter top if I had anything there, keys, red drink in a glass, tools. He would wait until I looked at him and he knew He had my attention..stare very evill and with his paw he would slowly, teasingly, smack them on to the ground. Man, new plush white carpets where stained crystal lite red in a matter of weeks lol.
2 Great Danes 1 male, 1 female. Knox and Kasha (respectively).

1 Jack Russell - Kinsey, shes the ass kicker!! You'd be too if you were raised with these beasts.
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last pet i had was named princess! she was a blue heeler, got hit by a car and i had to carry her into the vet for the undoing:(