So What Is Your Pet's Name?

My only dog I ever had was a pure-blooded Golden Retriever.

His name was Charlie

Reason for that is...when I was little I watched nothing but war movies...and if you notice they say 'Charlie' meaning 'Enemy' or 'Bad guys'...whatever. I miss him...stupid fucking rattlesnakes.
I have a powerful and mighty Chihuahua and her name is Lacy. I call her by her nick named more which is Chi-Chi
I have a powerful and mighty Chihuahua and her name is Lacy. I call her by her nick named more which is Chi-Chi

Cute name Zeek, but not as cute as Chloe
..J/k lol

I have my handsome hunk of chihuahua Coco
My little long haired mini diva chihuahua Chloe
and Beagle mix named Cookie

& last but not least our African Grey Nino :)
^LOVE Bull Terriers^

My son and I have a
Beta fish- Patrick StarFish
Cat-Kitty Foo Foo

My son named them all. We just rescued the 2 cats last week.

Patrick Starfish is one hell of a hearty fish. My son has tried to catch him and ripped his tail off (grew back), then he accidentally kicked the tank over (still living), then he got mad at his fish because he wouldn't talk back to him and tried to kill him (dumped some coffee in the tank, tried to catch him ripping his fins all up). Needless to say, I have saved this fish's life and have now moved him to the top of my ent system so my son can only see him from far away. I cannot believe he is still alive. After the last stunt, I was surprised for a week when he hadn't moved from the same spot but was still alive. Now he is back to normal and growing his fins and tail back out.
I bred pitdoggies for 20 years, best breed ever. Got out because there were too many wanna-be gangsters in the game. Too much BS, etc. Now I have a JRT named Missy, a Siamese cat named KiKi, and a long haired black rescue cat named Mandy. The X has them all right now since she still lives in the house and I live in an apt. Hoping to get Missy and KiKi when I find a house.
I have a 2 year old Pure Bread Rottie (Annabelle) a 4 month old Pure Bread Lab (Gus). They are best friends!

Man this thread just made me sad. I had a 7 year old, 165lb Great Dane named "Vader" that past away a year ago. My son has been begging me to get another puppy for a few months now and I really need to. took that dog everywhere! He loved hanging out of the back of my truck! Was my son's best friend.