Soul Rebel's trying to get DIESEL log

Not sure yet adida, I may just up the reps slightly and do different exercises. The bench, squat, row thing is killing me. Here's today's workout:
Flat Bench
I tried to go for a PR today, but it wasn't happening. Maybe it was my warmup?
2s 95x10
325x1<--WAY heavier than I thought it was going to be, so I decided to just give it up.
255x8 (drop set)
3s skullcrushers 125x8
3x15 BW dips
Bent-over Rows
255x8 Grip is really starting to fail on me here, and my form is getting compromised as a result. Will try next week with wraps.
3s Alt. DB Curls 45x8 (way too light)
3x15 oblique ab work.
Would've liked to hit a new (natural) PR but it was not meant to be. After logging it here, it looks like it maybe too many weight acclimation sets? Otherwise I felt good though, weight was down to 234 this morning after breakfast.
honestly...looks like a lot of wasted energy sets before the PR attempt.
If you notice in my log...i go with 135 for 3 reps at 3 sets with varying grip...just to get the muscles moving. Then i stretch it out, shoulders, chest, tris, lats...then hit 225 for 5ish. Soon i'm gonna skip the 275 and go straight to 315 for a set...but i'm not quite there yet. only 3 warm-up sets basically with plenty of arm swinging and stretching in between. Good luck and hope you hit that PR at the next attempt!
Decided to go back to a basic push/pull routine yesterday and it felt great. (listing working sets only)
Flat bench: 275x6
Incline dumbbell press: w/85's supposed to do 3s of 8 but I only did 6 on the last set.
Skullcrushers: 3x8 w/115
Cable pushdowns: 2s (17, 13) w/160
nice work bro...quite 'fuerte' for natty...what was your highest bw?
Thanks Aczech, if by 'bw' you mean bodyweight (sorry I'm not up to speed on the lingo) I was quite the fatty in my earlier years. But the heaviest I've been was 260 or so when I was taking the pheraplex. I'm still quite fat, hence the reason for the lack of pics. I really would like ot be able to see some sort of ab development for the first time in my life. Due to the fact that I was fat during my childhood/adolescent stages, I want to see the difference between the extra skin (I lost weight way too quickly and in an unhealthy manner) and fat. Unfortunately, I suspect much of 'it' is still fat.
On to today's routine:
ATG squat 275x6x2
Calf raises 315x15x4
(wanted to do a lower back and hammy exercise but didn't have time)
3s weighted cable crunches
That's it for today, I only had about 40 min. or so to lift, and I forgot how much time squatting really takes up. Wish I could've squatted stronger, but I guess I'll just have to start back at square one. I'm also going to be looking for a good belt in the very near future, although I'm unsure if it will help me any; I'm more just buying one for safety reasons.
i tell ya what SR, for a "FAT" guy your a hell of a lot stronger than alot of not so fat guys. so take that for what its worth.
Thanks Adida. I guess I feel so weak because my training parter is completely natural (tried the pheraplex, but didn't like it, he doesn't even take protein and eats like shit) strong as a bull; he just pushed 385 like candy yesterday. I didn't have much time as I've been working and getting off late, but I'll post up the working sets from my workouts Thursday and Friday.
HS shoulder press 2 plates and the quarter on each side 2x6
Side lateral raises 4x8
Bent over side laterals 4x8
ab work
SLDL 345x6
Bent-over rows 255x8
Shrugs 405x8
Lat pulldown 210x8x2
DB Alt. Curls (my hands and forearms were pretty torn-up at this point) 3x8
Friday's workout was a bit long, but this routine still feels good as it serves it's purpose as a much needed change from the 5x5.
I'm not going to post up Monday's workout simply because it royally sucked. Everything felt heavy, and overall I had no energy. This is more than likely due to the fact that I got a total of 4 hours of broken sleep the previous night. I also didn't have time to lift yesterday, as I had to help my dad move into his new place. Hopefully tomorrow's workout will be nothing like Monday's and I can put all that shit behind me.
sleep deprivation is a serious problem. no matter how strict you are with ur 24/7 schedule, u cannot help sleeping less than usual due to real life things. don't be discouraged man!
HS shoulder press 2 plates, quarter and the 5 2x6
Side-laterals 4x8
Bent-over side-laterals 4x8
Hanging leg raises 4x15
Thanks az. Todays workout was actually pretty good.
Bent-over rows 265 3x6
Pull-ups 3s (BW)
Pull downs 210 2x8
Superset bi's 3x8
Flat Bench was terrible today. Hit all other work sets though. I think I'm going to change it up to flat DB presses next week. Only benching once a week in addition to the weight loss (weighed in at 231 this morning) must be taking their toles on me. Very disapointed regardless. Not worth posting.
Shedding pounds typically results in strength loss..just a part of the game bro. Keep working hard. We'd all like to gain muscle, loss fat, and gain strength at the same time...but we typically have to gear towards one and sometimes get a secondary resultant.

You're still lifting big for cutting, good work on that bro!
Thanks for the words of encouragement Aczech, believe me, it's much appreciated. I guess I'll finally change my sig, as I weighed in this morning at 230lbs. on the dot. Oddly enough, while I feel better (overall health wise) I don't appear to be getting much leaner, it could just be me though. Still no sign of abs however *sigh* :( I'm thinking I may have to get as low as 215/210 or so to see some abs, but surely by then, my strength will have diminished. Not going to lift today, as the lower back is sore, but will hit legs up tomorrow for sure.
Legs today.
Squat 275x6x2
Leg press 3x12
Calves 4x15
Legs felt a little weak but I'm convinced that the sore lower back played a part in that. I also felt a little sick after everything; never had that happen to me before.
HS shoulder press
Same poundage as last week (120 each side) 2x6
DB side laterals 4x8
Bent-over side laterals 4x8
Hanging leg raises 4x15
Routine feels a little short, and I feel the back-to-back DB exercises to be somewhat pointless. Any suggestions for another good shoulder exercise to put in the mix after the HS presses?
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