Supplements I like... Anyone have better product suggestions?

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Turned Redhead
The following are listed in order of preference if more than one present.

MaxPro (MaxMuscle)
Muscle Provider and Muscle Protein (Beverly International... but it's so EXPENSIVE which bumps it down to #2)
Perfect Whey (Nature's Best)

NO-Xplode (BSN)

Venom Tri-Lean Stack (ALRI)
Cytolean (Gaspari)

Emergen-C, Cleanse and Lean, and Immune Booster by Emergen-C

anyone know of superior products or alternatives that might be useful?
Optimum Whey and Casein

Mega Men Sport Multi-V

Costco brand Fish Oil

Vitargo CGL
You are missing the #1 supplement... Fish oil.
-It increases insulin to sensitivity
-Helps you stay lean
-Helps nutrient uptake
-Elevates mood
-Good for skin
-Fights depression
-Helps out EVERY disease known to man
-Helps diabeties

and i probably forgot some!

I like NOW's Super EPA.. .cheap and has a lot of epa/dha for serving. the cheap costco brands do not. Also a lot of the cheap brands end up being rancid. If you smell the caps and they smell like really bad fish they are rancid.
BCAAs if you can afford them - I like Xtend, True protein
Beta alanine - Enough research and real world experiences with it are making it a popular supplement right now. Works real well with creatine.
Cod Liver oil
Betaine HCL
Digestive Enzymes
I use Trueprotein's TeamSKIP blend and/or their Isolate Cold-Filtration

NO-Reload (creatine + arginine)

Fish Oil:
I was using the Costco stuff, but I just order 1000 caps from TP

Postworkout Carbs:
Waxy Maise

Other stuff:
For our purposes run 30-45 grams a day.. make sure you get 400 iu of fishoil per 15g of fish oil.
what's beta-alanine do? there wasn't a profile on it with TP.
and what dose do you use for that, taurine, and fishoil.?

Easto said:
I use Trueprotein's TeamSKIP blend and/or their Isolate Cold-Filtration

NO-Reload (creatine + arginine)

Fish Oil:
I was using the Costco stuff, but I just order 1000 caps from TP

Postworkout Carbs:
Waxy Maise

Other stuff:
skarhead1 said:
For our purposes run 30-45 grams a day..
I know youre on a fish-oil crusade, but dont push this nonsensical Poliquin bullshit on anybody that will listen. You follow it, fine. But dont universally tout it as fact for "our purposes".

30-45g per day of fish oil is a laughably unnecessary dose. The same ass-hat recommends it is the same believable guy that made this claim (among others):

I was once training a first-round pick for the NFL. He put on 29 lbs of lean body mass in one month once I jacked his fish oil intake to 45 grams a day. If you want to put muscle on and lose fat, take at least 30 grams of fish oil a day.

supposedly the point of diminishing returns is 1.2g per day and 1.8g per day of DHA and EPA, respectively, so anything beyond this is generally just more calories.

Also, this:
there are concerns with high doses including impaired ability to mount an inflammatory/immune response. (Elzi uses high doses to control arthritis) and I've seen one paper where high doses impaired the ability to mount a proper insulin response. So I don't think more is better.


the standard recommendation for "our purposes" is about 6 caps.
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Bullshit, as humans we used to get 300-400gs of EFAs a week. Go research the paleolithic age. to say 30-40 g is "too much" or 5 g a day is plenty is crazy
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skarhead1 said:
Bullshit, as humans we used to get 300-400gs of EFAs a week. Go research the paleolithic age. to say 30-40 g is "too much" or 5 g a day is sufficient is crazy.
neanderthals did it, i want to too.

also, im not saying that high doses of fish oil are unequivocally bad, but that the claims against it are something to look into.

What I am saying is that mega-dosing fish oil seems to show no benefit aside from extra fat calories.
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do your reserach, in the past 40K years we've evolved about .02%.. That aint much si it? I rather listen to someone who's trained over 400 olypians, NHL, NFL and MLB athletes .. who the fuck is Lyle? seriously
skarhead1 said:
do your reserach, in the past 40K years we've evolved about .02%.. That aint much si it? I rather listen to someone who's trained over 400 olypians, NHL, NFL and MLB athletes .. who the fuck is Lyle? seriously
evolution has fuckall to do with anything. We share 98% of our DNA with animals that eat their own poop - does that mean we should start flinging poop too? completely irrelevant.

Poliquin may be a good trainer, that doesnt mean he hasnt come up with batshit insane dietary recommendations.

His list of trainees is also irrelevant. Its not as if he takes an average schmoe and trains them to become a high level athlete - quite the opposite; He openly rejects average schmoes in favor of already-established, genetically gifted high-level athletes. Kind of skews things when you only work with the best.
skarhead1 said:

hers a bunch of studies... i couldnt find one that said high doses were harmful or not as useful
so what youre saying is that because you "couldnt find" any information disproving the fish oil mega dosing theory, that it has to be valid.

logical fallacy burden of proof, anyone?

But i do agree. I also could not find any studies disproving your (Poliquin's) stance. Maybe because there were no studies in the link you posted, or maybe because i couldnt find them amidst all the fish oil ads.
how about real world experience? Look up above and see who poliquin works with. Who does "lyle" work with?
skarhead1 said:
how about real world experience? Look up above and see who poliquin works with. Who does "lyle" work with?
youre the president of the debate club, arent you?

your argument-forming and reading comprehension skills astound and amaze me.
Same with you. You don't have any concrete proof that one of the most sought out trainers in the world's fish oil protocol is wrong and you disagree with it. Wha tmakes you so right?
lolz, "same with me"?

My suspicion of your reading comprehension abilities proves to be warranted.

This reminds me of the last discussion we had where you posted a couple of irrelevant and poorly conducted studies that refuted the many studies I posted supporting my point on meal frequency, only to fall back on the old standby Bro argument "whatever all studies are trash anyway they all have flaws i prefer real world experience."

ya bro. anecdotal evidence FTW!
Am J Clin Nutr. 2006 Jun;83(6 Suppl):1467S-1476S. Links
Distribution, interconversion, and dose response of n-3 fatty acids in humans.

* Arterburn LM,
* Hall EB,
* Oken H.

Martek Biosciences Corporation, Columbia, MD, USA.

n-3 Fatty acids have important visual, mental, and cardiovascular health benefits throughout the life cycle. Biodistribution, interconversion, and dose response data are reviewed herein to provide a basis for more rational n-3 dose selections. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is the principal n-3 fatty acid in tissues and is particularly abundant in neural and retinal tissue. Limited storage of the n-3 fatty acids in adipose tissue suggests that a continued dietary supply is needed. A large proportion of dietary alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is oxidized, and because of limited interconversion of n-3 fatty acids in humans, ALA supplementation does not result in appreciable accumulation of long-chain n-3 fatty acids in plasma. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) but not DHA concentrations in plasma increase in response to dietary EPA. Dietary DHA results in a dose-dependent, saturable increase in plasma DHA concentrations and modest increases in EPA concentrations. Plasma DHA concentrations equilibrate in approximately 1 mo and then remain at steady state throughout supplementation. DHA doses of approximately 2 g/d result in a near maximal plasma response. Both dietary DHA and EPA reduce plasma arachidonic acid concentrations. Tissue contents of DHA and EPA also increase in response to supplementation with these fatty acids. Human milk contents of DHA are dependent on diet, and infant DHA concentrations are determined by their dietary intake of this fatty acid. We conclude that the most predictable way to increase a specific long-chain n-3 fatty acid in plasma, tissues, or human milk is to supplement with the fatty acid of interest.

DHA alone saturates at 2g/day. Taken with EPA it drops to 1.2g/day.

Besides, when people make loopy claims like gaining 29 lean pounds in 4 weeks, or going from 25% to 12% bf in 8 while simultaneously gaining 25 pounds of muscle, their credibility, as well their sanity, should be taken under review.

What (besides Chuckys blatant asshatery) has lead you to believe otherwise? Id be willing to put money on the fact that you feel special for utilizing such an unheard of, abstract protocol - similar to the way Polquin gets his jollies by comming up with (or at least re-introducing) new and unheard of random goofy shit. Fish oil is good, so taking a shit ton of it must be great!

You are so hung up on me providing you with "concrete proof" that mega dosing fish oil is a load of crap, where is your "concrete proof" that it isnt?
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First... you dont know the variables about a 1st round NFL draft pick. did i ever use that as an example of what fish oil does?

Secondly, im sick and tired of your 120 lb ass acting like a huge smart ass in the forums. Do you even train or do you just look up studies?

Thirdly, Yes i am currently taking heavy doses of omega 3s and having success with it. From enhanced mood, from lower BF, to better joints.

Lastly, you dont even have 1,000th of Poliquin's resume. So quit being a keyboard warrior and bashing him.
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