now week 7, i have stayed on for the last 3 weeks, though now i am out of gear and cant really afford to re-up. so it looks like this was more like an 8 week cycle..
as i have been leaning down i have noticed that my weight hasnt really been moving, but my bf is plummiting like whoa.
ive noticed a considerable amount of acne on my back and stomach last couple weeks, as well as mood swings.
looking in the mirror i can definetly say that i am as cut as i was last summer with way more muscle mass, still cant completely contribute that to the gear because i worked my ass off this year.
no strength gains that i have seen. i will say that i probably shouldve held onto this gear till winter when im ready to eat high calories and bulk again. low calories will never provide strength even on gear, this im aware.
all this being said, i can say that i definetly felt some unnatural effects from this gear, which is more than i can say for the geneza, which i felt nada.. and i am looking my best EVER right now, so i cant say im unsatisfied. so my conclusion is indecisive i guess. we'll say plausible. i still think i will go HG from now on.
i will get some pics up asap for you guys to rip me a new one