test, dbol, and tren log

sun-cardio, I feel like shit today. Almost like Im getting sick. Anyway went to the gym on an empty stomach and did cardio. Didnt eat much at all today since my apetite wasnt there. I usually consume close to 6000 cals ED but today was more like 1500. Decided in 2 weeks I will start to really diet to cut. Weight is 230 (after not eating for 15+ hours)
Monday- did back today. First off I completely changed my diet today for leaning out. all Im eating is a whole lot of chicken, 1 bowl of oatmeal, some brown rice, turkey sandwhich, 3-4 eggs, salads, and 1-2 protien bars. Also started ECA stack today. Im feeling like Im getting a little sick but who knows. Might be EQ kicking in since I had some bad night sweats the night before. Anyway, back was nice. Started out shitty and slow but progressed nicely. Im still getting used to the new equipment in the gym I just switched to. Weight is 229 1/2.
tuesday- sick. I feel like shit today. Im have a cold. Didnt go to work or the gym. Also my diet was shitty today, didnt eat much since I felt kinda nausiated all day. Im gonna do my best to go to the gym tomoro but its gonna suck if im sick.
wed, still sick as a dog. Still feel like shit. I feel like I lost 10 lbs. Diet wasnt to good but I got a nice amount of protien in.
thur- still a little sick but recovering. Decided to weigh myself today, and I went down to 222 1/2. It sucks but at te same time im not to worried since most was prob water from me drinking grean tea all day, plus Iv been on trim spa with ephedra this whole week. The mucsle I lost I should get back within a week or so. I went to the gym today just to hangout with my friends while they worked out and decided to try benching. Did one light warm up of 135 and then went to 275 for 5 reps with a tap on the 5th. Last time I tried flat bench fresh with that weight I got it only 4 times and that was healthy. So at least most of my strenght is still there.
you're a Weakling I can lift that weight 8 times Of the Juice , Nah Joking :P COme On BIg man Don't give Up Or I come down and kick your sorry US of A ass
Monday-back. It was good to be back today, first day in a week. My workout was a little less intesne then I would have liked it to be but it was prob due to still having a slight cough. Even after being really sick for a week my reps increased. Cant complain. My wieght is at 224 and I like the way I look now better then I did. Being sick made me drop a lot of water so its a plus. Still dieting so thats helping to. Waiting for some more test so I can bump it to 1 gram weekly.
tuesday- shoulders. Well it was an intresting day, considering I didnt do shoulders at all last week it wasnt so bad. I did seated shoulder presses first. Last time I did them I started with 80s for 10. I wanted to try to start with 85s but couldnt find them so I went for the 90s. First set got 5, then 2 sets with 4, then 2 sets with 3. Then I grabbed the 65s and did presses pushing more out towards the sides and making sure it was slow so I felt every movment. Definatlyt a nice burn. Then I did 3 sets of lateral raises to the front with 45s for 10 and on set with 55s for 6. After went to the side lateral machine and did 4 sets there. I finished pff with a few upright rows and 1 set of behind the neck presses with a barbell. Weight went down and is at 222 again. Im hopeing its mostly water and fat loss due to my diet.
Wed- did deadlifts and shrugs. Today was fucking great. The last time I did these two was 2 weeks ago since I was sick last week and I still gained strenght. Started out deadlifting with 315 for 15 reps which is what I did 2 weeks ago. Then I went to 405 and got 8 reps instead of 6 like last time. Did one more set with 405 for 2 (ephedra kicking my ass). Then went to dumbells and shruged 110 for 15 reps and 145 for 10 reps. I would have done more but my traps are soar as it is from my back workout. Im slowly but definatly seeing a body composition change with the ECA and strenght still going. Wieght is at 224 again but still looking leaner.
thur-chest. Real shitty day today. I was just weak. Started with incline and did 205 only 8 times, 2 weeks ago I got it 11. Did 2 more sets of incline. After that I went over to flat and did 3 very light slow perfect form reps. I got a great pump but had no will or strenght. Anyway I think it might be from me being so soar. I dont know what it is but this entire week I can barley move after my workout. I still can barley lift my arms from doing shoulders tues and back is still soar as hell from monday. Noticing a little more leaness everyday, wieght is at 223 1/2.
sat- did arms. Well yesterday I missed the gym and had a little to much fun last night, I havent done anything fun in a while so I hade to spoil myself. Anyway my workout was pretty decent. I expected it to be bad from last night but I was fine. Got all my sets in and was very intense. No complaints. Did not wiegh myself today but definatly feeling lighter from dieting and ECA.
sunday-finally did legs. Its been a while since I really hit them. Last week I was sick and the week before I had a shitty workout. Anyway considering I was coming back it wasnt all to bad. Started with leg press, 6 plates on each side for 8 reps, which I usually do 10. Then 6 reps, and 4. Then went down to 5 plates for 7. Did standing calf raises on a smith machine in which I went up from the last time I did them. Did some light sets , went to 4 plates for 15 and 5 plates for 10. Shitty diet today so I was kinda tired.
monday- did back. Today was really good. I did a shitload of rows using over and underhand grips. Did a good 12 sets of just those, then went to rowing back machine using the pulleys. Did some light sets going very slow contracting on every rep. Very happy with workout. My legs are in agony from yesterday, I dont remember the last time I couldnt get up or walk like this, but I love it. People are telling me Im losing weight and Im noticing it too. I seem a little leaner everyday but my weight is still 224 so cant complain. Its just the mental thing of getting smaller evenm though im losing fat.
tuesday-shoulders. Still making gains and enjoying myself very much. Started shoulder presses with 90's and got 7 reps with a little help on the last one, last week was 5. Did another set with 90's for 5 reps and then decided to try 100's, got it for 3 reps unassisted. Then went to 65's for slow perfect reps really feeling a burn on those. Then did front shouler raises and lateral raises also going up significantly from last week. Finished off with some rear delt work. very satisfying workout. Weight is 224 but seeing more vascularity ED. Upset since I was supposed to continue with another 10 days of tren but my source is fucking with me, still on the way. On the plus side I have 15 grams of test coming to me and Im very exited since Im currently out and I get to up the dosage. It was dumb of me to do 400mg when my first cycle I ran 500. Anyway still on EQ and ordering DNP shortly.