Monday-back. It was great to be able to workout again. First off, despite what I said earlier about the DNP, I am now pleased with the results and will run it again but smaller doses. Anyway, with back I actually had a good workout. I started with rows, warmed up with 135 for 20 when I got only 18 last time I did them. Jumped to 225 and that was to much, repped only 4 which is less then I did before. I think its because last week was so fucked with DNP and not being able to workout. SO I dropped to 185 and did about 4 sets of those. Then did a few sets of underhand, also with less weight but nothing to seriouse. I feel like I could be doing more than I did within a week or two. Then did some machine rows, decent wieght and really nice contractions. Finished with one set of dumbell rows using light weight since I didnt have my straps. Form was great though. Got an incredible pump. Im definatly a little more defined thanks to the DNP and diet. Also dont know if its the test kicking in again or the masteron I just started but Im very hungry today. Havent been like that in a while. Weight is 214.