The world we live in.

Good lord. Don't even get me started on this shit.

I say either ship them all back to Mexico, or make ten earn their citizenship through military service.

I've earned my freedom, dammit. And I don't mind fighting wars for honest American citizens. But I will not fight for the freedoms of those who believe freedom is something that is owed them.

Its a privilage. And I mean, seriously, its not that hard to earn that privilage though the proper channels.

If you're just lazy and don't want to pay taxes, then you're a strain on the system and taking food off my family's table. And basically you're saying "fuck you" to all my buddies who died in defense of our freedoms.

If I saw that dude holding a sign, demanding even a free piece of gum in such a fashion, I'd plant my handy, dandy tomahawk right in his skull.

But that's just me :)
Does anyone recall seeing any of these people fighting back in World War 1 or 2? any of the wars to be honest.

Just thought i would share this. a very good friend of mine sent me this.
altho i dont live state side we have the same problem here. i love and enjoy the time i have spent in the states and the wonderful people i have met.
this makes me sick that imagrants looking for a better life want to bring their old ways to a new land.

This photo is real. Why isn't this person with the sign "we will shoot more police" not being arrested?

Guess you have to be after a mere Congressperson instead?

If you can look at this picture, read the sign and


Pass this on . . .


Take a good look at the sign he is holding!

Ok all you ' fighters for illegal immigrants' rights. Here is one of the

Reasons we have a problem with it. As the ones that have to pay for the

Welfare of these immigrants, depriving the natural citizens .

One of the several reasons the U . S . A . Is falling apart.

Enough said.

Boy-oh-Boy, this needs to travel around the U.S.A.

Don't let it die
I love my boy. And there s a reason I have ONE. I like nice stuff..and HE LL never attend a public school with all the b/s I see going on there.

If you got 6 kids and have a sub standard standard of living because of it...not my fault.

And I agree..children are a blessing..but if you can t feed your progeny you need to be sterilized cuz I m tired of feeding OTHER people kids.

If your on welfare your done breeding till you put in the system more than you take out.

Are there irresponsible white folks ??? Hell yes..they need to be sterilized as well.

I ve said it before, I love latin culture P, Barcelona is one of my favorite places...and 2 of my best guards are black. 1 has 6 kids from 3 women and is alway s scared of going to jail for ducking child support. I like him but we live by the choice s we make.

German, White Russia and most Nordic countries are are seeing population flatten ( except for immigrants ) cuz they have enough common sense to not breed themselves into a lower standard of living.

Lets do an empirical analysis of which race pay s in vs take s out of the system.
It ll be ugly. The truth alway s is..

We live in a system of such excess even poor people are fat..obese. And that s my fault to, right ?

If your a non white and dont have a college education it s cuz you don t want one...cuz it s free or almost. Your gonna be a rapper , a sports star or a thug blaming whitey...again. I m over it.

3 strikes and your shot. I ll do it..gladly. Ammo s cheap...incarceration is expensive.

The last 6 of 7 people hired in the building I protect were of female Afro origin and I QUARANTEE that by meeting EEO requirement s there will be a corresponding decline in performance...and a rise in bitching and moaning. they were entitled to be hired as the firm I protect is scared of the ACLU.

I had to borrow ALL my tuition, 2 Bachelor s and a Master s cuz I had the misfortune of being born white.

If I d been black or any other race.. I d have qualified for free school or damn near here in the darkest dumbest fattest state in the country.

Pointing out the reality of societal trends and it s impending doom is racist ? 7 billion ? Get rid of 5 won t affect anyone I know or love.

I m not a racist I m a realist..and the reality is that in this country, entitlements need to go.

Why do we want to provide health care for non productive people. You get out what out what you put in.. period.

The truth hurts.

And if a soldier forget s his D L , he can rattle off a DOB, a sociol security, an address and that will correspond with his tag. I doubt a soldier would be so careless and if he was then he ll be admonished, bailed out...I bet he won t foget it again.

You can have the "We re all created equal ideal" go hug a tree and embrace all people and wish em well and provide free food and housing and food...for what ? To encourage em do less and make more worthless people like em ?

This is my opinion only and I don wish to offend but I m offended everytime some worthless fuck come s here, 31 yr s old, 6 child support..drawing 1300 buck s in food stamps, 1700 in Section 8 and has a ssi check to boot cus "I se got anxieties !!" I bet you do u dumb ass breeder. Her profession is on her entitlement whore..see it all day every day.

Refreshing. So refreshing, that I have actually had a tiny bit of faith restored in the human species!

I agree with Teutonic on the point of sterilization. If you are continually bringing life into this world that you cannot support independently or with the help of your spouse/partner, you should not be allowed to fuck the system that exists for those that may need it and it shouldn't be permanent. The system is fucked up and it shouldn't be used as a fucking source of income/support, rather a lifeline, a temporary use to get you to a point where you don't have to use it anymore. Its not fair to the children that have to be dragged through the shit you create for them by being a fucking deadbeat worthless piece of shit human being. We need some sort of system in place to sterilize these people and not allow them to bullshit the system that exists for them to abuse. Also, maybe I will catch some shit for this, but I think people with mental retardation and/or other severe (mental/psychological) issues should be sterilized upon diagnosis. People too often are selfish and think of their own desires and self satisfaction when they should be responsible and realize that life is a gift not a burden; If you don't want children or can't support them, let a couple adopt the child that can provide for them a life without worry and full of love that a child deserves to grow into a well rounded, healthy adult.

This is actually a topic personal to me and if you disagree with me, that's your opinion, but I'm speaking from experience and you can just fuck off...
I agree with Teutonic on the point of sterilization. If you are continually bringing life into this world that you cannot support independently or with the help of your spouse/partner, you should not be allowed to fuck the system that exists for those that may need it and it shouldn't be permanent. The system is fucked up and it shouldn't be used as a fucking source of income/support, rather a lifeline, a temporary use to get you to a point where you don't have to use it anymore. Its not fair to the children that have to be dragged through the shit you create for them by being a fucking deadbeat worthless piece of shit human being. We need some sort of system in place to sterilize these people and not allow them to bullshit the system that exists for them to abuse. Also, maybe I will catch some shit for this, but I think people with mental retardation and/or other severe (mental/psychological) issues should be sterilized upon diagnosis. People too often are selfish and think of their own desires and self satisfaction when they should be responsible and realize that life is a gift not a burden; If you don't want children or can't support them, let a couple adopt the child that can provide for them a life without worry and full of love that a child deserves to grow into a well rounded, healthy adult.

This is actually a topic personal to me and if you disagree with me, that's your opinion, but I'm speaking from experience and you can just fuck off...

Tone it down a bit.

This is just a conversation not an ethnic cleansing.

Relax your self. Have a protien shake, think about leg day.
Tone it down a bit.

This is just a conversation not an ethnic cleansing.

Relax your self. Have a protien shake, think about leg day.

Actually I didnt see him mention any specific race....are those qualities that attributed to one people that just hearing them leads your mind to a select race?

I do like the relax yourself, have shake, think of leg day....thats what I did when I got home today and thinking about a leg day gets me all....touht like a tiger
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