The world we live in.

Goood point s brought here..tired of political correctness trying to make me feeling quilty for being white.

Q..Look around the room your sitting in right now and show me what a white man did not invent ?

I m proud of my race, my GERMAN background and cringe at the correlation between modern America and the fall of the Roman Empire.

Cable T V = The coliseum.

Armies deployed overseas while Visigoth s ( mexican s )overrun our border s and breed us out and eat free grain supplied to keep em docile.

Whose gonna keep this system running ?
Fitty cent ? His progeny ? I used to look forward to the impending potential chaos..cuz I would excel in that enviroment.

Hip hop/rap culture music is the death march of western society.

Why the hell does a suburban family need 5, 6 , 7 kids.
We used to have WORK the land..not suck the system s tit.

Minoriteies are as racist as any on e else.

I love race based jokes...they are funny and ussually true...thus the offended individual.

Country first... individuals rights second.
hey cyto, youre preaching to the choir brother. Just didn't want that vein busting in your forehead anymore than it already is. :D

its good to know the cops still aren't afraid to knock a few minority skulls around when they need to. lol



i had a moument. :bigok:
HOLD up Here people.

what the hell happened in here over the weekend?

we are all here one in the same. we all have the same goal in mind weather or not we like each other or not. theres no need for us to fight with each other.
i just want things to be better and we cant do it if we all fight about this stuff.

i like everyone on here, yes some of you piss me off and i'm sure i piss some of you off.
but i dont think anyone here is holding a sign up demanding more for nothing.

i watched some thing on the news last night.

1 cop opens his mouth and says that if young women didnt dress like sluts they wouldn't be rapped and beaten.

he has a very good point.

a group of stupid retards mena nd women marched the streets of toronto yesterday. calling it a slut walk.

they are protesting the use of the word slut. they feel that the way they dress has nothing to do with being rapped and it showed them dressed up in thongs and nylons.
well i'm sorry but my veiw on this is you dress like a slut you must be a slut and want to be treated like a slut. dont come around me on tren i may even rape your great ganny
this is just the stupiest thing i have ever seen. so far todate

Toronto 'slut walk' takes to city streets - Toronto - CBC News
Now you are on to something here.
Me Pinga, RJ Chip, Snigg Teutonic 3J Glub, Zero, Jimbo can do a slut walk up Pennsylvania Ave to bring awareness to _____________ insert cause here

I'm gettin out ma zebra pants and platform shoes.



It's ON Bitches
Now you are on to something here.
Me Pinga, RJ Chip, Snigg Teutonic 3J Glub, Zero, Jimbo can do a slut walk up Pennsylvania Ave to bring awareness to _____________ insert cause here

I'm gettin out ma zebra pants and platform shoes.



It's ON Bitches

male hores
of America
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Can't say anything for sure about the picture because its the unknowns that concern me: what was the event, where was it, who was a speaker(s), who were the picketers, what were they doing there, on and on... All I see is a guy holding up an ignorant sign in a group of people, indicating that perhaps there were some that shared his point of view. I would hope its just a joke of some type. If its a legitimate sign/point of view, it is blatantly wrong and unjust/unfair to demand such things. A citizen is a citizen, no matter what country that individual came from they should accept the way of life and the way the native citizens live in that country and be bound by those laws and regulations. Or just renounce citizenship and return to their country of origin. Thats why we (in the U.S.) have civil rights and equality for all... or we would just be going backwards in our development as a nation. There is a lot wrong with this country as it is, but we elect people to office to make decisions for us. Only you have the power of your vote.
Goood point s brought here..tired of political correctness trying to make me feeling quilty for being white.

Q..Look around the room your sitting in right now and show me what a white man did not invent ?

I m proud of my race, my GERMAN background and cringe at the correlation between modern America and the fall of the Roman Empire.

Cable T V = The coliseum.

Armies deployed overseas while Visigoth s ( mexican s )overrun our border s and breed us out and eat free grain supplied to keep em docile.

Whose gonna keep this system running ?
Fitty cent ? His progeny ? I used to look forward to the impending potential chaos..cuz I would excel in that enviroment.

Hip hop/rap culture music is the death march of western society.

Why the hell does a suburban family need 5, 6 , 7 kids.
We used to have WORK the land..not suck the system s tit.

Minoriteies are as racist as any on e else.

I love race based jokes...they are funny and ussually true...thus the offended individual.

Country first... individuals rights second.


Has this turned into a racial war or what ?
We are all talking about our race, German, Whites, mexicans..

Look around and show me something a white man ddin't invent ? Do u see how we are racially profiling each other ? Which race is better ?

I think everyone is proud of their race, I'm from Spanish decent, I share borders with France & Italy, I'm proud of my race, but honestly I feel I'm American first.

I'm concerned about Americans, that might be profiled wrongly because of racial profile,
imagine an American soldier that forgot his ID, he would go to jail along other Illigal imigrants... So does profile work ? IMO, no.

And you say Country first, Individuals rights second, but think about it
(If individuals rights are violated, then what kind of country would it be ?)

And before families would have children to help them in their farms, times have changed, If families want to have 5 or 7 kids, as long as they can provide for them, I say "it's their choice", kids are a blessing.

I agree with you, in many points, I think our society needs lots of changes, there are way to many wrong role models now days,
In music, the media, etc.

Kids are growing up & being raised by TV, video games, & all the crap they hear on the radio.

Girls are being taught to be followers, not leaders, and are being fed the wrong concept of what being a strong women really is... I'm not saying you have to be a feminist man hater, I'm saying they are learning to be gold diggers, not to use their brains, & have no values.
and the same goes for boys, they are listening to all these songs about being a player & how girls are hoes, etc.

There are way too many problems with society now days, I thik the change has to begin withing us, I personally think every race has it's good & bad, I'm not blind to my own race or any one else's.

So, for the record, I am not deffending Illegal imigration, nor am I taking one side or the other.. What I'm saying is that racial profile doesn't work IMO...
I just have one thing to say no matter what we all bleed the same color. No matter what our color is on the outside.


We have to look more into humanity not race... Being a good human doesn't mean you have to be blond with blue eyes or vice versa. we have to be able see beyond the color of our skin.
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HOLD up Here people.

what the hell happened in here over the weekend?

we are all here one in the same. we all have the same goal in mind weather or not we like each other or not. theres no need for us to fight with each other.
i just want things to be better and we cant do it if we all fight about this stuff.

i like everyone on here, yes some of you piss me off and i'm sure i piss some of you off.
but i dont think anyone here is holding a sign up demanding more for nothing.

i watched some thing on the news last night.

1 cop opens his mouth and says that if young women didnt dress like sluts they wouldn't be rapped and beaten.

he has a very good point.

a group of stupid retards mena nd women marched the streets of toronto yesterday. calling it a slut walk.

they are protesting the use of the word slut. they feel that the way they dress has nothing to do with being rapped and it showed them dressed up in thongs and nylons.
well i'm sorry but my veiw on this is you dress like a slut you must be a slut and want to be treated like a slut. dont come around me on tren i may even rape your great ganny
this is just the stupiest thing i have ever seen. so far todate

Toronto 'slut walk' takes to city streets - Toronto - CBC News

Must be the radiation from Japan ..:insane:
Can't say anything for sure about the picture because its the unknowns that concern me: what was the event, where was it, who was a speaker(s), who were the picketers, what were they doing there, on and on... All I see is a guy holding up an ignorant sign in a group of people, indicating that perhaps there were some that shared his point of view. I would hope its just a joke of some type. If its a legitimate sign/point of view, it is blatantly wrong and unjust/unfair to demand such things. A citizen is a citizen, no matter what country that individual came from they should accept the way of life and the way the native citizens live in that country and be bound by those laws and regulations. Or just renounce citizenship and return to their country of origin. Thats why we (in the U.S.) have civil rights and equality for all... or we would just be going backwards in our development as a nation. There is a lot wrong with this country as it is, but we elect people to office to make decisions for us. Only you have the power of your vote.

I Agree 100 % !
It is a race...and were all in it together muthafuckas....the human race,

an I'm gonna kick all your asses...:)

Find me at the finish, wether it's a flaming lake of fire or the pearly white gates..I'll be smiling...peace?
It is a race...and were all in it together muthafuckas....the human race,

an I'm gonna kick all your asses...:)

Find me at the finish, wether it's a flaming lake of fire or the pearly white gates..I'll be smiling...peace?

True Dat !!!
Goood point s brought here..tired of political correctness trying to make me feeling quilty for being white.

Q..Look around the room your sitting in right now and show me what a white man did not invent ?

I m proud of my race, my GERMAN background and cringe at the correlation between modern America and the fall of the Roman Empire.

Cable T V = The coliseum.

Armies deployed overseas while Visigoth s ( mexican s )overrun our border s and breed us out and eat free grain supplied to keep em docile.

Whose gonna keep this system running ?
Fitty cent ? His progeny ? I used to look forward to the impending potential chaos..cuz I would excel in that enviroment.

Hip hop/rap culture music is the death march of western society.

Why the hell does a suburban family need 5, 6 , 7 kids.
We used to have WORK the land..not suck the system s tit.

Minoriteies are as racist as any on e else.

I love race based jokes...they are funny and ussually true...thus the offended individual.

Country first... individuals rights second.

I will express some views here, personal views/opinions.

Do not take offense, I like to debate, talk philosophy, expand on human knowledge and understanding, discuss the REALITY of the world and its fate

This is for discussion purposes, period. No more, no less, dont make it something its not people.

I am German myself and damn proud of what they/we accomplished power technology wise. Even if they were misguided by a bad leader at one point.

And Damn! I preach all the time about America today and its EXACT same situation as the Roman Empire that happened before the fall. And I get excited for the coming chaos because thats where I will explode, excel, and DO WHAT NEEDS DONE. Remember, all is fair in war. And this nation, buckling as it is is too far gone for the system to recover :beer:. Man I pointed out the Roman Empire thing a million times in the last year, no one wants to believe... They just want to cuddle their blanky and pretend all is well.

The most racism I see is racism against white people and certain peoples "self pity excuse racism".

Personally there is one truth. All men are created with Equal Rights, But NOT all men are created equal. A persons rights are simply to live, and try to succeed. Period, nothing else. Look at societies and how some are seemingly a thousand years apart advancement wise...Look at demography, sub cultures, etc. All represent division in peoples ability/potential. Today were taught "Everybody is the same, no one is superior"....for 4,000 years we have the superior people ruling over the otherwise, and in the last 100 years we go to empowering the weak and limiting everyone so we can feel safe about insecurities...Sure has worked well for humanity...

Looking through history, only a select few people ever managed near world domination or ever had a shot at it...Look through your history book and tell me what most of them had in common.

Now lemme say, I will date a black girl, I am talking to a Mexican girl, I will date a white girl, a Japanese girl(exceptionally cute!), etc. I'm not racist, half my buddies at work are black. But race does play far more of a role than people think in the world. I agree on the hip hop culture, it gave certain people a reason to... rebel and not want to do anything, to make sellin drugs and running from cops cool, and to make being a thug a respectable(hah) career path... Buddy at work got pulled over, and he complained it was because he was DWB. Driving while black.... So tired of hearing all the self pity racism...I hear it daily...

There are wise men and women of every race...but more than likely it is the wise ones who's voices cant be heard over the bellows of their own people... Then again, not every one wants to hear wisdom. Because sometimes the truth is, what you thought you can, you cant. What you thought you was, your not. What you think is, isn't. What you hoped for, wont be. And what you have been taught, is all lies.

Political correctness can :chainsaw: itself.

7 Billion people, humans are overpopulated....Reality is, political correctness WILL go out the door in coming years, and tensions are going to escalate. On every front of every aspect.

I just have one thing to say no matter what we all bleed the same color. No matter what our color is on the outside.

Screw you, my blood is blue!!! BECAUSE I NEVA BLEED. J/K. I agree man, couple good songs use that exact phrase man. We all bleed the same...But we do not all bleed for the same cause. It is not the color of the blood spilled, but the cause for which it is spilled that matters.

Onto "voting"....My vote didnt work, that's not who I wanted in office. Truth is, voting doesn't work. This system doesnt work. Its one big joke, where those up top are rolling in the $$$ laughing as they play in social clubs on opposite ends of the spectrum to keep us occupied with politics. They can care less about homosexuals, but making sure we are divided on it keeps us occupied. They can care less about abortion, but keeping us divided keeps us occupied. When your that rich and above the rest of the people, you don't care. It's simple like that. Why do you think Mrs. Butch Clinton has made moves for a NATO small arms ban? They don't want people to have power. Guns are power, and individual wit ha weapon and the knowledge to use it has far too much power. A single man, has in history change the course of a nation, or the world with a single shot.

Franz Ferdinand....his assassination began WW I. JFK's assassination left America out of probably one of the last decent presidents. Countless times can a single man willing to lose his own life alter the course of history. What more than when a hundred thousand take to the streets fed up in arms? What more than when a million do? Then you get what is going on around the world...The world is round, its a sphere...eventually therefore what is going around, will end up HERE.

I'm a religious person(were leaving it at that). So I have never harmed someone out of wickedness, or to cause pain, etc without just cause. But when it comes down to protecting society, the human species, the survival of the species as a whole...the rules of the game HAVE to change due to the fact your dealing with the Macro. As in every human in existence. You can't function off a simplistic "Thats not right" mindset when you reach that level of thinking. Once you cross that bridge, and actually look at the world and human interaction you realize...some have to sacrifice for the whole to survive, or everyone dies regardless. Not fair, but neither is a 5 year old kid coming down with some terminal disease, or some 8 year old girl stepping on a landmine in a third world country that has seen war for 120 years straight...Welcome to life. America can no longer keep up the farce it has played in saying "we can change the world for peace, and everyone will have love and happiness".

By 2050 the world population will be 9 billion...Most of them NOT educated or competent. Side effect? Insane food prices, mass starvation, a single bad harvest by farmers will result in the deaths of hundreds of thousands, a single disease could spread world wide like wild fire, etc,etc.

As someone 100% against any kind of global government, against the whole "One world order" ordeal.... even I admit...humans have to be controlled. They have to be guided, led, influenced. If they don't receive this, they destroy themselves.

How will you prevent hate, war, chaos, blood in a world where we are overgrown, with no resources left? People will be stabbing people over a can of green beans...

And all that is the dream YOU(anyone against conflict) are envisioning and empowering. Either my God will send back the Christ before that happens, or I hope to die fighting it long before it reaches its worse points so I am spared the shame it will bring knowing this is my species.

Are we to drive ourselves to extinction, to become some ancient desolate place that someday maybe another species will enter our galaxy and examine our ruins? Finding a people who destroyed themselves over trivial things?

Without order there is chaos, order is control. Control of a situation means that it will receive a hierarchy, a hierarchy means there will be people above others. That should be decided by raw potential...not certain laws that require you to include everyone, with or without that.

Brutal reality....we either see a reduction in world wide population, or we cut off the world as a nation, push out everyone who is not already a citizen, LIMIT peoples ability to reproduce to require a license. That of which will be selective as to how the people are and what they will likely produce as offspring.

A nation has the potential to seclude itself, manage its population, and then survive thanks to an agricultural society based on a semi socialistic-republic-democratic hybrid system. Removing corporations from the picture of course.

Heck even a single state can pull it off, select states though capable of year round produce/livestock.

Its not things you want to think about...bu the future..The world we live in...its becoming dark....a very bleak and dark future, with death, chaos, failure, and even the fate of mankind itself teetering on failure and being wiped out. Though I have to admit...certain books did say this was the exact fate of mankind :D

By definition, of how we effect the world...Humans that is...we are a destructive parasitic species.

As someone who hates control, government regulations, i get labeled many things...even I recognize without controlling the masses, the will utterly destroy themselves.

Its why my mindset has been slowly changing, an I see the necessity of even our government. It has its purpose, even if its purpose doesnt work 90% of the time due to greed and corruption, it still acts as a glue for our people...for now.

I often get told, I think too much and put too much of the worlds affairs on my own response, who else is going to think about it? Forgive me for prioritizing the path of humanity over basketball or desperate housewives...

excuse any typos or left out words...its almost 2am and I am tired.
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I love my boy. And there s a reason I have ONE. I like nice stuff..and HE LL never attend a public school with all the b/s I see going on there.

If you got 6 kids and have a sub standard standard of living because of it...not my fault.

And I agree..children are a blessing..but if you can t feed your progeny you need to be sterilized cuz I m tired of feeding OTHER people kids.

If your on welfare your done breeding till you put in the system more than you take out.

Are there irresponsible white folks ??? Hell yes..they need to be sterilized as well.

I ve said it before, I love latin culture P, Barcelona is one of my favorite places...and 2 of my best guards are black. 1 has 6 kids from 3 women and is alway s scared of going to jail for ducking child support. I like him but we live by the choice s we make.

German, White Russia and most Nordic countries are are seeing population flatten ( except for immigrants ) cuz they have enough common sense to not breed themselves into a lower standard of living.

Lets do an empirical analysis of which race pay s in vs take s out of the system.
It ll be ugly. The truth alway s is..

We live in a system of such excess even poor people are fat..obese. And that s my fault to, right ?

If your a non white and dont have a college education it s cuz you don t want one...cuz it s free or almost. Your gonna be a rapper , a sports star or a thug blaming whitey...again. I m over it.

3 strikes and your shot. I ll do it..gladly. Ammo s cheap...incarceration is expensive.

The last 6 of 7 people hired in the building I protect were of female Afro origin and I QUARANTEE that by meeting EEO requirement s there will be a corresponding decline in performance...and a rise in bitching and moaning. they were entitled to be hired as the firm I protect is scared of the ACLU.

I had to borrow ALL my tuition, 2 Bachelor s and a Master s cuz I had the misfortune of being born white.

If I d been black or any other race.. I d have qualified for free school or damn near here in the darkest dumbest fattest state in the country.

Pointing out the reality of societal trends and it s impending doom is racist ? 7 billion ? Get rid of 5 won t affect anyone I know or love.

I m not a racist I m a realist..and the reality is that in this country, entitlements need to go.

Why do we want to provide health care for non productive people. You get out what out what you put in.. period.

The truth hurts.

And if a soldier forget s his D L , he can rattle off a DOB, a sociol security, an address and that will correspond with his tag. I doubt a soldier would be so careless and if he was then he ll be admonished, bailed out...I bet he won t foget it again.

You can have the "We re all created equal ideal" go hug a tree and embrace all people and wish em well and provide free food and housing and food...for what ? To encourage em do less and make more worthless people like em ?

This is my opinion only and I don wish to offend but I m offended everytime some worthless fuck come s here, 31 yr s old, 6 child support..drawing 1300 buck s in food stamps, 1700 in Section 8 and has a ssi check to boot cus "I se got anxieties !!" I bet you do u dumb ass breeder. Her profession is on her entitlement whore..see it all day every day.
I love my boy. And there s a reason I have ONE. I like nice stuff..and HE LL never attend a public school with all the b/s I see going on there.

If you got 6 kids and have a sub standard standard of living because of it...not my fault.

And I agree..children are a blessing..but if you can t feed your progeny you need to be sterilized cuz I m tired of feeding OTHER people kids.

If your on welfare your done breeding till you put in the system more than you take out.

Are there irresponsible white folks ??? Hell yes..they need to be sterilized as well.

I ve said it before, I love latin culture P, Barcelona is one of my favorite places...and 2 of my best guards are black. 1 has 6 kids from 3 women and is alway s scared of going to jail for ducking child support. I like him but we live by the choice s we make.

German, White Russia and most Nordic countries are are seeing population flatten ( except for immigrants ) cuz they have enough common sense to not breed themselves into a lower standard of living.

Lets do an empirical analysis of which race pay s in vs take s out of the system.
It ll be ugly. The truth alway s is..

We live in a system of such excess even poor people are fat..obese. And that s my fault to, right ?

If your a non white and dont have a college education it s cuz you don t want one...cuz it s free or almost. Your gonna be a rapper , a sports star or a thug blaming whitey...again. I m over it.

3 strikes and your shot. I ll do it..gladly. Ammo s cheap...incarceration is expensive.

The last 6 of 7 people hired in the building I protect were of female Afro origin and I QUARANTEE that by meeting EEO requirement s there will be a corresponding decline in performance...and a rise in bitching and moaning. they were entitled to be hired as the firm I protect is scared of the ACLU.

I had to borrow ALL my tuition, 2 Bachelor s and a Master s cuz I had the misfortune of being born white.

If I d been black or any other race.. I d have qualified for free school or damn near here in the darkest dumbest fattest state in the country.

Pointing out the reality of societal trends and it s impending doom is racist ? 7 billion ? Get rid of 5 won t affect anyone I know or love.

I m not a racist I m a realist..and the reality is that in this country, entitlements need to go.

Why do we want to provide health care for non productive people. You get out what out what you put in.. period.

The truth hurts.

And if a soldier forget s his D L , he can rattle off a DOB, a sociol security, an address and that will correspond with his tag. I doubt a soldier would be so careless and if he was then he ll be admonished, bailed out...I bet he won t foget it again.

You can have the "We re all created equal ideal" go hug a tree and embrace all people and wish em well and provide free food and housing and food...for what ? To encourage em do less and make more worthless people like em ?

This is my opinion only and I don wish to offend but I m offended everytime some worthless fuck come s here, 31 yr s old, 6 child support..drawing 1300 buck s in food stamps, 1700 in Section 8 and has a ssi check to boot cus "I se got anxieties !!" I bet you do u dumb ass breeder. Her profession is on her entitlement whore..see it all day every day.
i didnt go through all the posts to see if anyone called it, but this is obvious photoshop...i kinda laughed when i was reading the sign he held.

Anyways i believe the people that got here illegally as kids deserve a chance to become citizens. They shouldnt pay for their parents mistakes. If they got no criminal record they want to study work and pay taxes then why not.

I live in a polish/lithuanian neighborhood and know many of those people...few of them are my closest friends and to be honest none of em ever been on a welfare or collected ANY money from the government

Anyways! the damn picture is a fake get real ppl
I love my boy. And there s a reason I have ONE. I like nice stuff..and HE LL never attend a public school with all the b/s I see going on there.

If you got 6 kids and have a sub standard standard of living because of it...not my fault.

And I agree..children are a blessing..but if you can t feed your progeny you need to be sterilized cuz I m tired of feeding OTHER people kids.

If your on welfare your done breeding till you put in the system more than you take out.

Are there irresponsible white folks ??? Hell yes..they need to be sterilized as well.

I ve said it before, I love latin culture P, Barcelona is one of my favorite places...and 2 of my best guards are black. 1 has 6 kids from 3 women and is alway s scared of going to jail for ducking child support. I like him but we live by the choice s we make.

German, White Russia and most Nordic countries are are seeing population flatten ( except for immigrants ) cuz they have enough common sense to not breed themselves into a lower standard of living.

Lets do an empirical analysis of which race pay s in vs take s out of the system.
It ll be ugly. The truth alway s is..

We live in a system of such excess even poor people are fat..obese. And that s my fault to, right ?

If your a non white and dont have a college education it s cuz you don t want one...cuz it s free or almost. Your gonna be a rapper , a sports star or a thug blaming whitey...again. I m over it.

3 strikes and your shot. I ll do it..gladly. Ammo s cheap...incarceration is expensive.

The last 6 of 7 people hired in the building I protect were of female Afro origin and I QUARANTEE that by meeting EEO requirement s there will be a corresponding decline in performance...and a rise in bitching and moaning. they were entitled to be hired as the firm I protect is scared of the ACLU.

I had to borrow ALL my tuition, 2 Bachelor s and a Master s cuz I had the misfortune of being born white.

If I d been black or any other race.. I d have qualified for free school or damn near here in the darkest dumbest fattest state in the country.

Pointing out the reality of societal trends and it s impending doom is racist ? 7 billion ? Get rid of 5 won t affect anyone I know or love.

I m not a racist I m a realist..and the reality is that in this country, entitlements need to go.

Why do we want to provide health care for non productive people. You get out what out what you put in.. period.

The truth hurts.

And if a soldier forget s his D L , he can rattle off a DOB, a sociol security, an address and that will correspond with his tag. I doubt a soldier would be so careless and if he was then he ll be admonished, bailed out...I bet he won t foget it again.

You can have the "We re all created equal ideal" go hug a tree and embrace all people and wish em well and provide free food and housing and food...for what ? To encourage em do less and make more worthless people like em ?

This is my opinion only and I don wish to offend but I m offended everytime some worthless fuck come s here, 31 yr s old, 6 child support..drawing 1300 buck s in food stamps, 1700 in Section 8 and has a ssi check to boot cus "I se got anxieties !!" I bet you do u dumb ass breeder. Her profession is on her entitlement whore..see it all day every day.

i would normally bust your balls for posting this twice, but it was so refreshingly good that I'm gonna let it go. lol

Couldn't have said it better myself brother. Entitlement has become this nations noose.
I love my boy. And there s a reason I have ONE. I like nice stuff..and HE LL never attend a public school with all the b/s I see going on there.

If you got 6 kids and have a sub standard standard of living because of it...not my fault.

And I agree..children are a blessing..but if you can t feed your progeny you need to be sterilized cuz I m tired of feeding OTHER people kids.

If your on welfare your done breeding till you put in the system more than you take out.

Are there irresponsible white folks ??? Hell yes..they need to be sterilized as well.

I ve said it before, I love latin culture P, Barcelona is one of my favorite places...and 2 of my best guards are black. 1 has 6 kids from 3 women and is alway s scared of going to jail for ducking child support. I like him but we live by the choice s we make.

German, White Russia and most Nordic countries are are seeing population flatten ( except for immigrants ) cuz they have enough common sense to not breed themselves into a lower standard of living.

Lets do an empirical analysis of which race pay s in vs take s out of the system.
It ll be ugly. The truth alway s is..

We live in a system of such excess even poor people are fat..obese. And that s my fault to, right ?

If your a non white and dont have a college education it s cuz you don t want one...cuz it s free or almost. Your gonna be a rapper , a sports star or a thug blaming whitey...again. I m over it.

3 strikes and your shot. I ll do it..gladly. Ammo s cheap...incarceration is expensive.

The last 6 of 7 people hired in the building I protect were of female Afro origin and I QUARANTEE that by meeting EEO requirement s there will be a corresponding decline in performance...and a rise in bitching and moaning. they were entitled to be hired as the firm I protect is scared of the ACLU.

I had to borrow ALL my tuition, 2 Bachelor s and a Master s cuz I had the misfortune of being born white.

If I d been black or any other race.. I d have qualified for free school or damn near here in the darkest dumbest fattest state in the country.

Pointing out the reality of societal trends and it s impending doom is racist ? 7 billion ? Get rid of 5 won t affect anyone I know or love.

I m not a racist I m a realist..and the reality is that in this country, entitlements need to go.

Why do we want to provide health care for non productive people. You get out what out what you put in.. period.

The truth hurts.

And if a soldier forget s his D L , he can rattle off a DOB, a sociol security, an address and that will correspond with his tag. I doubt a soldier would be so careless and if he was then he ll be admonished, bailed out...I bet he won t foget it again.

You can have the "We re all created equal ideal" go hug a tree and embrace all people and wish em well and provide free food and housing and food...for what ? To encourage em do less and make more worthless people like em ?

This is my opinion only and I don wish to offend but I m offended everytime some worthless fuck come s here, 31 yr s old, 6 child support..drawing 1300 buck s in food stamps, 1700 in Section 8 and has a ssi check to boot cus "I se got anxieties !!" I bet you do u dumb ass breeder. Her profession is on her entitlement whore..see it all day every day.

That was the sound of the truth flying by.
Little rugged but accurate.
I love my boy. And there s a reason I have ONE. I like nice stuff..and HE LL never attend a public school with all the b/s I see going on there.

If you got 6 kids and have a sub standard standard of living because of it...not my fault.

And I agree..children are a blessing..but if you can t feed your progeny you need to be sterilized cuz I m tired of feeding OTHER people kids.

If your on welfare your done breeding till you put in the system more than you take out.

Are there irresponsible white folks ??? Hell yes..they need to be sterilized as well.

I ve said it before, I love latin culture P, Barcelona is one of my favorite places...and 2 of my best guards are black. 1 has 6 kids from 3 women and is alway s scared of going to jail for ducking child support. I like him but we live by the choice s we make.

German, White Russia and most Nordic countries are are seeing population flatten ( except for immigrants ) cuz they have enough common sense to not breed themselves into a lower standard of living.

Lets do an empirical analysis of which race pay s in vs take s out of the system.
It ll be ugly. The truth alway s is..

We live in a system of such excess even poor people are fat..obese. And that s my fault to, right ?

If your a non white and dont have a college education it s cuz you don t want one...cuz it s free or almost. Your gonna be a rapper , a sports star or a thug blaming whitey...again. I m over it.

3 strikes and your shot. I ll do it..gladly. Ammo s cheap...incarceration is expensive.

The last 6 of 7 people hired in the building I protect were of female Afro origin and I QUARANTEE that by meeting EEO requirement s there will be a corresponding decline in performance...and a rise in bitching and moaning. they were entitled to be hired as the firm I protect is scared of the ACLU.

I had to borrow ALL my tuition, 2 Bachelor s and a Master s cuz I had the misfortune of being born white.

If I d been black or any other race.. I d have qualified for free school or damn near here in the darkest dumbest fattest state in the country.

Pointing out the reality of societal trends and it s impending doom is racist ? 7 billion ? Get rid of 5 won t affect anyone I know or love.

I m not a racist I m a realist..and the reality is that in this country, entitlements need to go.

Why do we want to provide health care for non productive people. You get out what out what you put in.. period.

The truth hurts.

And if a soldier forget s his D L , he can rattle off a DOB, a sociol security, an address and that will correspond with his tag. I doubt a soldier would be so careless and if he was then he ll be admonished, bailed out...I bet he won t foget it again.

You can have the "We re all created equal ideal" go hug a tree and embrace all people and wish em well and provide free food and housing and food...for what ? To encourage em do less and make more worthless people like em ?

This is my opinion only and I don wish to offend but I m offended everytime some worthless fuck come s here, 31 yr s old, 6 child support..drawing 1300 buck s in food stamps, 1700 in Section 8 and has a ssi check to boot cus "I se got anxieties !!" I bet you do u dumb ass breeder. Her profession is on her entitlement whore..see it all day every day.
