uncle z

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Real deal

Update: it has now been 30 days since I placed my domestic order. Everybodys personal experience is different and I have heard all good things about uncle and I know he will take care of this. I haven't emailed him yet because I know he's very busy but getting kind of nervous now.not bashn anybody just updating my experience. I wiil email him today and keep y'all posted because I know alot of you wonder about this.

Update: sweeeeeeet. Ok it did take a little longer than expected but I have to say z came through a 100% I'm a regular guy with a regular life and for my really first time ordering I have to say uncle is g2g. And with a sweet discount on my next one for the delay. Thanks
Update: sweeeeeeet. Ok it did take a little longer than expected but I have to say z came through a 100% I'm a regular guy with a regular life and for my really first time ordering I have to say uncle is g2g. And with a sweet discount on my next one for the delay. Thanks

How did you get the problem resolved to get your order?
ordered from Z earlier this year, got some painful gear, do to too much BA. Told Z about it about 3 months after I received the gear and he refunded my whole order. The resend took about 4 weeks, but i cant complain. Will return to Z in the future.
I guess I'm part of the US delays. I was expecting to have my package by now but I still find myself dissapointed everytime I go to the mailbox. Trying to be patient but hopefully it comes through sooon!! The first few weeks I was cool with it but now I'm starting to feel as though i've been ripped off.
^^^^You're not ripped off bro. He is a good guy and all will work out man, Just be patient with him he will come through. I know it seems like forever when your waiting on gear but just hang in there and be patient he will deliver. I'd bet my left nut on it. Just remember he has alot of customers he will get to you
^^^^You're not ripped off bro. He is a good guy and all will work out man, Just be patient with him he will come through. I know it seems like forever when your waiting on gear but just hang in there and be patient he will deliver. I'd bet my left nut on it. Just remember he has alot of customers he will get to you

same here. have domestic inj. order, placed end of june. week ago been told pack was sent, but still nothing in my friendly mailbox..
^^^If he told you pack was sent and its not there you should contact him. If you already have then you should just wait. I would only contact him once a week, If it doesn't show up by Friday, contact him, see what he says and if not there the following Friday contact him again. No need to be blowing up his email everyday. He will get it sorted out you just have to be patient. He is a good guy with quality buisness ethics. Just relax and give him time to work it out and it will come. No need to come on here with one post and bitch that nothing is coming. I had a delay as well but he came through like I knew he would. Patience my friend
I had the same issue. But I didn't blow up his email and I waited patiently while biting my nails every day it's only natural to worry when there's money involved. But z will take care of it, he always does. Thousands of customers. But Z is G2G.
its been 3 weeks... Z email me and said sorry for delay and was shipped last week..

guess will have to see..
Look guys this shit aint 7-11. There are no time outs, disqualification, or substitutions. You pay your money and you take your chances. If you choose to go with a source you are trusting them with your money, your health, and your freedom that everything is G2G. You got to understand that your order is one of many and that people are doing the best that they can. Z is safe a reliable and has never done anyone wrong. If you have a complaint take it up with him and keep your business to yourself. There are countless testimonies from people saying that they were taken care of and that things are as they should be. Coming on here and blasting someone without ever really giving them a chance is wrong and it is stupid considering that if you do piss your source off there is no way you can report them. Be cool and be considerate and you will recieve and bounty of good fortune.
Im not bitching.. just saying my status...

snjRAW.....u will... just email him again.. dont pm him on ology..
Im not bitching.. just saying my status...

snjRAW.....u will... just email him again.. dont pm him on ology..

emailed a few days ago... not gunna be one of those cocks who emails him daily tho lol,, thatd make me wanna hold sumones pack a little longer myself lol
Sounds like a lot of people are in the same boat at this point. The question is where is the proplem and why is it taking so long?
^^^^I would be willing to bet the root of the problem goes back to when he was out of stock on domestic and he is still playing catch up. I would bet in a couple months he should be caught up
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