uncle z

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^^^Maybe..... But he responded to everyone of my emails so I have no complaints except a delay and it was squared away so he gets credit in my book. And I'm not saying thats the problem cuz I dont know, its just my guess.
^^^^I would be willing to bet the root of the problem goes back to when he was out of stock on domestic and he is still playing catch up. I would bet in a couple months he should be caught up

hope thats not the prob being that i ordered human grade lol
^^^^^Now that your guess is good as mine???? I dont know, But I know he came through for me

yeah i no .. im not questioning the fact of if ill get it or not,,, just wish i had a time frame so i can get the rest of the shit i need ordered.....btw,, anyone know if when ordering raws form him if it takes any longer of a time to get it or not?? or same standard shiping times??
be patient like others have said he has alot of customers. it will come hes g2g take the extra time to dial in diet theres always need for improvement.
I know someone sitting on 65g of tren a, 90 g of Winstrol (winny), 40g of test e, and 65g of test c every bit of it got to me with no problems. If somebody was gonna get burned it would not be you guys getting a cycle here and there. Just be cool.

hey guys i have a friend who sent me z's link and i have been thinking the good uncle a chance. has anyone gotten burned?
So It's been almost a month and still no package... I sent an email on tuesday and no reply. This is really starting to piss me off I ordered domestic for a reason and thats so I could have it by now and I can't help but think I've been ripped off. I really hope I'm wrong and Z will make this right but at the moment I am very unsatisfied with my experience with him.

we repaly for all email check your spam control, we write everyone about usa delays and i wnat to say sorry for this


we repaly for all email check your spam control, we write everyone about usa delays and i wnat to say sorry for this


definantly not calling you a liar in any way,, but no spam control on my email and havnt recieved a reply...just hoping theres no misunderstanding somewhere in my ordering process
Vouch for that...

Man you just have to be patient. Bro he is a true professional. I know I havent posted and my not have the cred but I have ordered and ordered recently & for a few years so you just have to be patient, he is a true professional. He will come through.

I have to say uncle is g2g. I ordered domestic and I did have a little delay but I got my stuff as promised. I was skeptical about ordering like this period from anybody as a normal person would. But he didn't dissapoint.patience is a virtue.
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